The current problem with feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yvtq8k3n The 7, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    I think there should be a better distribution of the feat value. A player should get more from their initial skill points, but the further it use the less negligible the stats points become.
    Currently, the system is almost linear, 270 SP almost translates into 270 of a given stat, the 10% you get when you use 100 SP is interesting, but it doesn't really moves the needle.

    I believe in a logarithmic approach. I could suggest a few implementations, but the initial SP usage should matter so much that players could consider the possibility to unlock them even if is not the most important to their role.

    Tank Example:
    Dom stats
    1 SP grants - 20K Dom
    ...(Other values in between)
    100 SP grants - 50 Dom
    ...(Other Values in between)
    300 SP grants - 3 Dom

    Resto Stats
    1 SP grants - 20K Resto

    Would you consider wasting 20 SP in resto? Instead of full Dom?
  2. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    The current system is geared towards promoting SP certainly more than CR differential did whereas SP was completely irrelevant in performance. However it seems like its catering a lot towards people with low SP... Because after you get 100 SP in a given slot and get that 10% bonus, anything more is a hat on a hat or icing on the cake. Not really contributing towards you in meaningful amounts. Personally I think they should adjust it slightly wherein for everyone 100 pts in a stat gives you an extra 10%. Because right now I have 664 SP and can max out everything a dps could possibly ever need and now I'm just putting SP into health because I can't put anymore into might/prec. And same with my heal/troll toons. Hell, I'm putting SP into dom now on my healer because resto, crits and power is maxed out. The only build where I actually have a ton of headway to make to max out a build is tank. Because they use health, dom and resto (resto for extra shield strength).
  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Just no
    Your system massivly de-incentivises grinding more SP.
    Your system is backward. Talk about diminishing returns smfh holy smokes.
    How bout to get the 20k dom or 25k resto in your examples you need 500+ sp. that im on board with. Want the bonus? Then grind the sp
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The CR skippers would love it though....OP right off the ship with all 80 SP or so.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    My problem with the current way of obtaining SP (1 SP = 100 Feat points) is that a lot of them are tied to group efforts. The whole group has to perform xyz in order to get the feat. I am of the opinion it should be an individual accomplishment only to measure that individual’s skills and not the group effort skills.
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  6. xm3n3hun3 Well-Known Player

    resto for extra shield strength? are you kidding? and you are close to or are at max sp????
    just odd to me...

    - before the devs put into the toon descriptions dom and resto -
    we players guessed the dom/resto combo .... partly due also to the fact that there were no plans way back then that were of the dom/resto combo - you could get every other combo plan, but not dom/resto - so if you spec'd yourself for it (as a tank [except ice] or as a healer) the performance was seen in raids - far easier .... and for awhile if you ran w/omni gear - even though your CR was lower, your heals would top the other healer by a lot.... though IMHO it's still better to run elite content w/2 heals and often 2 tanks if you want all the feats...

    when atomic was introduced it just it made it more apparent dom+resto makes it far easier
    you would think that with fire and earth that dom/resto would prevail as well as with rage, but between nerfing of powers and changing the way the game played I can understand all the resulting confusion

    but then again.... we don't have a real testing area/arena for healing - thus in the end the toon description was added to help players, rather than opinion....

    still we do go thru unexpected nerfing from the devs or silent nerfing as I call it.

    imagine if they really cared to split PC from PS4/5 players
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  7. inferno Loyal Player

    I would use skill points to modify all our powers.
    For example, I would use Skill points to invest on a power that could lower its cooldown period.
    Skill points could be used to increase damage ticks of a power.
    It could be used to lengthen a group shield duration.
    Heck, skill points can be used to increase visual display of a power, for all I care.

    There has to be a reason to be collecting Skill points. We are almost 700 skill points and I don't have any idea why. I almost have enough skill points as a dps to fill both might and precision stats.

    I would like to be able to have so much skill points that I can modify a tank power where a Boss cannot leave me because it's scripted to walk away or lunge at a group.

    I would like to be able to have so much skill points that I can modify a Healer's shield so that a Scripted one shot of a Boss can be blunted effectively.

    I would like to be able to have so much skill points that as a troller I can... wait, what good is a troller now again? Why have we abandoned trolls? I would re-examine this role. Create a power that a Troll can invest on so they have a sense of forewarning of whatever major attacks a boss will do. Boss One shots can be crippled with a damage de-buff with enough skill points. Stun groups for longer with enough SP.

    Powers have been difficult to balance in the lifetime of this game. Let players have the ability to fix it with skill points.
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  8. BumblingB I got better.

