
Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Circe, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Circe New Player

    Who else wants this new movement mode?

    Some NPCs in the game already have teleportation like Raven, Dr. Fate, and Ambush Bug.
    • Like x 5
  2. Circe New Player

  3. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    Yea, but it doesn't say anything about how to go about voting down this thread. Doesn't help me at all, I'm afraid.
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  4. Circe New Player

    Other superhero games like Champions Online already have teleportation.

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  5. Flint Lockwood Well-Known Player

    You're not being very helpful, you know.
  6. xReverse xFlash New Player

    Hey man im with you teleportation would be awesome. In pvp if u try and teleport u wont be able to in combat or some other type of mechanic would have to come into effect but im totally siked about teleportation!!! Also tunneling travel power, witch also means NEW RACES!! lol
  7. Circe New Player

    I don't get why people don't like this idea. We could always use new movement modes to diversify the game.
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  8. Owl Devoted Player

    There are 18 Challenge Races for the existing Movement types. How would you design 18 new races for Teleportation?
  9. Dephyre Committed Player

    i can haz teleportation?
  10. Madkill New Player

    Good no more down voting becuz the Trolls and haters who hate on everything in sight can no longer downvote good ideas, no mmore negativity on votes thats a plus in my book
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  11. Circe New Player

    Would that really be that big a deal?
  12. Zuse Loyal Player

    As much i would like to have teleportation, it would be so Op or unbalanced compared to the other movement modes
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  13. Nodens Dedicated Player

    I could see teleportation working by simply clicking any spot on your mini-map. If you want to travel greater distances in a single port, just open your map.
  14. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    The combat system in this game does not promote more adventurous movement modes. If you become grounded are you no longer able to teleport? Can your teleporting abilities allow you to easily escape danger in any direction? There is no way to slow down teleportation either. The only way teleportation ould work is if it is a pve only ability and used as an accent to your existing movement mode. Even then , the video's shown make teleporation simply a modified flight and nothing more. It would work better by having iconic movement powers and having various teleporting maneuvers such as a move that teleports you away like speed dash for example.

    I agree that we could use new movement modes but they must be balanced. As far as can see teleporting would probably be broken. Even things like an Ice slide or Surfing would not be viable unless they were strictly pve and once you entered combat you entered your primary movement mode. I can see the Ice slide movement being pve only but the ice slide powers being useable in pvp. For example you could have a forward and backward slide. One to escape and one to initiate combat. The slide animation could vary depending on your power.
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  15. mechanic1978 New Player

    think this would be a movement mode i would love to see in the game
  16. Evil Grave New Player

    Actually characters like Dr. Fate and Raven are flyers teleportation is one of their powers. No character in the game moves only by teleporting.
  17. Evil Grave New Player

    This right here . Like teleporting into a wall or building.
  18. El El Committed Player

    i really like this teleportation idea,but not the one you show on video.It looks more like a flying nimbus to me.
  19. Funky New Player

    I'm good with the warp consumables though. Not to mention the warp options on the map. So in a way everyone can already teleport.
  20. Horrorshow New Player

    It probably wont happen for a long time. Right now they are focusing on revamping the powersets and we assume movement modes will be next.