Targeting reticule disappeared

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Statman, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. Statman New Player

    Since the EU server downtime today my targetting reticule has disappeared in some instances. I am still targeting, and am able to switch which target I'm aiming at, but no actual reticule shows up around the enemy.

    So far, instances I've not had a reticule in are:
    Riverfront Center duo
    Riverside Hotel duo

    There were not the only instances I ran, all other instances I ran had no issues with. I do have a reticule when I visited the sparring dummies in the Watchtower as well.
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  2. Statman New Player

    Never mind, close this up. Mispelt my thread and search, but I found this thread on the topic already opened. Added my info to it.