Sustained DPS - Noticing a Trend with the Revamps

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Solarstar, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. shiny mackerel Committed Player

    I think you got them mixed up man.. burst DPS need to be actively attacking to deal significant damage and burn more power. Sustained DPS just set up DoTs so they can run around easily and damage effiiently
  2. BrotherMutant New Player

    Is it possible that the suggested shift from BURST dps to the (I am guessing here) more DoT DPS is a way to FORCE the other players (the Non-DPS class) to more actively engage the enemy in PVE? If it would take a lot longer to whittle away at a boss in the future, then those troller debuffs would help a lot more; those healer team buffs for crits, extra precision/might, etc would be more valuable too wouldn't they? Lastly, having a good tank that can get and hold agro as well as take a pounding would be even more prime for this type of playstyle, protecting the team like only good tanks can.

    I am just wondering if this could be the motivation for changing the format of DPS toons. If it were true, I would suspect the devs would be announcing a deletion of the scorecard at some point (simply because it would remove a lot of posts flaming about the "nerfs" to DPS powers), or at least a major overhaul of what gets posted.
  3. Solarstar New Player

    Burst/Burst AoE DPS relies severely on crits and positioning to be effective while Sustained DPS relies heavily on DoT and PI interactions, so no... I didn't get them mixed up.