Superfluous (elite) gear idea

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Twelve Gauge, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    I'm aiming this idea at elite gear, but it could work just as well for all rare drops. The concept is simple so i'll keep this short. When you've gotten your 2nd, 3rd, 4th useless piece of elite gear instead of salvaging it, I purpose you be allowed to change the gear to another type be it chest/legs/hands, whatever piece your lacking, costing you the superfluous piece and the amount of marks the piece you choose costs. I.E you take your (elite) chest to a vendor along with 45 marks and change it to an (elite) waist. I honestly think with (possibly) a few tweaks to how rare gear drops currently, this would work long term to help ease some community wide tension of what drops they get and how often, as well as take away some of the 'luck' burden we deal with today. Thoughts?
  2. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Would hurt replay sales so it'll never happen
  3. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    I also thought of a super fabulous elite gear idea!

    Have the mod sockets in them set to if you use real mods, from certain new plans, that the affinity bonus would add a percentage to your roles stat (ex 2% increase crit attack/heal/power per piece). This would make mods matter again. The percetange doesn't ever have to raise... The mods could start over at something obtainable; 10-15 bytes?

    Note: synthetics would not work, but you'd still get the might (or role) stat boosts. Elite sockets could have two boosts; a might (role) boosts for synthetic users and a percentage if real mods are used.

    It would also not effect cr.

  4. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player
