Survival Mode and the Community

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by glamazom, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. glamazom Level 30

    If anything this SM has shown that there are some glaring issues with the game as a whole. Last SM you have players decrying other players for being "trash" and being illegitimate for abusing lunge spam/man-bat trinket roll when now because the developers have taken away that immunity for the PvP mechanics when lunging a ranged attack you're ultimately left with doing what is shown in this video. This video example is NOT to bash any player, but to highlight the issues with the game.

    This is far worse if not the same as the last survival mode. How is this any better than the lunge spam? Certain players on the forums decided to contest and whine about the last SM so we got this garbage of a hollow shell once known as a Survival Mode. I'm really glad we had to completely break the games CORE combat mechanics just to please others from last survival mode. How is this survival mode?

    The group and I have easily made it to round 20 simply by doing the same thing in this video. As long as you have a competent healer doing the counters for you all you have to do is roll as a tank to gain that 3 second window of immunity where you don't have to worry about anything.

    Finally, the toxicity this event brings out from the community is a big reason (I believe) why so many players have such mixed feelings about it. There needs to be more community interaction with the developers so issues are addressed and the respective problems can be addressed appropriately so we do not end up with another survival mode like this "season 2."
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    For the record, most of the people who wanted the lunge spamming fixed would have preferred a cooldown or other fix, not for the mechanic to be removed altogether.
  3. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    I feel like this is a issue with post revamp tanking (and healer shields) as a whole rather than related to SM. SM just makes it more obvious because there arent add mechanics to care about.
    The revamp favored shields over counter mechanics, the result is shields are so OP you dont need to farm immunities properly and avoid the boss weapon combos to tank in a 1v1. Removing the lunge immunity was just a lazy way to try and fix it, but the problem lies way down in the game design. Instead of lunging, you can kite most bosses forever if u have decent stats and its prob the best if not only way to beat all SM. Thats why I believe if this SM was in a small room like the trigon one or 8-man. probably no1 would beat it, bc tanks arent as effective in close combat like before when compared to range tanking.
  4. Eve YouTuber

    If not for my friends I probably would have never gotten into SM so I totally get it. The DCUO Community is not the most but is toxic at times, even though there are a lot of great people here on the forums and in game, the vocal part is the toxic one. A lot of things that happens within game and outside of it drags the toxicity out. Trashing and exposing each other on YouTube, which kills it for Content Creators trying to grow and help the community. The streaming community tries to keep toxicity out but there is so much we can do even.

    But what you see as toxic others see as harmless fun which breaks it into two parts of the community who are against or in favor of it, and I don't think the Devs want to get involved in players drama and toxicity.

    I don't know, even when I tried to get this point across people still tried to tear each other apart instead of bringing this community together so I got tired myself of trying to fix situations and help players who don't want help.

    At the end of the day, It's a game and we're supposed to have fun here. But even fun is subjective. :oops:
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm chalking it up to "careful what you wish for" which is why I constantly say that on the forum. It's an event just for fun/ practice team work. Players will always find the cheese no matter what it is and every game has cheese. Should just be reverted back to the lung spam stuff. Not making any changes just to run this for fun.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    All I know is that the last two seasons have brought me nothing but misery. I don’t remember the old ones being like this at all. :(
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  7. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    today i saw a new guy says i need help lvl up to 30 he was 27
    i say a who cares i got time so i did it the guy was happy
    i talk with him about the membership he says me he dont got the money for this mhm i say ok u can just play for fun idk if we still got open episdes anyway i was know the guy wasnt able to get something big withhis big of ingame money so i was taking my bank looked around and gave him a bronze chroma for free and a lantern henchmen pack ....

    what that got tto with this here well simple i think we finally have to see the truth if we dont help each other we destroy every last bit of fun here if this is sm or any other thing we need changes here and a game like dcuo is unique only here u can do things like create your fav hero or villian
    so i think that we very should think about twice if it is ok to drag the guys that are under us more down or help them up to enjoy this game with us and yes im angry and i let some ppl sometimes feel that but i do this bcs this toxic feeling this two class gameplay has to stop once and for all i dont scared to get kicked out for say what i think or get another toxic coment as long as i get some guys and show them that we are one big group here i cant say someone he is a noob or something when i know i was it too may i even be it now too but i help guys try to say them what i know and that dont hurt guys no it dont hurt to get a teamplayer!!!
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  8. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Well done. Only thing I want to comment is that there aren't 2 classes to this game. There's probably more like 30. You've got elitists, casual elites, end gamers, casual end gamers, stylists, feat hunters, broker types, blah blah. None are less important than the other but more than likely, they'll all stick together with minimum cross over. That's ok. Everyone can play their desired way.

