Thanks for dropping enrage timers in the new ops

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kristyana, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Kristyana New Player

    Just wanted to say, compared to Nexus and Paradox, I've thoroughly enjoyed the new content. For the first time since Origin Crisis hit, I've felt excited when a DPS has gone down.

    Well, maybe not excited so much as "Time to step up our game finish this fight!" as opposed to "Crap, one of the DPS died. Wipe it." It's so refreshing to get that feeling again. It feels like the old raids again and I love it.

    When you put in an enrage timer that's not dependent on mechanics and based solely on how long the fight's dragged on, you do nothing but turn the fight into a DPS race regardless of any other mechanics in the fight.

    It feels nice to know that you can complete the fights with a slow, steady burn as opposed to "kill it as fast as possible."

    Hope this means we're going to start seeing a change back to some of the feel of the older raids that had mechanics and aren't just a "lets see how big a number I can put on the scoreboard" grindfest.
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  2. TheDark Devoted Player

    Placing enrage timers is just a poorly thought out way to make things "difficult". The OP isn't hard. It's unique. I like the charge attacks a boss has in there (including Paradox). The maze is fun and requires communication. You can pretty much tell which mindset of players finds it annoying. All of sudden no more spam fest so you know who is going to cry.

    Puzzles, engaging objectives for roles/team as a whole, and interesting NPC mechanics keep these instances interesting.

    That whole era of raids for D.P.S. players who don't know how to interpret the scoreboard and chase numbers because its just apply burn needs to end. That becomes boring even in damage stance. There is nothing difficult about just applying burn among 3+ overgeared DPS players. Unless of course they glitch everything and don't know how to use their high stats.
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  3. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    A few of the older raids have enrage timers. They are just really, really long.
  4. Kristyana New Player

    Couldn't agree more, TheDark.

    The new content is challenging. Dox/Nexus is punishing. There's a big difference there.
  5. TheDark Devoted Player

    Yup. I wouldn't even mind if the enrage timers were around the same time as them. But clearly having them too early promotes a certain mentality.