Take him to the stairs!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zamara, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. Zamara Dedicated Player

    When doing the event instance is there a point to make Freeze to go to the entrance/stairs? I keep seeing people yell at the group "Take him here" "Bring him to the stairs" "Fight him here" I've noticed it takes more time to take him there and beat him than what it takes to beat him in the place where he normally is. And if the group doesn't do what they want some of them just stand in the entrance waiting for the group to do what they said instead of helping.
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    The idea is that you keep him away from the generators.. it can be just as easy to take out the generator close to him (or both) - but some prefer using the tactic of leading him to the stairs
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  3. AV Loyal Player

    People take out the generators? :p Srsly though the idea of not simply zerging tf out of him where he stands is alien to me. Killed the generators the first time I did it, quickly realized I could have killed Freeze in the same time that took, and never looked back.
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  4. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Same here, I think I got so used to just beating him that i forgot the generators were supposed to go down too. So taking him there and keeping the generators up sounded to me like it made no difference from just beating him where he stands. But if you were to destroy them and then beat him or just take him away and beat him now there is a difference :p
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  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    It's not "Seasonal Elite". Ignore the generators lol :-D
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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Not sure if its still the same as last year but last time i tried to take the generators out i thought i am going to die of old age, taking Mr. Freeze out on the spot seems to be faster.
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  7. HalfromTynon Well-Known Player

    I've seen that happen too. One of the neat things about pulling Mr. Freeze to the stairs is how his henchpeeps react. If the group is far enough away, the henchpeeps walk around a little, then stop. You can 'almost' hear what they are thinking:
    "Hey, uh... do you see the boss?"
    "Nope. What are we doing here again?"
    "Um, i'm not sure. Maybe we should just chill until he gets back?"
    "Yeah, I like that idea. The boss is always telling us to chill. Our employee guide book even says for us to say 'chill' when we fight"
    "Okay cool. We'll just stand here an chill then"
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  8. L T Devoted Player

    In past incarnations of the seasonal you had to either get him away from the generators or take them out, and taking them out was always a pain. This year it seems best to just burn with 4 DPS.
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  9. granddaughterlover Active Player

    it was hard as hell back in the day, so people used to drag him near the stairs, now its way easier, so that strategy can be ignored.
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  10. Jack-O-The-Green Well-Known Player


    This. People learned it a certain way. Like a lot of the seasonals, it started off being complicated and therefore difficult to pug. stair thing was a workaround. Then the fight got easier, but people stick with what they know.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Agreed with the people above...it used to be a bigger benefit to getting him up the stairs, but it doesn't matter as much now. However, if all 4 players, or at least the DPSs or Tank(if one is in the room) go to the stairs, getting him up there only takes a few seconds anyway, so I read the room. If people are going towards the stairs...I go too. The annoyance is when 3 of the players go to the stairs and the one guy stays where Mr Freeze spawns an keeps him there....and BTW the guy dies and you then need to go in for the pickup....where the picker dies...then you wipe.

    I've been in 3 wipe runs this go-round, and all of them have been 'just say here and blow him to bits' groups....None have been where the group is up the stairs, so maybe some validity after all?

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  12. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm.. Good Idea!

    Perhaps there should be an elite version of seasonal raids; at least it would not be the same old boring "get in, get out".

    And yep, that's what she said!
  13. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I don't mind fighting Freeze; but I do mind fighting with the other players to get him to the stairs.
  14. myandria Item Storage


    I don't fight anyone about that.. I just stay close to the stairs and attack from there. If he comes to me then I back up and keep attacking him. He is still much easier to take out on the stairs then by the generators, since many players ignore them.
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  15. Jack-O-The-Green Well-Known Player

    Mine was where 2 of us just started hitting him, one of us starting working the generators and one stood on the landing yelling at all of us to take him to the stairs.

    The second round, we brought him to the stairs because it wasn't worth arguing, he stood there in the middle of the fight doing nothing but block because he heard that helped somehow, and the fourth guy kept trying to work the generators.

    Pugs are pugs. You can't foolproof them. You just have to make sure you have a place to tell the funny stories afterwards.
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  16. AV Loyal Player

    Being near the generators you can also kite him around one forever pretty much risk free. Have only had to do this once as sidekick, orbital, and soder were down but it basically shirts his damage down while he ignores everyone wrecking him and chases the person who dealt the most damage.
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  17. myandria Item Storage

    Pug Life = Thug Life:D
  18. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Really? I usually take out the one generator closest to the stairs myself in like 6 seconds. If someone wants to do the stair thing I'll do it too. But I do get a laugh from the ones who just stand there and do nothing because no one wants to do it. They think they are trying to make it faster by using the stairs but then they just stand there doing nothing making it actually take longer anyways.

    It's amazing how difficult some players can make these seasonal instances lol.
  19. Zamara Dedicated Player

    Most of the wipes I've seen this time around have been when there is a "healer" in the group, the way the group approached the fight made no difference it ended up in wipes or disbands. By "healer" i mean those players in healer role who either go afk the whole fight or just attack the boss with their weapon an never cast a heal unless they're about to die.
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  20. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Let's see haven't been in game yet today but I've done the alert like 7 or 8 times now.. OKAY SO I'M GETTING OLD AND DON'T REMEMBER STUFF :p I have been the tank on about half of those and we used the "get him to the stairway" twice. Other than than that mainly we just all pounded the crap out of him and he died. I have only dropped to a knee once (as a DPS) only had one other team mate do it (also a DPS) and obviously no team wipes. Hey last night we never got Freeze near the steps and he was on the floor with both generator health bars at full. Seems fine to me.

    Now I am sure the "but we finished and I am not drenched in sweat and my knuckles are no bleeding " crowd probably think it's TOO EASY but IMO it's a holiday event and supposed to be fun not a major ordeal that involves multiple deaths. Just give me my heart and I will be on my way.. thank you :p
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