Tank Trinkets

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Vengeance Gray, Jul 2, 2020.

  1. Vengeance Gray Level 30

    I currently use the Sentinel's Sunken Rune trinket while tanking. Has anyone done any testing to see if Sidekick is more beneficial than Sentinel? Thanks.
  2. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Well I haven't done any testing but the level 3 sidekick will heal you, shield you and restore power. The Sunken Rune will not do all that.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I personally like the death blossom (I think that’s the one. I’m bad with names)
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  4. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Hearthrob is probably the best IMO as it gives 5% health while in combat, which, in addition the obvious benefit, works well with the Everyman Prototype. The Tom-Bot and 25th Century Communicator also give 5% health if your lucky enough to have gotten one of them way back when they were available. There’s also the added benefit of it absorbing 2% of your damage if you use the Soul Link affinity mod, but that works with any pet. As for other pets, Unfortunately, nearly all pet abilities outside of damage weren’t properly programed to scale correctly so any heals, power heals, shields, etc they provide are extremely weak. That being said, I can’t say I know exactly how the taunting works for with the sentinels sunken rune. Do you find it useful?

    Also, since you said “trinkets” and didn’t specify pets, any of the breakout trins
  5. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I usually always keep the breakout trinket on (I think it came from Central City) for those emergencies, plus 30% control resistance.

    Supply drop for obvious reasons

    Martial arts sidekick (does most dmg, plus as Black Jaq said, heals, gives power, and taunts, with a very weak but sometimes helpful shield).

    In the last spot, I'll rotate in what is helpful for the instance. There are tons of options.
    Death blossom (heals)
    Heart break (lunges, debuffs, health boost)
    Stun cola (or stun trinket from saint Patty's)
    Snake turret if you need dmg
    And the list can go on.
  6. Juggurnaut Level 30

    Currently I use

    Personal Dampening Shields (sometimes that little shield has saved me) it gives just enough time for the healer to shield me or for mine to return.
    Chronometric Emitters. These are a must for crowd control in my opinion.
    Supply Drop/Collector’s Trinket
    Orbital Strike

    You can sub out any of these depending on the situation. I use my collectors trinket for the 2% damage transfer illumin411 mentioned as this is a permanent trinket and always keeps the 2% transfer with soul link as long as you have the elite gear.
    There are tons of trinkets others mentioned. Just depends on what works best for you. There are not many tank specific trinkets. I find it hard to use sidekick or health trinkets as I never know the right time to use them for optimal effectiveness. With the ones I use, I have a better grasp of when exactly to use them.
  7. Dub T Well-Known Player

    Personal Dampening Field
    +Health Trinket (thinking about dropping this for an Accomplice)
    Breakout Trinket
    Chronometeic Emitters (these are life changing for a tank)
  8. L T Devoted Player

    The spring seasonal one that heals is probably my personal favorite.

    The boos that give a shield are useful too, even though the shield tends to get torn to shreds fairly quickly.
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  9. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I use Personal Dampening Field, Breakout Trinket, Supply Drop, Chronometric Emitters

    Lots of good suggestions here though.