support role AM idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by veneficus OP truncus, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. veneficus OP truncus Committed Player

    I know that the dev team are working on adding the AM possibility to support roles and i really enjoy the improvements made to celestial healing via damage.. it is more fun to heal than it has ever been..

    With this i have a suggestion... Dual gear sets..

    In the WOTL eps. there were 2 sets of dps gear.. might gear and precision gear..

    i think it would be neat to have dual set gear for support roles this time around..

    Healer gear that has slightly less resto but additional precision..
    Troller gear that has extra dom and might..
    Tank gear that has less health/dom but extra precision/might

    would be a great addition for the battle type support roles the new AM machanic additions

    might even help sell armories and inventory or bank space..

    i would absolutely love to have a battle healer set of gear that i could mod differently and save to an armory for alerts/backup healing while keeping a pure/solo healing armory as well..
  2. majosea Dedicated Player

    With this i have a suggestion... Dual gear sets..

    In the war of light part 1 . there were 2 sets of dps gear.. might gear and precision gear.. love it , miss it
    wish it would make a comeback .

    as far the other dual support roles gears sets , I would not use them , but I'm sure some would so having the option should not hurt , I hope
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  3. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Did they say anything about adding power regen to the support roles as well, or is it just nature that features that edge?
    I had to rename a nature toon recently so I could justify breaking my build to go bugaboo, but after doing so, realized how much fun it was from the healing perspective. Fire tanks had access to power back when the AM was added for them, and it made fire tanking a lot of fun too. Once HL gets it's damage corrections, using construct combos in troll stance will offer insight into how it works from the controller angle. Pretty damn sure it'll fall into the 'also fun' category.
  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Couldn't you get the same effect mixing some of the pieces of gear?
  5. L T Devoted Player

    I think the plan is to bring AM Damage buffs to all the support roles, but not power regen.

    I'd like to see the power regen come back for Fire Tanks. Since Fire has to spend so much time blocking, it's very difficult to build up your own power or get supercharge without being able to use the AM.

    Since Nature's bug form can't use weapons, the AM power return is needed (much like Arbiter of Destiny for Sorcery).

    That's what's been working for me so far.
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