Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by livewire2020, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. livewire2020 New Player

    When will the switch server be merging. The community is really bad with only a limited players. Many players have put a lot of time and effort to level up. With these new bounties are difficult to accomplish with the amount of players on the switch. We are ready for a server merge.
  2. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I don't think there are plans to merge them at the time. If I remember correctly (someone can tell me if I'm wrong) We were told that it's not possible to merge right now.
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Talk to the console heads. The devs have said many times that they want to get crossplay going, but we need the folks at Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to all agree and give the go-ahead before that can happen.
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  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They could merge the NA Switch server with the EU Switch server. That's what they did when the XBOX population didn't take off.
  5. livewire2020 New Player

    Well switch currently has fortnite as cross play, dont see why dcuo isn't yet.
  6. Brit Loyal Player

    Dimensional Ink: Hey guys, our players want cross-play on our game, because Nintendo Switch and X-Box have some pretty low populations. Can we get Crossplay approved?
    Sony: What's the population like on PlayStation?
    Dimensional Ink: Well, you approved crossplay a few years ago for PlayStation to merge it with the PC, but not with the X-Box. So that combo PC/PlayStation server is actually doing good.
    Sony: Good. We're solid. No more crossplay.
    Dimensional Ink: Why not? It's what the players want.
    Sony: It's what the X-Box and Nintendo players want. They aren't paying us money. Our customers have a good server, so our customers are happy. If X-Box or Nintendo players want to have a good server, they should buy a PlayStation. Profit!
    Dimensional Ink: But Fortnite has crossplay.
    Sony: Fortnite has a good population on all platforms. We weren't winning, so this didn't change anything. DCUO is failing on the other platforms. If we approve crossplay, we help our competition. If we hold out, we drive them under and their players come to us.

    Basically, it comes down to money. The question is: what's in it for Sony?
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  7. nawanda Loyal Player

    What’s it like playing on Switch in terms of people dropping out of raids etc? When I imagine someone playing on Switch I think of a kid sat on one of those plastic high chairs at McDonalds having a Happy Meal.
  8. Brit Loyal Player

    My main on Nintendo Switch is a 312 Fire DPS. I leveled from 1-312 while queued for every bit of group content available. I've had a couple of duos pop, two alerts, and one time I got a raid, but it was the anniversary 8-man to kill Anti-monitor. Regularly I have to wait for up to 15 minutes just to get the Stabilizer Event to pop.

    So as far as people dropping out of raids, we don't actually see much raiding since there usually aren't 8 players online at the same time on the entire server. I have heard that there are one or two raiding Leagues that have some static groups they manage to get through. I have never seen anything like that happening though, so I guess if you don't specifically know the people involved, you are not going to get an invite.

    I play daily and I have never managed to kill any of the Wonderverse World Bosses on Nintendo Switch.
  9. GameIsGreat. Well-Known Player

    The ninja invites are unreal. My ignore list is longer than the list of people playing on switch currently more than likely.
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  10. Brit Loyal Player

    I do get quite a few League invites, all of which I decline. And in Patchwork Themescryia, I will sometimes get a random group invite from somebody who is standing in the mission hub, but they never actually leave the mission hub. It doesn't seem like they need help with the dailies. They definitely aren't running bounties. I think they're just so shocked to see another player that they want to latch on and never let go.
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  11. nawanda Loyal Player

    That situation is so depressing. I couldn’t cope.
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  12. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

  13. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    I personally think that the low population is partly DayBreak's fault. There's been little to no advertisement of the game on the switch. There's no incentive to play either.
    However this is only a small part of the ACTUAL reason which is.....
    DayBreak's greed(Hate to say it) I started properly playing DCUO in March. I always knew about this game but the P2W aspect always seemed to drive me away. I decided to actually try to understand the game and it's mechanics and my goal was to get to Endgame spending as little money as possible and here I am CR 312 with 330 SP and all of my artifacts at level 119. And I've only subbed twice now. That being said this was pure luck. I precisely remember reaching Level 30 and having no idea what I was supposed to do. You have no idea the amount of people that download this game and are immediately driven away after reaching level 30 because of them having no idea what to do. I would've quit had I not come across a new player guide right here on the forums. The fact that I had to search online to understand what to do tells you all you need to know. I'm fairly certain Sony makes quite a decent bit of money through DCUO thanks to the amount of people buying Stabilizers, seals of completions etc. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose.Instead of asking to merge the servers, what you should be asking for is a more streamlined,easier to get into experience. Obsolete episodes should become free permanently. Money cap should be increased to 10,000 at the very least. And most importantly make sure the player knows what they're supposed to do. The amount of players that I see walking aimlessly in Metroplis baffles me. I'm fairly new here compared to most people here so can anyone tell me if people have asked for this and more importantly what the response of the devs has been? To me it seems like they've made no attempts whatsoever to increase the population and are just trying to maintain to the current population and making sure they can squeeze as much money as possible from them which is a real shame. I'm not trying to be rude but in the current age of gaming it's the other way around and has proven to be a win-win situation for everyone.
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  14. livewire2020 New Player

    Yeah I just hope they figure something out for switch users.
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  15. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    You pretty much got it covered, they lost touch with the players and focus only on squeezing us for every dime they can, is why there is so many artifacts and time capsules.

