T5 Raid Lockdown

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Nimhe, May 8, 2013.

  1. Nimhe New Player

    Went in with a group earlier; fully-geared and modded all of us, and couldn't set foot into the room without instant death. Clearly we were not going to be able to pull this off, so we try to leave... and can't. You can't leave through the portal, can't warp to HQ or Base, and you can't Switch Character either. Once you get into the raid you can't leave without completely exiting the game.
  2. Notangie New Player

    The world is down.
  3. Nimhe New Player

    This was some time ago actually, I did not come here instantly to report it.
  4. heartless0410 New Player

    exactly i think they scaled the difficulty way too high they need to tone it done just a bit. i dont mind a challenge but that is ridiculous how do they expect us to get the marks if the highest t4 gear wont let us last for a single hit from the t5 ones that is just wrong
  5. Foxe Well-Known Player

    And it starts......
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  6. Wise_Arsonist New Player

    You're supposed to gear up and gain marks from the t5 ops and iconic anomalies before you can even start making progress through the raid.
  7. PellaxThaGod New Player

    That's like trying to run a T4 will full t3 gear, try PB with full t3.
  8. Nimhe New Player

    I could understand it being extremely difficult in T4 gear, but there is no excuse for THIS level of difficulty. I watched a fully-modded T4 Tank drop instantly. There is NO excuse for that. If that is the intention, then the CR requirement needs to be raised. If a team of CR 88 can't make it through, then a minimum requirement of 84 is asinine.
  9. PellaxThaGod New Player

    It's 86 CR, but you don't go into a level 70 raid with a bunch of 71 crs
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  10. PellaxThaGod New Player

    I'm tired of everything being nerfed, it's finally a real challenge
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  11. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    You outta go check out the other thread from those challenge nutcases that said " T5 shouldn't be nerfed. It what we asked for" thread in Gotham City Apprently the OP and his fellow hardcore DCUO players speak for the whole community in which they don't. I wanted newer and fun content. Not content I am going to get repeatedly one shotted. Why does every single aspect has to evolve around a so called expert level challenge in a MMO? This is suppose to be a fun grinding MMO not a ultra challenging. Call it whatever u want people but if you crave a challenge that much go play chess, another video game, or try to stop calling nerfs to other power sets because you keep getting beat. As I stated before, nerf powers buy not content is seriously backwards logic. I agree with you poster, don't let these challenge freaks turn DCUO into a stressful game.
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  12. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Challenge is a state of mind as it proves nothing in the end but boast most of your frail lifeless little egos. Want a challenge? Go get a job or meet a real girl offline. Life is stressful enough, video games shouldn't be stressful.
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  13. PellaxThaGod New Player

    If I pay 15$ I expect it to be difficult this is an MMO not any regular story mode game.
  14. Potent New Player

    Prime was first beat by people in T3 gear.
  15. heartless0410 New Player

    im not saying i dont want a challenge i just expect a curve for t4 to get to t5 gear i lvoe the boss designs and the levels are amazing but to get one or two shotted out the gate is a bit much and my cr is 88 and so was the majority of my 8 man team and we all get wiped that was not cool so yeah scale it back a bit or split it and also have an expert mode which would keep the current difficulty for the hardcore geared players. i want a challenge but not insta-death. i agree that new content that is not nerfed is needed but with powers getting nerfed and retooled we should have content to match i just want it to be fair i am not trying to offend anyone.
  16. heartless0410 New Player

    And if i am geting people upset or angry i do apologize
  17. Springheeljac Active Player

    Most of us don't want a challenge for an ego boost, we're tired of being able to effortlessly go through new content the day it comes out. A lot of people on here had full T4 the second week it was out. I don't know if you're just terrible at this game or you want everything handed to you but they've added in novice raids for the people who couldn't do the old content, so maybe they'll do that for this one. I look across the forums and see two people complaining about the new content and everyone else applauding it. You don't have the support of the community, and actually you seem hell bent on insulting them all.

    If this game is "stressing you out" then stop playing. It's that simple. Don't expect the rest of us to want to play a game with the same challenge as something you'd find on Facebook.

    As for the whole "meet a girl" nonsense, are you a troll? Seriously I'm wondering. It sound like you're the one with a "frail lifeless little ego" if the only way you can express an opinion is insult most of the players on here.
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  18. heartless0410 New Player

    insulting players is never a good thing i agree but i dont suck at this game and even though the above comment is not directed at me i again want a challenge but insta-death is a little extreme i love the new content im just saying its a little rough in time ill slowly work up and earn enough marks of reality its just a bit of a pain but i dont mind a challenge and i dont want things handed to me i want to earn it but i agree players should not be insulted i also dont want to breeze through content and again i give respect to the rest of the players here i was just pointing out that the difficulty was amped way up. I a, not ******** and please dont take it that way even if i am a female gamer. I am an even tempered person who just expected a bit fo a curve upward not just a straight ramp to ultra-hard but as i said i love the new stories and events and i dont want it to be nerfed so it is too easy that is not what i'm saying i just think maybe a little evening out is needed but i'll keep playing regardless because this is a great game and it still has my support
  19. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    devs have said a bunch of times, that they don't expect us to do much in the raids without doing the solos and 4-mans before. They set the cr requirement at 86 so that people can take a peep, but their intention is that we do the other stuff first, then the raid. People have beaten both raids in test server so they're not impossible, but they did it with several pieces of t5.

    This is done to extend the life of the dlc, they don't want anyone goin in day 1 and beating the raids. The 4-mans are there for a reason, and they are at exactly the level of difficulty you describe as being ideal for you. Go do them, gear up, then do the raids.

    Can't find the quote from devs but it said something like "if people go into the raids on day 1 and feel it's too hard, they just haven't understood what we want them to do first, raids arent meant to be beaten on day one by anyone"
  20. Nimhe New Player

    Funny thing about that though, a group of CR 71's CAN beat a CR 70 Raid. It actually possible to do, granted it's not as easy as it is for higher CR players, but it's still do-able. This is nothing like that, and pretending otherwise is not productive. The only one you're fooling here is yourself.