Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Im Charlie, Mar 5, 2013.

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  1. Im Charlie New Player

    Been trying to sync 5's with xxx and we both just sitting there searching for hours... >_> This happened both on Sunday and today(tuesday)

    i normally dont liek to be negative nancy but soe, you are wasting ym time keeping me on for hours.....
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  2. Talve Dedicated Player

    Seems so. We spent hours trying to do 2v2 legends with sync queues.

    It was 3-4 AM by UK time...on Europe servers (so wasn't very crowded).

    Did not get queue when we switched between maps
    neither when both teams were on villain side with SQ enabled
    neither when one of the team switched to heroes side and other stayed on villains.

    Neither did countless relogs and changing leaders and what ever more work.
  3. Mista E New Player

    its been like that for the past 2 weeks
  4. PlatypusMessiah New Player

    I think the problem is even bigger than syncing cues. So, I have been grinding Lairs. Starting on Thursday, my battles became a list of who's who on the PvP forums. Come Monday and Tuesday, my cue lines were drying up. I would have to wait 5 to 10 minutes for a Lairs cue. Once it popped, my opponents were all heavily geared just like me. So, my working theory is that they are working on the PvP match making process.

    Today, I had a couple of league mates help me test this out. I had people with different levels of PvP experience and armor cue into lairs at once. Lower geared people got in right away against bad people. Medium geared people got in next and then higher geared people were last to get a match.

    Some of my league mates have had problems cuing into 8 man PvP and I think it has something to do with the inability of the system to match geared pugs together because there just aren't enough of them.

    Whatever is going on, it's making a lot of PvP unplayable because there is no matchmaking going on for some people.

    If I am right about PvP being changed to match people by some ranking, maybe they should think about adding an opting game setting like suicide squad because the que lines are getting pre SS level bad.
  5. Woodler New Player

    We had the same issue when attempting to que 4v4 ace chemicals

    2 teams of 4 que ace chemicals only... and nothing would happen, to either team.

    It took us at least 40 minutes to get each match in.

    Quite annoying.
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    To be clear, are you having trouble getting the sync to work and facing the right team, or are you not getting matched at all? When you say it took you 40 minutes, is that 40 minutes of queue time, or 40 minutes of getting queued against the "wrong" group?

    (Please don't mistake this post for us supporting the ability to sync queues.)
  7. Potent New Player

    40 minutes in queue times, usually broken up across an hour of unqueueing and requeueing
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Why are you unqueuing and requeuing? That simply sends you to the back of the line, so it makes sense you're not finding a match.
  9. DudeioSussudio New Player

    I'm pretty sure the people in here are talking about 'sync'ing' 5v5 queues. This is where you have two groups of 5 people each queue up for a PvP match and have 1 person on each group not hit Ready until everyone is queued up. Then after everyone is Ready 2 persons not Ready in the groups hit Ready at the same time so that the PvP match 'sync'd' to be between each other. If the queue immediately pops for both groups then you know it worked, if not then they leave the queue and then start over. IMO this hurts the PvP queue more than anything and I'm guessing the new matchmaking makes this not work the way they want it to.
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Right, I'm aware of the sync exploit. I was just trying to confirm if there were additional problems (making that worse) or if attempting that is the source of the problems.
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  11. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    That sentence right there should scare the crap out of the super cereal crowd.
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  12. Black Light New Player

    For what it's worth, I was in a 5-man premade group (villain side) on Monday and our gorup was able to sync up with another 5-man premade also on villain side. IT was my first experience in syncing queues and I found it really enjoyable. It felt like a tournament, similar to friends putting in teams for a sports competition of some sort. Very validating and rewarding. Too bad my game crashed when I tried to open my inventory during the match. This seems to be a common problem but I acknowledge it's off-topic for this thread, so don't mind the comment per se.
  13. Dump Truck New Player

    The ability to sync ques is a great thing. It has added an entirely new dimension to the game. Please support it Mepps.
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  14. Im Charlie New Player

    we have everyone que up except for one person on each team then those two que up at the same time. What happens is neither team gets a pop up(which should only take less than 10 seconds). The search would drag on for 5+ min and then eventually one team would get the que but not the other implying we get a match with a PUG group instead of a premade group that was ready to go from the beginning.

    So im assuming once we que we prolly get matched againt 1 or 2 people queing up without a full group and have to wait for their team to get 5 instead of both original groups instantly getting into a match.

    it was attempted multiple times during the night where pvp traffic is usually slower so i dont know whats going on. It usually doesn't take long at all syncing even if it was a hero vs hero premade group
  15. Yallander Loyal Player

    Why not support players wanting to fight other players as part of a designated format? I'm sure some may exploit this to obtain marks, however that is a MUCH smaller crowd than those that use syncing as a means of facing a good challenge. I really don't have as high of hopes for matchmaking as it will ruin any player run tournaments currently going or trying to get started. Matchmaking will more than likely pit most of us against the same 5-10 people and make queue pretty long as compared to someone who is just getting started in arenas. Please think this over and discuss with the dev team that the only thing keeping the PVP community in this game is that on occasion we can actually setup matches against one another.
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  16. Talve Dedicated Player

    No pop at all for 2v2 legends. Neither on Batcave nor Inner.
    Once we teamed everyone up to try 4v4, we got 1 match over long period of time.

    We has about 3-4 10-20 minute queues (were talking in teamspeak and forgot we were supposed to be queued).
    Then we tried to sync queues over and over again on different maps to see if anything pops.

    So it was around before and after server reset...when amount of people running around can be counted on your fingers. We were probably majority of people on the queue.
    I would give my left nut if that "line" was that long and actually so many people were actively PvPing.

    Don't scare us, Mepps.

    You guys are aware that only way to find/have a match worth playing in under 3-5 hours is to raid everyone's TS servers and friends lists, create 2 teams, sync queue and only enter, when both got pop at the same time?

    Only reason to queue randomly is to get your weekly boxes or farm marks / feats.

    This "exploit" is next to community (or a friend or 2) only 2 reasons a lot of better PvP's are still somewhat hanging around.
    If you guys are actually going to "fix the exploit" and do not offer proper rank / ladder system, then you are only making it worse.
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  17. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I can't agree with this more. People mainly synch queues in order to test things on Live or combat each other, the ratio of exploiters is so small as to be negligible. More people abuse matches by just standing around and dying to get Marks than they do via synching.
  18. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Soooo...SOE would rather vets beat the pee out of new players instead of actually having good competitive matches? Yeah, no.
    EDIT: the 'better pairing' stuff in game already? If so maybe this is why me and Yziah sat around for over 10 minutes waiting for a que to pop in 2v2 the other night.
  19. theTHRUSTER New Player

    Sync exploit? Really? The neglected pvp player base found a way to finally enjoy a competitive match & it's deemed an exploit? Just give us the lobby system we've been pleading for & disable feats/marks if need be. Problem solved
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  20. DEADH3AT New Player

    This needs to be addressed asap. I like pvp. It makes me happy to go against another group with set guidelines for the match. Dissble feats in sync's sounds good to me. Give the PvP community a break. Pets have been detrimental enough.
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