Targeting - Things through walls/floors

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Nekron 99, Mar 29, 2013.

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  1. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Since the original target issues thread forcused on the target crosshairs/reticule auto switching to a different target midfight, this thread is being created to list instances where an enemy or object is targetable through a wall and/or floor.

    Here are some examples pulled from the Please Fix Targeting thread. For more detail please read through the original thread. I am summarizing the examples below.
    • Gotham University Challenge - In the 1st and 2nd rooms with the Lion Lords there are grates on the floor. At times you will auto target enemies below you under the floor through the grates instead of the enemies in front of you - submited by Lyndi
    • Star Labs Alert - On the Green Will side after find Hal Jordan you defeat 3 large flying enemies and then travel down a hallway. At the end of the hall there are 3 adds with a wall of objects behind them. You will auto target an add that is on the other side of the wall of objects at times. - submitted by me
    • Area 51 Alert - At the second section where you have to go into the buildings to protect the npc's, there are red barrels around the area. At times you will target the barrels through the walls. - submitted by Teenwulf
    • Meta Research Center Mission - When you are on the 2nd floor you can auto target objects on the 1st floor. - submitted by Gafa
    Please thumb this thread up if fixing this issue is important to you. Also if you experience the please make sure to reply in this thread with the mission/instance it happened in, whether you are on PS3 or PC, and give as much detail as possible including where you were standing when it happened, what weapon you are using, if you use the auto target lock or hold a button to target lock, etc.
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  2. Old Gravyleg New Player

    I'd really like to see all target, and target locks lost, when line of sight is broken. Some other examples of what I mean are easily taken from villain t4 op "Soul Alchemy". At one point you must burn some banners around town and stop the amazons from dousing the flames. You can target enemies both through the banners, and through the buildings, etc. Often my team will split up to get two at once or there is another group doing the mission as well.

    You can't look anywhere near the other group's banner because your toon will be lunging at the amazon on the other side of the wall instead of the amazon in front of you. You can't use powers or a lunge to get to the other side of the banner quickly because your toon attempts to attack the amazon through the banner.

    It's easily fixed by disallowing all targeting through objects that you can't break. You could take it a step further and stop targets through all objects that break line of sight. I think adding more importance to LOS would go a long way in making this game more competitive.
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  3. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    I support this
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  4. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    The easiest way to test this is to, Place a spurring target in your base on the 3rd floor; Then while on 2nd do a lunge in the dummy's general direction. You will target the dummy through the floor as if you were attacking it.
  5. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Bump, please vote people
  6. MercPony Devoted Player

    When you go into the hallway in Gates of Tartarus, sometimes you can target the Actuator on the other side of the first wall there.
  7. Green Lantern New Player

    Targeting is all messed up. I was fighting Robin in the Ivy instance yesterday and even though I was holding L1 and locked onto Robin, my lunge went at the health barrel OFF SCREEN. Then it went after the other one before the game would allow me to attack Robin.
  8. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    Yes, targeting seems to be worse than ever lately.
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  9. The Huntress New Player

    I've noticed this too and it is quite annoying but does anyone remember the targetting in SWG? I'm not negating the annoyance but in comparison it's much better.
  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    ++++++, with + on the side of +.

    Targets definitely need to break if visual contact is lost for at least 3 seconds. Targeting through a wall prior to an enemy hiding behind one shouldn't even be possible.

    Likewise, enemies should no longer have extreme targeting and be able to target you from the other side of the stage. Some examples of enemies with extreme targeting ranges are the venom bombers in the lighthouse duo, certain pengbots in the subway duo, the cat people in the gotham U warehouse (ranged attacks can ground you from five miles away), and all the rifle equipped enemies in Ace Chemicals (interior). We've already taken care of the issues with people trying to hide in hard to get areas to avoid enemies because now they 'reset' almost immediately.
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  11. kgghk New Player

    I can confirm this happens in strykers t3 alert too.
  12. C Falcon Active Player

    Yeah targeting has become really bad, aside from targeting through walls, I end up targeting objects or have my target swap to another just because it wants to... even if the target is behind me out of my view. This has to stop, I can't imagine doing T5 anything with targeting issues happening.
  13. recespieces31 New Player

    Nothing like targeting that enemy that isn't even in the same room as you
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  14. DadiusCHILL New Player

    OMG horrible !!! If I wanted to target a health barrel I'd walk over and smash it !! Regal Hotel for example !!! Targeting items on the other side of the wall while fighting Joker !!! Fix Please !!!
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  15. Emerald_Starlight New Player

    +1 This is one of the most annoying issues in the game, especially for Hard Light because it's a power that focus fires single targets, so you're switching a lot. The more you switch your targets the more likely your are to target something through a wall, usually a barrel. Also this is not an isolated incident found in only few instances, it's in almost every area of the game. Right now the vault is the most obvious place to go to see it. Between the target switching, targeting through the walls, and the bombs and balls bouncing around blowing up the place is a nightmare. Yet we all do it over and over just to get 3 green styles we had back in 2011 lol.
  16. Thornbrier New Player

    This is still an all too common problem everywhere. I use AutoTarget lock and it messes me up all the time, but its still less of a hassle than trying to hold the freaking LB button down the whole fight. I wish I could tap the target lock button and it would lock onto them until either LoS was gone or I tap it again (in both cases, lock would be off, not auto switching to some new target I might not even be able to hit).
  17. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    a big +1

    Add the "can I hit" check in attacks to the targeting check. The game is stupid enough to target a barrel through a wall but clever enough to calculate that I can't hit/damage it. If it knows the latter then don't do the former!

  18. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    Now I can have an enemy targeted start attacking and, have the target just switch to another enemy no matter where they are.
  19. SuperNoob New Player

    yes the targeting is screwy in this game, but targeting add's through walls is bad level design. not game mechanics. when they make the map they have to add an invisible barrier that you cannot target through. without it, this happens...
  20. KillJoyDOD New Player

    The Huntress solo is the best example of this HUGE issue!!

    After tripping the alarm by doing the cog, after the cam gets automatically re-angled, you automatically target an enemy through the wall while being beat in the back of head by the 1st boss until you can make her realize she's supposed to be fighting the boss and not someone in another room!!
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