    There are too much benefit to your system to new players and not much to long time players that did work hard for most of their feats. (I say most, as there are some that you just buy or sneeze and get.)

    I understand the concept you are talking about, it would promote more "spreading" the skill points than just focusing on one stat, but the developers decided that was the normal course of action. Which is why to gain power, you have to spec into might. Which doesn't benefit most other roles. They want us to go down linearly to one stat.

    Also, holy smokes, your diminishing returns is ridiculous. LOL There would be no point after a certain number to ever want to play more of the game.

    Oh and, they wont do it because drive for time capsule feats would go down. lol </tinfoilhat>
  9. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Its an MMO
    Its the point of the game.
    Cut your mic on and communicate and coordinate. Thats the entire point of this
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  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Respectfully, no, skill points should reflect my skills, my skills alone, not the skills of a group.
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  11. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    I love this idea honestly.

    Although the devs may have to rework the tactical mods a bit. We have tactical mods that decrease cool down for certain powers already. I would imagine that the game COULD become unbalanced if we have a tactical mod that decreases cool down on top of the skill point decreases.

    I know that we are pushing 700 sp(I think) available to earn. I personally have about 380ish now. I'm kinda meh on the getting more sp thing because I don't see a point to it personally. I know I could drop anything else I get into prec, hralth6, etc. I do pretty decent as is though. If I could put so into increasing damage of a lower or reducing cool down..i would be all about getting the sp.

    Again, just my personal opinion. Some will hate it..others may like it. I'm ok either way
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If your personal skill set ends at group coordination perhaps you shouldn't be upset when other people have more SP than you.
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  13. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    You are completely missing the point. A successful group experience is not a measure of my personal skills. I'm saying skill points should be entirely tied your skills as a player regardless of how good or bad the other 7 are in a raid or what have you. Besides, when I can get skill points from collecting this set of gear or that mat, how is it a true measure of me and my skills as a player?

    But whatever. Get your skill points from where ever you can get them but don't judge someone on they're amount of skill points.
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  14. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    It will be a weird answer but if you get that skill point from collecting a gear set or material that means you have will or cash or patience to earn it. And having those "skills" in you, in some degree, they count as skill. Some players just lack of them or simply ignore it so you become better of them in that field.

    I know those "skills" do not truly transfer to your actual gameplay skill but it is what it is.
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  15. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I think it comes down to a difference of opinion on what is considered, when it comes to skill.

    Some will not look at skill the same way as others, whether through strong opinions, past experiences or from other titles, while others see skills not just based entirely on personal preference, past experiences with MMOs in general or taking direction from what is considered skill in the game.

    Personally it takes more than just running content to become skilled, but that is just my opinion.

    As far as the topic goes, those who have worked for their SP shouldn't be penalized for earning them, no matter the manner, it should standout more as to inspire others to work towards it.

    The problem though is reaching a point as to trivialize the content and creating an environment that is less attractive to get into, where someone who is not well versed as to how things work or who lacks the motivation to delve into the system due to their own engagement into the game whether new or through their own perception of what is needed of them.

    2 different views, both work within a certain means, but in either case it shouldn't be to penalize those who put in the effort and succeed, while also as it is now encourages other not to even want to try.

    Success or failure is not guaranteed, but increases with each SP earned as more is gained than lost with each feat that is properly earned.

    I will also add, the fastest way to destroy the game is not by decreasing value of what is beneficial to any given player but taking the ability away from players in general.

    Chasing feats definitely helps in more ways than just by building up stats.

    It improves the player all around skill in the game and connects them to even more engagement both physically and mentally, it takes a whole lot of patience to get SP and becomes easier as players find themselves and others who are also focused to be better.
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  16. Plowed In Loyal Player

    There’s a tremendous amount of skill involved in coordinating a group feat. The last 10 resumes I’ve looked at all list “communication” in some form or another under “Skills.”

    FWIW - Those that struggle with it tend to overlook its importance.
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  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’ll have all of you to know I have achieved plenty of group feats but it is still my contention a group feat does not reflect on the skill(s) of an individual player just as obtaining a feat of receiving a collection does not make one a skilled player.
  18. Plowed In Loyal Player

    That’s fine, it just seems like an unnecessary stand to take. Working in cadence as a group does take skill:

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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    True. I concede your point.
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  20. JailhouseBat Active Player

    I definitely see your point. I have seen players with 500+ sp that mostly benefited from knowing good players that would invite them to good feat groups.
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