Tanks get no love frm Dox

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SonOfKalel, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. SonOfKalel New Player

    Hey everyone not complaining bout how hard the raid is just that every time I complete Dox check my inventory no Tank drop just healer troller n dps. Not to sound like a beast but when I'm running Dox n completing it 90percent of the Time, I think I'm entitled to at least 1 tank drop, seeming that if I die most likely it will be a wipe thus Tank is importance yet the game doesn't recognize that only the numbers on the chart. Yea I'm steamed I reset this raid twice a week n my Tank drops don't come, maybe because dps is burn are the healer r troll is BEASTING other then that Tanks get no love SonOFKalejr outo_O
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  2. Myrdin69 New Player

    tank are not the only one, troller usually drop tank and healer, healer mostly drop tank and troller gear
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  3. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Dude you've been getting all my healer gear and I've gotten all your tank gear lol. I kid you not i have deleted 2 full sets of tank gear and i have 4 pieces toward another but I'm still short 3 pieces of 88 healer gear. Funny how it works....
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  4. SonOfKalel New Player

    So is it you the opposing powers drop that what it seems, since I'm tank I get troll n healer gear vice versa healers n trolls get tank gear. This makes me think the devs r all bout the money, meaning they want me to buy a power respec token to get the gear I want n then switch back.
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  5. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    There is a 1 in 5 change it drops for your role. Obviously it's going to seem like you don't get what you need.
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  6. Ice Lantern New Player

    So you think that tanks are the only ones getting unlucky with loot drops?
  7. SonOfKalel New Player

    1 in 5 plz try a 1 in mil chance been running that raid twice a week n no Tank drops just like the quote before I got a hole troller set and dps set before I even finished my Tank set that's not right
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  8. Buckley Loyal Player

    Yes, it workd like this:

    1 no
    2 not going to happen
    3 hell no
    4 I'm thinking about it
    5 fine i will give you odds of 1 to a 100, good luck.
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  9. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Precision dps, might dps, tank, healer, controller. 5 total. Whether you get a new piece or the same feet and back is a different story.
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  10. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    But theres absolutely no reason I should have literally 2 1/2 tanks sets and i'm still short 3 healer pieces 4 if you count the 88 ring i'm missing. I have a troll set, Both DPS sets But not a healer set. I can be any role i want but the one i am! At the end of every raid i get tank gear and sometimes 2 pieces and what dose the tank get........My F-ing healer gear!!

    I really don't think its random, I used to but after getting everything but healer gear theres got to be something going on.

    I'm just happy that the new DLC I'll be able to buy the gear not have to be lucky.
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  11. SonOfKalel New Player

    You said it bro it's ridiculous to get every drop that's not your role come on DLC 9
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  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    But how many healer pieces have to salvaged that you already have. While it maybe not be helpful to you at that point it's still healer gear, it's still dropping, and it still needs to be taken into consideration.
  13. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Im a troller and I have a full set of tank, healer and dps but I'm still missing a few pieces of 88 troller gear so I know how you feel .
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  14. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Dude theres no way you can even be serious, numerous sets of other roles but i cant get one set of healer. don't even try to stick up for dc here.

    I have more than those sets of other gear those are just the ones i have saved, I've beat wave more times than 95% of people have we where literally running it 8-10 times a day for about 2 months and your telling me its random lol maybe it is and i'm just super unlucky but i think theres something up.
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  15. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    ive completed Dox probably around 15-20 times.
    Ive yet to see a single Traces troller piece drop from the final boss.
    However ive accumulated a combined 15-20 tank, healer, and dps pieces.
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  16. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I'm not saying I agree with the system. I'm just saying don't forget any gear your getting duplicates for. If someone get's 10 piece of the same damn gear, they aren't going to save it and count it up. They'll likely salvage then and won't even think twice about it when they come to the forums and b*tch. They'll think of all the other role gear they have, not the 10+ pieces of the same thing they get over and over.
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  17. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Honestly i really dont get to many dups of healer gear maybe the face and feet. its no where equal to the amount tank gear i have gotten 2 1/12 sets is a little much to get and not get your role. i could see if i was one piece off but thats not the case.
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  18. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Well everyone has a different experience. I've salvaged at least 25 pieces across my three T5 toons that were all duplicates. I think the new system will work nicely. It's purchasable and I believe the devs said they're will be gear a few levels higher in the raids. Which I think what was needed. With nexus and wave the biggest issue I had was the gear was originally ranging from 85-88. If someone is full 85 and you get an 86 piece, you don't really want to mod it when there is a 87 and 88 pieces out there. Maybe if you only have one toon, but most people have some alts. People got overwhelmed and quit. Just one of many reasons why people where quitting, but also remember many, many people quit when Hand of fate came out.
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  19. SonOfKalel New Player

    Can't wait for DLC 9 no more resetting a raid only to get a piece of gear I don't need
  20. Liongale Dedicated Player

    I know the feeling. I've gotten 5 pieces of a Tank gear set, 3 of a Healer, 6 of DPS, and 0 Troller, as I troll it every time, well...

    I've gotten 8 tank headpieces... that thing always drops.