Thank you Mepps, and Development Team for not caving

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DC REBIRTH, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    I want to take the time to thank you guys for not caving to all the crying on these forums.

    The powers are fine. I have seen every power at the top of the leader board. I have seen every power at the bottom. These guys talk about balance just so dev team will nerf every power except for the one they use.

    It's all just 1 big ego trip. Ocourse if you guys got rid of the scoreboard, these issues would essentially vanish.
    These guys look at the scoreboard then use all these there own methods for testing. Pay them no mind.
    They are going to cry no matter how many adjustments to powers you make. If you listen to them. It will be perpetual and infinite cry fest.

    Best just to cut them off. No more adjustments. Time to learn your powers and builds. Dev did your job well.

    Again, thank you for the revamp and thank you for not caving.
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  2. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Is there a way you can phrase your posts so you're not trolling people? Like maybe just give you feedback and not bring other people into it? Otherwise I have a feeling we all know where this thread is going to end up, again.
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  3. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I promise I will stay out of this thread... ahh crap.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Just not worth it at this point. Honestly its probably better to ignore and move on.
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  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    They didn't cave yet because the forums can't come to a conclusion about anything. When people can put their big boy pants on and finally agree to work on this crap so we can prove/disprove power balance, then we shall see changes. As long as the forums remain how they are, pointing fingers at others, changes won't ever be made.
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  6. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    It's my opinion, and that is my feedback. And I am happy about the exact state of the game right now and I don't want them to listen to people who are trying to manipulate the game by a skewing information.

    Just because you don't like it, not my problem and you will need to deal with it, because I'm going to be here to defend the games current state everyday.

    Your welcome
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  7. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Eventually everyone will learn how to use everything to the best of its abilities, sadly until then we have to put up with constant complaints.
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  8. lfc09kris Well-Known Player

    Hear that mental players? Your power doesnt suck its just you apparently because your loadouts are garbage and you all lack sp.... but nature is completely balanced and doesnt need changed at all... get your head out of your *** op
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  9. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Yeah, It's pretty ridiculous....
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  10. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    To be fair, no one still hasn't made a side by side comparison video of mental vs nature (best load outs possible). Until then, you can't really expect any changes. I would do it but I don't feel like spending $30 worth of tokens to prove something to people when they can do it themselves, they're not my powers (well mental is, but I troll with it).
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  11. recoil Committed Player

    i do wish quantum, the power i switched to, had a non sc self heal but i just took out iceberg lounge solo something i couldn't do as nature pre revamp so i'm pretty much mutual. on one hand i'd be much more efficient and effective with a self heal but on the other still doing comparatively better.
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  12. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Um, I'm going to record my buddy in my league who currently uses mental and tops everything practically.

    It will clearly demonstrate that you have no idea what you and most of you people are doing. You honestly just don't know how to build or spec or loadout. That's not a slam. A lot of you are just inexperienced outside of AM. You never had to work m the to tune a characters build.

    When you see him topping, you guys need to do some serious introspection. I will have video up by wednesday
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  13. lfc09kris Well-Known Player

    Lets be real here, there is no comparison lmao. Natures best loadouts are already top dps by a large margain, i think the nature thread recently where it was shown multiple times to be putting out numbers that no other power has already reached was enough.. but hey crappy said its not even that good so what do i know.

    Im liking the revamp but im not liking the people defending crap thats obviously broken
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  14. lfc09kris Well-Known Player

    Genuinely one of the most deluded people ive seen on these forums and thats saying a lot. Your "buddy" beating garbage players with a garbage power doesnt mean anything. Show me him beating a top tier rage, elec, nature etc... because i guarantee it doesnt happen and your a fool to believe otherwise
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Here we go again, lol. Everybody buckle up.

    Side note: I like the point Fatal made yesterday. Well, not word for word, but essentially, what happened in the past is irrelevant at this point, since we can't change it even if we wanted to. So it's best to keep testing everything as if it were still on test and hasn't gone live yet.
    Will that change anything? I spoke with one of the devs and they assured me the team is looking at post-revamp the same as pre-revamp. In other words, nothing's set in stone at this point. If powersets are broken, they can still be fixed. If powersets aren't performing well enough, they can still be salvaged.
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  16. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Great! Now you just need to show to the devs it's broken and they can fix it, Not that I don't believe you or anything, I've seen the 20k+ parses used by gorilla form, but to be fair I can reach 20k with celestial if I have cursed idol out, so it could just be situational, I don't know. Anyway it's not my approval you guys need to be looking for, prove its outdoing every other power and present it to the devs so they can nerf it.
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  17. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    They don't want to learn. They want the deva to make them powerful and at the same time need other powers.

    The debs trust them and what they say they test.
    They take advantage of the devs nature.

    It's not going to happen amymore. Not on my watch. I fought for thus revamp for years. I'm not about to let the inexperienced players and there sniveling and downright falsehood and manipulations change the hard work the deva put into making sure each and every power has the ability to do great damage.

    Just because some of these people can't figure it out does not mean the power sucks.

    I heard some people saying gadgets is bad now when in reality my gadgets characters hits harder than my higher earth toon.

    So, I'm here to defend vehemently.
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  18. lfc09kris Well-Known Player

    I agree that its best to keep testing stuff and i plan on doing so myself and i do believe the devs will look at powers and adjust accordingly but i think its not best to start saying that its the players that dont know how to build a loadout or to get more sp when in reality there are powers that underperform and some the overperform yet people still defend it like its perfect and this is what annoys me most
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  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Sure mental needs some help no one is denying that its decent mid range but range not all that and natures roar needs to be looked at and even with the 2 super thing in content nature is no where near as good as those parses make it out to be cause of the situational usage of it, sure its great but not unbeatable. I have no problem keeping right up to my buddy that uses that when im on my electric alt.

    Numbers at the dummies don't tell the actual story of how something plays. Elec parses pretty low but keeps right up and can even beat nature in the right situations. If we went by the parser for everything electric should technically get a buff but we all know it does just fine and does not need a buff. So just cause something does a certain number at the parser does not mean its necessarily op or under preforming you have to take in account how said thing works in content to. And the reason you see so many nature dps's high on the boards is cause Roar is pretty op at the moment and extremely easy to use not cause someone can stack a 4th dot on a boss. After Roar gets adjusted you won't see so many nature dps's at the top of the boards.
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  20. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    He beats all of them from lfg created groups all t8 cr198-203...electric and nature using mental over the course of 5-6 raids.

    Your Welcome
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