T8 questions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by matth431, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. matth431 Level 30

    Hi all,

    I've recently hit T8 and gotten to CR169, but DCUO Blogguide gets a bit fuzzy about loot drops past this point. There seems to be a big CR requirement gulf ahead of me before I can access the Time-Torn JSA missions, but I'm not sure of the best ways to advance through it. Previously I've been able to run solos/duos to get higher level gear and bump CR with the odd bit of vendor stuff. But the few times I've run Raising Hades I haven't gotten choices of gear I don't already have. I don't think I got much out of my sole UT run so far either (I haven't run alerts much up to now as I'm PuGing - I feel a bit more comfortable with them now but not raids).

    So what I'd like to know is whether the duo does drop items of CR148+ other than boots/back or, if not, where do I need to be looking to find gear that will up my CR... or am I locked into grinding MoVs and coins to buy vendor stuff? (Apart from time capsules, of course).
  2. oliver251274 Active Player

    the gear increases with your cr. So means, you have to run everything over and over again and have to replace always your gear to raise your cr.
    Sometimes you have to purchase a part from the vendor to raise your cr to be ready for the next replacement round...
    This system started with T8, there is a guide inside this forum, where this is described.
  3. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    At 169 you should be focussing on Amazon Fury 3 content. Starting with AF3 you get gear that scales with your CR (like time capsule gear). Go to Gotham Under Siege for a daily solo with 1 gear drop, and run the 3 daily missions in Typhon's Monster Invasion for coins. Your goal is to get your CR up to where you can start running the Age of Justice dailies and alerts for the next level of gear. A good strategy for AF3 is to equip your green and blue gear right away to boost your CR, and save your purple gear. Once you hit a CR threshold, your gear will start equipping at max item level. Then you can start equipping your purple gear and any gear you get. When you have enough Ancient Coins you can start buying gear from the vendor in Typhon's Monster invasion to boost your CR. Just look for whatever piece is your lowest, or buy the weapon, chest, or legs to boost your CR higher. Don't worry about saving Ancient Coins, because you can only use them for AF3 gear anyway.
    Once you get to the Age of Justice minimum you can start to repeat the same process. The difference is you should go ahead and buy the vendor gear for AoJ because it is the highest in the game.
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  4. Gimpy Loyal Player

    At 169 the only drops that aren't usable are the greens, they cap out at 169.
    The blues will top out at 171 and the purple drops top out at 173.

    For any gear you have already collected, start collecting them for your other role, even if you don't play it, because it will also raise your actual CR ( not the equipped CR) which in turn helps you meet the min req. CR for instances.
  5. matth431 Level 30

    Yeah I always wear highest level gear to bump CR even if it ain't Troll stuff, luckily some of the drops do allow role attunement. Hadn't realised the gear now scales like capsule stuff, that helps as the gear progression at T7 was hopeless (New Gen daily only grants stuff you already have from AF2 daily... etc).

    Good to hear the T8 Gotham Siege solo mission is a daily, that will help.
  6. Dene Devoted Player

    your cr will change almost daily with a few moments where it feels like it is skyrocketing then suddenly stopping for awhile..
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  7. inferno Loyal Player

    @ gimpy - those numbers are only for the mid-nite gear and green knight gear and only once you reach 186 will those numbers appear from the New episode. He's not there yet. I also would not advice purchasing these tc gears as it would be a waste at this time, because you'll never get past 165 on these gears until your 186 or 185

    So at 166, gear attunes to your total cr. Think of it this way: purple gear subtract 21 from your total and that's the cr it will become. Blue gear take out 22 and for green gear take out 23 from your total cr. I.E. At 169 if you open a purple should be 151, blue will be 150 and green will be 149.

    I suggest if you have the marks of Victory purchase the last from vendor gear ep:24,25,26 at the tech wing. The neck and rings are at cr 154 and face is 151. that means any ring, neck and face you have, you can save until your total cr is 177 and above.

    Save your new currency. When you have enough, buy a vendor gear, it's almost a guaranteed increase in CR, in your case. if you have the money, look at Qwardian guard's gear from TC or Broker; also Shimtar Regalia for hands, feet, waist, shoulders and pants. Those gear pieces are the cheapest. In any drop choices ALWAYS pick the chest, back, head, then the neck, rings, face then weapon and trinket\utility belt. AND SAVE THEM. I say these in particular because if you buy the TC gear and use those as jumping boards to increase your total cr, then when you open these saved ones it would actually matter.