Survival Modes and their Loot

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Brad Sisto, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    I keep hearing that Survival Modes are dead and never coming back. If this is true then the question becomes what about the great LOOT from them? There are some really good Base Items and Styles that people were able to get from them.

    The Base Items are pretty easy and something that could either be added into old/new appropriate instance loot tables or put on a vendor for people to spend MoV on maybe?

    The Styles are a bit more of an issue. There were different versions of a style based on how far you got in a Survival Mode. So maybe create a 'new' version of it that doesn't exactly match any of the ranks but would allow people to get these great styles. Again they could be seeded into loot tables or put on vendors.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I would like to see them go on the quark vendor.

    Base items
    Generic version of style piece (not gold or platinum etc)
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  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    I have to disagree with this wholeheartedly

    Bringing back items of the past just to hand out for free just because players missed out or didn't earn them at the time only servers to diminish the effort of everyone that ran it correctly to get the rewards. Not everyone was capable of getting SM rewards despite how easy rounds 1-10 were to get the styles or base items and just to give them as a handout just because the opportunity to earn them again is gone is not right.

    I want the facebook and beta trinkets that I missed out on when I started playing DCUO. I want the opportunity to buy a Lifetime Membership again, will either of those happen? of course not. Some of those SM trinkets especially OAN specifically had to be earned by reaching specific rounds which not everyone could do.

    In other mmo's like WOW or GW2 if there is some cool or great Mount or Trinket or Pet that was in the game and then disappeared the game just doesn't give it as a handout years later, that's what makes those accounts special. All the people spending 100's of dollars on Fortnite accounts because they have the OG styles and Season styles etc. Doesn't mean that next year Epic will just put the John Wick style on the marketplace for everyone to buy again just because players who couldn't get to rank 100 in that season wanted it again. It diminishes the efforts of all the players who did it originally.
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  4. Heywiar Committed Player

    As much as I'd love that Platinum Oa chest (curse you, past Heywiar for taking a hiatus!!), I have to agree here. Survival Mode was, well, for the most skilled players in the game. It was hard and it took a lot of work to get the plats and pets. I would be irritated at the fact that I spent 10 hours in an SM game to get my style for it to show up in some vendor a few years later. I love the idea in theory but these items just hold a special kind of value that shouldn't be tarnished.
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  5. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    I appreciate the varied beliefs and stances on this stated already. I made this specifically to see what people and the devs thought of such an idea.

    I did specifically state that a different version of the styles or as another said the basic generic version could be the option to be obtained. I never meant for the Platinum/etc to be obtained from some new method. Achievements should be honored. That does not mean that a 'similar' or generic version can't be made available by some means.

    As others have said other MMO's won't always bring back 'exclusive' rewards from content that doesn't exist anymore. There is however a marked difference between Content Rewards and Promotion Benefits. Promotions are just that one and done unless another promotion reuses said rewards. Content though we already have precedent on being brought back within DCUO with the Avatar Bombardier gear style. MMOs bring back or create 'symbolic' versions of extinct content any time they feel like especially if the player base asks for it.

    That said please keep sharing your thoughts and we can find if the forum vocal population has some consensus and what the devs themselves think even. Thanks for discussing this.
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  6. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

  7. Baelothon New Player

    I have played guild wars 2 and they do bring back old mount skins and pass styles and skins. Many of the items that you buy in the market end up coming back. And many games bring back styles, mounts, pets etc.... Well yes there are a few items that don't come back there are many that do come back. And you make it sound like survival mode is a bad thing, in all honesty they could probably bring survival mode back as extra content for us to play. And they can adjust things in the survival mode. Right now we don't really have very much content to do after you have completed the dlcs so why shouldnt it come back? It gives us a fun way to test ourselves and test out builds. In a way its an easy way to give us new content.
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  8. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    I never said SM shouldn't come back and GW2 may have been a bad example on my part cause it was an assumption but you said marketplace which is fine is those come back but if there was some rare drop or rare style from the 1st year of GW2 im willing to bet that didn't come back. SM in some shape or form should definitely come back but it won't because there isn't a way to generate income from it and it would have to be redesigned from the difficulty scaling because of stats revamp. So a alot of work with no payoff for the devs.

    Players wouldn't ask for the DCUO 1 year anniversary cape to come back on the vendor, cause you had to be there for the 1 year anniversary etc.
  9. Brad Sisto Well-Known Player

    On the issue of Anniversary items... Some games have a dual setup when it comes to it they have their 'Anniversary Event Rewards' and their 'Number of Years Played Rewards'. The Anniversary Event Rewards work just like it does here and its all on a vendor to get each year during the Anniversary. The Number of Years Played Rewards are granted based on how long your Account has existed in the game. So yeah there is an argument for letting people obtain the 1 year cape, 2 year cake/fireworks, etc... ;)

    As for SM coming back I am totally fine with that and if it does I would want all the SM rewards to be cycled through based on the content so they can be obtained again. It is just my understanding SM is dead and never to return based on many conversations/reading and was trying to think of What, How and IF some of those 'lost items' could be rescued from oblivion.
  10. Baelothon New Player

    What if they put sm included with membership and add a dlc. What I'm trying to think is that they could use sm as a way to keep us playing cause it gives us something to do. Which is what I'm trying to get at cause wouldn't that keep players on the game? So would that not be better? I dont know too much but I think by giving us more things to do at end game would help keep players playing. If you see what I mean. Maybe im thinking about this wrong but the only thing after you have your points and the dlc is done isnt pvp the only thing we have? Which from what I hear is broken. Since it doesnt sound like they have any plans to fix pvp. Maybe they could do this so they focus on pve. And I would think it would be easier to adjust the sm. Maybe im looking at this from the wrong angle but I would think having people more to do would be better.
  11. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    See i really want the krypton chest from when it was first out back then i was a not to good gadgets troll & struggled now im a tank & it’s honestly the easiest role if you have good team
  12. High Troller Loyal Player

    You make it sounds like sm was easy to tank
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  13. Jokers Falcon Level 30

  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    They need to bring the base items back. Players sold a lot of that stuff anyway. I really don't think that bringing back the base items would hurt anyone.

    IMO, I would have made a Halloween base item pack out of some of the SM base items along time ago.
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  15. Eve YouTuber

    I think maybe a new line of inspired base items\pets, but not the originals.
    And as Proxy say put these on the quarks vendor.
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  16. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen based on comments by Mepps... and it has a lot to do with how much work would need to be done to SM. We'd probably lose at least one DLC if they went down the path of making SM work again.
  17. Jokers Falcon Level 30

    Worth it
  18. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    SM is relevant to a very small group of people. A DLC is relevant to most of the game's population.

    Which do you think they're going to work on?
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  19. useless Well-Known Player

    Yes to base items,would like to have some of that stuff,wasnt playing the game during SM.
    Someone put Oan Charging Console for 15 Mill on broker this morning and i already spend all my money on materials and stuff..nooo
  20. tukuan Devoted Player

    I seem to agree with most that the styles should stay limited to those that earned them, at least in their original form.

    That said it'd be a shame to keep the base items out of the pool as they represent some very distinct sets of items from a cohesive look and feel perspective, that can't be found elsewhere. Especially the FoS and Oa items but even the Trigon items.
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