    Hell if you want a rough idea of peoples thought of the game go to YouTube type in dcuo p2w and watch some of those videos. Some of them sound like the people are just complaining to complain, but 9 outta 10 times the complaints are legit.
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  16. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Without a doubt, the NA Switch community is small. And I strongly agree with what both Kanniu and SekretVillain said about Daybreak playing a big part in that.

    First of all, they should have a better plan when releasing a game with 9 years of content on a new platform. One that involves some sort of roll out of all older content over a set period of time. This would allow players to progress at somewhat of a similar pace while constantly getting new content to keep them hooked. And players that jump on board a few weeks late wouldn't be that far behind everyone else. I think this would be a much better way to grow and strengthen a new player base rather than just dumping 9 years of content on everyone all at once and watching everyone scatter in different directions with the majority of people just leaving after a few weeks when they realize just far they have to go to get to end game content. (And we know that is Daybreak's plan... to get everyone to end game content as fast as possible)

    And yes, there have been times when we have questioned whether Daybreak was aware of the identity of the Switch player base as a whole. For example, the majority of serious players are well at end game content, with max CR , maxed artifacts and SP anywhere from mid 300's to mid 400's and above. So when giving us the "Free CR skp" , why were we given it to only 100+ and not 200+ like everyone else? True, the game may only be a year old on our platform, but due to the way the game was released on our platform, those of us who have stuck around are well at end game content level. A CR skip to only 100+ only further divides our player base. Instead of allowing more people to cue for higher CR instances, now we just have a bunch of ppl trying to get into CR 100+ content, spreading us even thinner. If people thought it was hard getting into a cue before... good luck now...

    With that being said... if you're on the Switch, life in a league and life not in a league are two very different experiences.

    If you are serious about running all the end game content, you have to be in a league. That's the only way you'll find enough people on a regular basis to play with you. Also, the "league" community is fairly insular. Meaning we usually run content with members of our own league, or with those from another league we are familiar with. Why? Because the majority ... not all.... but the majority.... of "serious" players have all joined a league by now. (i.e. serious players meaning those who have enough Sp, ranked artifacts, know how to play as part of a team and can basically carry their own weight.... ) Joining a random cue often times ends up being both stressful and a waste of time. Personally, i never randomly que up for anything above a bigger than a duo. That's why a player, such as Brit, who is not a part of a league won't see many instance ques pop.

    It has nothing to do with an "elitist league" mentality. But for those of us who are on that "daily grind".... we'd rather go with a sure thing and play with people we know can get the job done, rather than join a random cue and hope for the best. It just saves time.

    And as I said before, I support a merge with our EU counterpart... not sure sure about one with a different platform.
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  17. Termiix Sw New Player

    Hello everyone i am a dcuo player on Nintendo Switch EU and i would like to know if there is a merger with the US servers planned or a cross play with the xbox because from what I understand it is Sony that is blocking so , so ite would begood if the leaders of Dc Universe Online do something for us beacause it's been over a year that we have been waiting to see more players on the gameor even at least advertise it but ideally we would like a merger of nintendo servers between EU and US thank you very much to you.

    Now for EU switch players I am the leaders of the "Aube Noire" league , as heroes the are 2 big leagues , "NOVA" and "Aube Noire" and as criminals there is only one, for those who wish to play with other people I have created a discord for EU players while waiting for a changeon the serversnof which I am passing you the link and you can join us to go on missions : https://discord.gg/xbgpypbKZz
  18. Vella Well-Known Player

    No. The Switch can not handle a merge. PC players will not want to play with Switch players due to lag. Not to mention the meta is completely different on Switch. Yeah try hot swapping arts on Switch. Try explaining why everyone wipes because everyone on your screen is alive but they actually aren't cause of a massive lag spike.

    Until they fix the switch lay, a merge is not practical.
  19. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Lmao lol lol okay that last part is beyond funny omg lol .
  20. Jaelia Committed Player

    True I created Jaelia on switch and it was a ghost town lol when I Q I never get in because no one is playing basically.