Not A Bug Superman 80th emblem

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Vortexjoker, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. Vortexjoker New Player

    I wouldn't classify this as a bug necessarily, but i think this falls under with the fit for a king (event+) as the feat is unobtainable if you didnt get it at content, i dont believe there are any other feats that are "unobtainable" to my knowledge
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Not a bug. It was a limited time reward.
  3. Berza Committed Player

    Fit for a King + is bugged, we should be able to get it at this time. But Superman 80 anniversary was limited to a set time and it's unobtainable past that date. There is another feat that can not be obtained, the Back from Hack from 2011.
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