    Every group can be "loud", meaning depending on what the issue is, any group can get worked up. That doesn't make them evil. The angry comments may be more than neccessary most times but each group likes what they like.
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  9. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    mhmm i think about something how would it be if daybreak give the gamers a (mentor program) like u help a new guy and get some points if he reach a milestone like lvl 30 or something? and the points may can be use for a special vedor were u can get some stuff for it (like a thanks for help) that may helps the gamers come together again or what do u guys think about it?
  10. Miike Fury Well-Known Player

    this is basically what people are complaining about with survival mode rewards.
    what if i dont want to help anyone but want the rewards that are specifically tied to it?
    Same as SM (granted, on a much smaller scale)
  11. zNot Loyal Player

    And people think this is difficult lol to kite and run away from the boss while spamming shields with ice (notice how the main tank is always ice) exactly what i told proxystar (couldve been someone else too) some time ago i said elite raids were better then SM etc and thaty why i prefer Elite Raids for Challenging content and i said that they should focus more on the Elite raid difficulty.

    4 man SM isnt balanced i already said i disliked SM the 4 man ones the whole thing is just so weird to me how bosses are countered the immunity and people dying 10 times in one boss fight and using repair bots and keep on getting revived and using 2 Tanks on one boss lol thats not skill
  12. zNot Loyal Player

    Exactly what i also said healers are OP and healer shields especially look at how broken this is. Thats why i said they need to up the difficulty on healers and Tanks on elite content and balance healer shields its the same there just OP
  13. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    i get your point Mike Fury but lets be honest u need something to give guys a motivation to help ....from alone the most guys dont help we allready saw this
  14. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I wouldn't say no one wants to help. There's leagues that have the motto of being there to help/ mentor. We have been rebuilding our league as of late. Legion realllllly thinned our ranks. Not getting into it but due to that, we struggled with prestige for the 1st time in a long time. So when skip season rolled around, we tried to recruit. Almost every single player left in a day because no prestige was being spent. We were saving for new dlc/ sm. All of us are "op" so it didn't matter to us.

    Then a few that did stay only wanted us to run their feats for them. We would happily get some done but there was anger that we wouldn't help during the week. We have our motd as weekends are league time. So while we were willing to help or at the least give a bunch of skippers a home so they could start running together, all we got was a revolving door of wannabecarrieds. Point is tho, plenty willing to help.
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  15. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    wait...waiiiittt.....isnt it an idea to get prestige as an thx if u help new guys ? that would even help leagues not just the guys u help i will you too bcs many leagues got problem with prestige..and the best is no one has to feel bad bcs of the rewards if we get prestige for it
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  16. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    like if u do feats with guys u earn prestige too so the guys that allrready did the feats got something usefull they get if they help thats an win win the guys big guys get prestige the new guys get feats that even would help build more and more highend chars/gamers
  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Of course. That's the trade off. But you have to also do some work to prove you're in it for the league vs in it for yourself. If you're new to the league, you gotta prove you're a valuable addition. It's a team not a bunch of people to get your feats for you. So put a little work and prestige in while you get to know your new fam and run some stuff then join in on the weekends and everyone gets help. I'm saying day 1 or 2 additions were getting angry that other players weren't helping them get 8yr old feats on a tuesday at 5pm.
  18. High Troller Loyal Player

    instead of writing about toxicity (which many do on the forums), why not report the toxicity and do your part in cleaning out the game? See the link at the bottom of my signature for more information.
  19. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Perhaps the devs wouldn’t mind creating a leg mod that gives health back after completing successful counters. Seems reasonable.