Suspicious broker activity?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DoctorP2, Jan 7, 2018.

  1. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    So I was looking for the rare collection item, the Jar of Table Salt, to complete my set, and I saw 18 separate listings for the Jar, every single one of them for exactly the same price, 7,999,999. (A couple of others were very slightly under that.)

    Under normal circumstances, I would expect sellers to be competing and trying to undercut one another, but this looks like a single person with a huge stockpile (how?) trying to sell them at a set price. I imagine there could be a reasonable explanation -- someone who's been buying them on the cheap and then listing them all at once for a higher price -- but it just seems suspicious to me.
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  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    It's that cheap already? I sold it for 26 mill a couple weeks ago
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  3. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    You can learn a lot about business in this game lmao
  4. Larten Crepsley New Player

    i noticed earlier today that alot of the earlier capsule items were going for a 3rd or cheaper the normal price today. when i told my guild this , they said to make sure to buy anything you want now, due to a bug/exploit in thetime capsules currently. he wouldnt say anymore than that but im guessing this is what might be causing the fluctuations for these capsule items posibly. no clue what the exploit is exactly but hopefully its fixed soon
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Probably another duping glitch. Had that issue with the materials last year.
  6. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    That's unfortunate. I had put up some future crusader items today. Guess I won't see those sell. :(
  7. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    From what I've seen, broker prices are fairly normal for TCs...but some of the items from them are really low...Hecate Emblem Cache is one I saw for dirt cheap (17k)
  8. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I've been talking about this same behavior here for years.

    "basic economics"
    "good business"
    "undercutting is the way of the world"
    "players hoard items and sell at opportune times"
    "glitch? what glitch? there's no money glitch!"
    "everything is working absolutely fine...fine i tell you!"

    these are the general responses I've received over my years of discussing the topic.
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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    while it may well be a duping glitch taking place you really never know. a few days ago i saw a cluster of visitor waists for sale...400 of them. i can only imagine how many time capsules this person opened to get that many...

    every once in a while the game will drop a ton of gold on your head. i keep my stabilizer purchases to a minimum the past six,seven months and ive scored several jars of salt. i recently scored four demon tail waists from the plb's and once i scored two op items back to back. Got the gold neck from Brainiacs bottled ship, left the instance giddy with joy, jumped into aphantomzoneelite last boss fight and scored the gold head a few minutes later.
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  10. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yeah, not buying it. You're telling me you counted the amount of visitor waists spanning across pages, and counted 400? At the same price? Uh-huh. Sure. How many items appear on each page?
  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    no it was one stack of 400 waists. dont remember the price tag but it was up there too.

    do these even stack that high?

    maybe i was?
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  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Stacks to 999 like almost anything else from time capsules
  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    It actually was real, stack of 400 for I think 65 million, lol

    League mate sent me a screenshot and we laughed about it, I’ll see if I can attach it here somewhere...
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  14. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    Reading is fun ! Try it some time :)
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  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sorry, my bad bro. Didn't catch it. Wow. One stack of 400. That's crazy.
  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Well, to be fair, I guess I understood the word "cluster" different. I didn't think stack, I thought off a large group. Still, laughing at oneself is healthy from time to time. :p
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  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i had just got in from work.i was tired.i actually couldn't remember the word"stack" :p
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  18. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    I saw this on broker and said WTF. It was a stack of 400 waists for sale inbroker.
  19. DanXVII Committed Player

    I've noticed something is up lately, a lot of rares dropping in price this past few days, could be nothing though. If it is another dupe glitch, this time I say bring it on, the integrity of the broker has been dead for a while now and devs don't acknowledge the past money glitches. Would be a way to fight back against Time Crapsules.
  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Np, bro. I totally get it. :)