The Batman Cowl

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Retired Red Robin, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    I'm glad dcuo gave these people the batman cowl but when are we going to see some new characters like Grifter and Team 7 or be presented as part of the dcuo mythos.
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  2. Dezaras Loyal Player

    After Firestorm, Red Hood, the Legion of Superheroes, Blue Beetle, The Atom, other characters who I'd rather see ahead of Grifter and co. I hope.

    Not that I don't wanna see Grifter, I'm just not as familiar with him.
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  3. Retired Red Robin Well-Known Player

    Well since dcuo is working closer to dc we might see it happen. Also try and get familiar with Grifter and co cause they have amazing well based characters
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That's because they started out in a company that cared, hence why DC bought out the competition :p
  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Big WildStorm fan I see???

    Not to crazy about the Wildstorm characters...... and from the looks of it.... neither are DC right now.... Or most DC fans for that matter.

    It is kind of ironic that we do not see them characters created by Jim Lee in a game where Jim Lee was the main designer.

    Ahhhh. sweet irony. ;)

    As was mentioned.... there are a LOT of characters that I would like to see in DCUO long before we see any Wildstorm characters.

    Mainly.... the Legion of Super-Heroes.

    Also remember how..... was it Loche??? who said something like the Azrael Batman would never be in the game for as long as he lived.... or something like that. ;) ;)

    Well the Wildstorm characters are pretty much from the same era and they are pretty much cut from the same cloth.
    So I would not expect to see them in DCUO any time soon.
  6. Vesper Dedicated Player

    YES! This game NEEDS more Tyroc.

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  7. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Daybreak is happy also to give it to the community...;)

  8. Backseid Devoted Player

    What does the Batman cowl have to do with the request of those characters???
  9. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Uhh, maybe because people were clamouring for it for years, OPie obviously figured if it worked for some crappy over-priced gear, it might work for more characters
  10. Multiverse Creator League

    What is the saying again???

    "One Bat Cowl a day keeps the Villains away."

    Or something like that. ;) ;)
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    People wanting a Batman cowl is on a whole other level.

    I never even heard of the characters mentioned on the OP.
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  12. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Because DC bought the characters, and then buried them
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  13. Backseid Devoted Player

    Where did wildcats come from? That kinda sounds familiar. Is it at least 25yrs old?
  14. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Sounds about right, one of the 'independent' companies, believe it may have been Image (or Top Cow)
  15. Backseid Devoted Player

    Aha! I thought so. I likely have the first issues then. It was like Gen 13 style wise yeah? That's another old one I used to get when image first came out (have the first several Spawns too :) )
  16. Dynagirl Committed Player

    All those are Wildstorm characters, they were big in the 90s and mostly created by Jim Lee. WildC.A.T.S. was probably their most famous team book they had for the general public. The even had a cartoon way back when with a great theme. :D

    But, then again a lot of independent comic book superheroes had cartoons back in the day. I remember Malibu Comic's Ultraforce and Erik Larson's Savage Dragon had their own cartoon shows.
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  17. Multiverse Creator League

    Look at all the fun you can get with the Batman Cowl. ;) ;)
    EDIT... P.S. Those are all different characters. :eek:
  18. Multiverse Creator League

    Holy Crap!!
    How could I be some EVIL!!!
    I forgot to include the Composite Batman Superman. ;) ;)
  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Can remember way back in the day when the Malibu (or was it Image? who 'Savage Dragon' was with) artists all swapped books for one issue, got all of them :D

    Anyone remember 'X-O Manowar'? Had his ring once, a real metal ring, but unfortunately it got stolen when took it off to play an arcade game and foolishly put it on the machine instead of pocket, after finishing the game took no more than three steps away and some female horse-canine stole it (yes, it was me who left it there, but was still within range and turned right back, even went up to the counter asking if anyone had handed it in, and she was within earshot to have heard me)
  20. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah... I had to add the Batman of Earth 0.....
    BATzArr0.... the Reverse Batman. ;)

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