The 2 Things the Fire Community Want Post U23

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Soulburn32, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Tocimus Committed Player

    you do realize this is in reference to circe complaining in every fire thread that there is more then one fire thread right?

    now lets move the fire tank stuff to kristyana's thread and get back to moving crap around and the 100% sc.
  2. Kristyana New Player

    That's annoying. I usually have to jump up over their heads instead of rolling.
  3. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    nah i had to ignore circe sorry if you were attacking him
    my mistake he deserves whatever he gets
  4. Tocimus Committed Player

    so in reference to moving powers around in a tree, i posted this in a range dps fire thread when someone claimed they cant get everything they "need".

  5. raaddd Well-Known Player

    LOL this idea was brought up a lot in the discussion. I even spit a few ideas similar to the 25% sc. The fire form was something I wanted but the effects for eternal flame are good too.

    I hope they change Eternal Flame to 50%. Ice Elemental got reduced so why not Eternal Flame???
  6. Ultimate Alpha Well-Known Player

    Indeed. I agree with Soulburn.

    Let's clear up a few things. First, this thread is about 2 changes to Fire tanking - so all of the Fire DPS that are focused on those powers, please go play elsewhere. Second, these are two useful suggestions that would be easy fixes. Bastion was changed quickly from a 100% SC to a 50% after the update. EF could be as well. I have never used nor needed to use a 100% SC as a tank. Reignition with an FOS neck is spammable.

    I, too, argued that immolation and enflame should be combined as essentially redundant powers. BUT, they just finished a multi-month overhaul of the power-set and decided NOT to implement that change. Little hope of them doing it now.

    Fire tanks already have to spend about approx 109 skill points to max out our self-healing. That is more SP than any other class to max out on our role-specific potential. Switching SC and SF would save those tanks a power point - which is good because we have to spend a power point on an iconic pull - due to our lack of a ranged, immediate pull.

    These fixes would be Very Popular to those that they would help. They would be not have any negative effect on anyone else. They would be easy to implement. So, it seems like a no brainer.

    I'm not saying that they shouldn't try to fix the Meteor or look at buffing Stoke Flames based on the numbers of adds burning, but those fixes are more complex. Soulburn, and those of us trying to advocate for these two reasonable improvements, are simply trying to put effort into battles that we think we might be able to win, rather than raging against the"dying of the light" so to speak.

    Where were all of you and your feedback before they implemented GU 23? I know where Soulburn was - on the testing forums. Don't condemn one of our Fiery brethren just because you have a differing opinion. I've got a lot of time for deeds; not a lot of time for empty words.
  7. Magnificent Loyal Player

    ^This. It's all about using game mechanics to fullest effect. Not only am I dragging things closer to me, I'm healing myself while I do it (and with well over 1k Resto as well as all the+% healing increase innates, that's a lot of work off the healers' backs).
  8. Magnificent Loyal Player

    lol! I wouldn't trust a PUG enough to go into BD
  9. Reyleonard New Player

    First off great post soulburn! I like and support your idea's about EF, and anyone else who has posted to a already post thread about this issue. Maybe if they see the same posted thread over and over they might do something about it. And while they are at it look into the pull speed of backdraft, cause at the moment it pull as fast as epic center does for earth tank.
  10. Tocimus Committed Player

    which backdraft did first, and has always done. how bout the tinker with epicenter instead.
  11. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I actually don't see half the threads on this forum because of the new ignore option. Very handy.
  12. raaddd Well-Known Player

    Aww they didnt change Eternal Flame in the hotfix :eek:
    • Like x 1
  13. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Its probably 2 early but it would been super sweet.

    I just wonder if Mepps and crew are even reading these threads with any real intentions of making changes.
  14. Sytenia Committed Player

    That has always worked for me, I've never used a long range single target pull for tanking with fire and have never needed it.

    Even if you want to taunt something at range send a fireball their way which knocks them over and makes them angry at you so they will come towards you after they get back up anyway.
    I think this is even more effective in most situations as it takes longer before they can start attacking you and during that time they will be on their backs or making their way over to you so also not damaging your team members.
    Fireball is also great for knocking over gold sentries in FoS3 to buy time for the team.
  15. Bonemonkey627 New Player

    Two Changes ? A super-Charge ? Really! Out of everything wrong with Fire right now you are pointing out two useless junky items no one even cares about. Are we really worried about the order and location of the powers right now ? I agree with fixing the order of powrers , but these two things are way-below my order of priority right now !!!

    Fire got put out in Game Nerf 23 !!!!
  16. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Are these the only things on my list or the communities list? - No
    Do these 2 corrections have the most support currently on the forums? -Yes
    Are these easy fixes that are realistic for after going live on U23? - Yes

    Feel free to post your own list Bone, the more threads about fire the better.
  17. Bonemonkey627 New Player

    Im sorry i dont share your same feelings. I want the bigger issues fix'ed Asap and the small ones later . Major changes like these have effected fire players across the server .. From Pc and PS3 .. Its only fair they address the major issues they truly got wrong in the first place .. You start from the top and work your way down , not the other way around..

    Im not saying i dont want them changes you are asking for, I just want them to start at the bigger problems , then the little ones..

    Mental was Crazy OP , In no time Boom Fix'ed .. Yet we get no answers from them !!! I think we are truly waisting are time .. They got Fire wrong in Nerf 23 ... What makes us think their gonna get it right now ?
  18. Dump Truck New Player

    I would just like some acknowledgement from a developer. Nothing pointing out how/if they will address it. Just something saying. "We've read your suggestions, thank you" would be fine.
  19. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

  20. Lokkii Committed Player

    "We are reviewing feedback, but nothing specific to share. You may need to adjust your loadout if it's not working for you. [Mepps]"