The Avenging Legends

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Richard Raul, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Richard Raul New Player

    [US PS3] The Avenging Legends are recruiting active Legendary players. We are a small, close-knit group seeking to expand our ranks. Officers are CR 80+. Applicants are preferred to be CR 53+ but we'll help you gear up either way. Either reply here or you can send me, Richard Raul, a message in-game. Have a good day.
  2. Richard Raul New Player

  3. DrMagic New Player

    I'm Looking for a league: Sorcery Healer, CR78, Was in a league for 2 years which fell apart in the last 2 months. ALso have a Fire/DPS with similar cr/78.

    DrMagic - Healer
    DrHeat - DPS
  4. Jr Ace New Player

    cr83 fire dps looking for a league, hit me up. my hero name is Jr Ace
  5. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Do you guys run t5 raids?
  6. Richard Raul New Player

    Sent you each a message in game, DrMagic and Jr Ace. To expand on my first post, I'm actively recruiting bc a large number of our members just stopped playing the game. Before that, we had weekly activities such as raids, trivia, pvp/Legends. As it stands now, we currently have about 8 actual members plus alts. I myself don't play my alts really. Also, we don't require mics as most of us use keyboards. We don't mind helping new recruits gear up. When our numbers were up, I had very little free time in-game bc i was the strongest healer in the league. Once we get enough members, we'll start the weekly raids and what not back up. If you have anymore questions, just let me know.

    -Richard Raul-
  7. Richard Raul New Player

    Recruiting is still open. I will post if that changes. As always, I can be reached here or in-game.
  8. Dark VVolverine New Player

  9. Richard Raul New Player

    Recruiting is going well. We are up to 27 members plus alts. Once again, we are looking for Legendary subscribers or players with all DLCs. No CR requirement. We will help you gear up.