Super Speed Movement Tweaks?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by UxDRAGON, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. UxDRAGON Well-Known Player

    So I'm sure that everyone is watching the Second Season of CW The Flash and most of the things I'm going to say will be inspired from there.

    So I've actually been ranting about this for like a few months in the past, So what I want to say is that the appearance/lightning animations that zap around your feet needs a few tweaks/changes.

    So lets start with the Lightning animations, I personally don't like the fact that the lightning animations only revolves around your feet when you go into movement mode and stand idle. Now I don't have a issue with when your actually moving around because the animations happens all over your body but it seems that the animation stops going all over your players body when you stand idle then the animation just happens on your feet. If it's possible I would like the animations to carry on all over your body(Like as if its zapping all over) as this will look more interesting! #FLASHINSPIRED xD.

    Now moving on to the main thing that I've actually been ranting on about is the colour of the lightning. I think that being able to change the colour of the lightning of the movement super speed would be a really good feature well not really a feature but something that adds on to the appearance of when going into Super Speed mode cause at the moment you see the same old orange lightning that every single DCUO player has, That way every speedster in the DCUO will be unique and different!.

    Of course this is only my thinking and opinions, The choice is really up to DAYBREAK games and whether they would decide on making this change to DCUOs speedster's. I really hope this message or Thread makes it to someone like "Mepps". Again I know that the only way of making this possible is by having a majority of the DCUO community agreeing with me which is 1 in Million.

    Please share your thoughts and views on this.

    Thank you
  2. The Quickster Well-Known Player

    uhh no, the lightning is yellow/orange because all the speedsters are connected to the speed force, changing the lightning to green or pink would defeat the purpose of that. As far as the lightning around the feet goes, i don't see a problem with that, it makes sense. if you want lightning all over your body then play Electric
  3. UxDRAGON Well-Known Player

    What if you are playing a Villain?
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Well, see, that's something personally got a problem with: The Flasher Brigade are not the only speedsters in DC, we should have the option of being Flasher Wannabes or Inspired by Cheetah (she still needs to be made to look like a cheetah by the way)
  5. ShazamFan2014 Loyal Player

    The Quickster. Brilliant idea.
  6. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    I read the first few lines of your post and stopped reading for fear of spoilers. I'm still on season one, lol.

    However- I am TOTALLY behind tweaking super speed.
    It's way too hard to control :oops: so whatever changes you suggested, add improved maneuverability to the list.
  7. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Don't worry, there was nothing about the actual show in their post
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  8. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I'm less concerned with the animation than I am wishing Super Speed was faster than all the other movement modes. Speedsters should be the fastest things that exist, so it makes no sense that a speedster should travel at the same speed as a flier or acrobat.
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  9. Coulromaniac Dedicated Player

    Although if they make it faster, it'll be even HARDER to control.
    However, yeah, that makes sense. Plus it shouldn't slow when in combat so much.
  10. UxDRAGON Well-Known Player

    I agree that they need to make it quicker thing is players on console(PlayStation) won't have an issue except from possible lag
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    That has never made sense to me: speedsters shouldn't even be hit when they are running through a group of level four scrubs (obviously if the stop and fight, then yes, they can take a few hits, but not when just running past in full Speed Force mode), and if Bazza (and all the other speedsters) can turn at a 90degree angle, why can't we? o_O
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