Summer Event: Boat Spawns

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BooTia, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. Rainnifer Committed Player

    As I did the event today I decided to see how it works, from what I noticed getting one hit in and other people finishing them off does not count for you. Getting the last hit in does count. Otherwise at least 3 will count for you, not sure about only 2 hits.
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  2. MYTHLORD Active Player

    it's easily the worst event open world mission wise. it used to be second worst in terms of the instance too before all the instances thankfully got nerfed into a fun not utter pain in the DPasS.
    and honestly it's entirely down to the boarders.

    easy fix? just make them count for everyone who is on the ship. yes it means freeloaders. but come on. the 15 can take half an hour on a bad day sometimes. especially if you have a slow weapon.

    i doubt anyone would actually care if this tiny seasonal event were made a little easier.
    cause difficulty is one thing. Just being a tedious game of fighting over who gets the last cookie in the jar is NOT difficult. just boring and unfun.
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  3. Jurandyr Ross Well-Known Player

    The worst open world seasonal for sure. If every objective was cut in half and respawn timers were adjusted it would alleviate the problem.

    Funny thing is that it seems enemy adds spawn faster on the frigates where you don't need to kill them.
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  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Finally tried that "Hop and Drop" move, and it works even if you barely manage to skip an inch off the deck :D

    Can confirm that all you need to do to get credit for the Generators is to be close enough (have gotten credit several times just by passing by on the way to an un-contested ship)
    Speaking of: still far too many people (read: idiots) leaving one or two Generators intact when they finish: even if you finish the mission after destroying one, clear out the rest so the next player doesn't waste their time

    And speaking of time: was able to complete the mission six times in around 90 minutes tops (and most of that time was due to idiots leaving just one or two Gens intact and having to either wait for them to respawn, or fly around finding another Gen-Ship :mad: ), so around fifteen minutes each (also includes Porting back to HQ, checking mail and switching characters) isn't too bad
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  5. MiLady Well-Known Player

    For the turrets, using the Jump-Release of the item works like a champ and is faster than just walking to the turret. Also, do not throw the item because the closest enemy will be targeted, not the turret. There is a good chance the item will miss the turret. I have seen this happen too many times. Jump-Release is key.

    For me, it takes a minimum of 4 hits on an muntineer to get credit. Anything less wont count, unless you did the last hit. I always switch to my Dual Pistols for the seasonal outdoors stuff because they are fast to do damage. All weapons do 1pt of damage, so use your fastest weapons (i.e. Dual Pistols, Hand blasters). If you can group with other players, it will make life much easier. I usually go to a ship with less people on it because I can stay on a section of the ship and guarantee that I get 1-2 enemies per spawn.
  6. Lodestone Active Player

    Im sorry to say but i dont agree with most of the complaints here, ill do this mission every day on my main and when i have time to play on my 3 alts ill do them also and it will never take longer than 5 min. to 10 min. tops to complete. Generator ships (purple) is no biggie at all just be on the ship alone will grant you as said here. Im not understand why you still should destroy generators when you finished them cause within 10 to 20 sec. distance there will be another generator ship to enter lol so just move on to another (purple) ship. The Killing 15 can be a bit annoying at times but when i see many ppl on a (yellow) ship i go straight to another one, mostly the 2e or 3e im on i will finish the mission. Suggestions here are, try go in group and you will be done in minutes, as said here go in pvp phase and it will be all yours. Or as i mostly do move on to a yellow ship with none or few ppl on it. I personaly really see no problems in this seasonal.
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  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I don't get it, meself. if you're getting stressed out over it, you're doing it wrong. I've never had any problems with the instance, none at all. for the Boarders, just go get them off the ships furthest away. for the Generators, use a shield. never taken me more than, tops, ten minutes ( at a push ). got it done on all nine characters this morning in less than 45. I don't understand the problem.
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  8. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    regarding the post above, that should read 55, not 45.
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  9. MYTHLORD Active Player

    yes. you CAN do that. but why should we be literally REQUIRED to go farther away just because of poor game design?
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Because it's not the game design that's causing all the problems. When it comes to seasonal events, it has a lot more to do with player behavior than the design of the content.

    More often than not, in their rush to get the content done as fast as possible players will get in each other's way (sometimes intentionally, sometimes accidentally) while running the content. It's why you have players triggering the cutscenes in the instance before the rest of the team (a generous term with the way some instances can go LOL) gets a chance to load in. It's why you see players swarm a spawn point like locusts when the city is full of spawn points.

    The only aspect of seasonal content design that can rub me the wrong way (and might consider a flaw) is "everyone gets credit" because it encourages the kinds of behavior that can make a seasonal content run be counterproductive at times, but I can see why they went that route. While I'd love to be the only one to get credit on a Halloween or Holiday spawn, having the first person to tap the spawn being the one to get credit would lead to a LOT of griefing.

    Still think it'd be funny to see the shocked reactions of players if the devs instituted that kind of change, though. :D But I digress.

    It all comes down to how smooth of a run you want with a seasonal event. If you want to get done quick, you can always just stick to the nearest spawn and hope you don't have to fight other players for credit. If you want to get it done without fighting others? Then it doesn't hurt to go out of your way a bit.
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  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    And if someone has already gone to the next three ships and destroyed two or three of the Generators? No big deal, right?
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  12. Lodestone Active Player

    No not really, just finish the 1 or 2 generators and return to the other ship in the meantime it has respawn. In reality you will not see that scenario much often while the most players are sitting at the 3/6 ships closests to Aquaman if you go past that you will have the ships for yourself. Maybe we should sail together one time then i will show you i see no problems here or you can convince me that there is a problem.
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  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Just today, came across that very scenario: several ships, no other players from either side around, with one or two Generators left, and that was with at least three characters
    Yes, it doesn't take long to finish those off, which is what gets me cross: at minimum you need two and one half ships (10 generators, who came up with that brilliant number anyway? when there are only four generators per ship :rolleyes: ), just take the extra few minutes to clear the remaining Generators, by that stage the defenders won't be spawning as often or as fast so it will be quick and (relatively) painless

    Personally go for the three ships furthest away (East for Villains, West for Heroes), never the ones closest as they are always swarming with players
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  14. Lodestone Active Player

    When there are other players around and im finished with the generators out of habbit i usually stay and help clear out the ship. As im alone and im finished im not gonna clear out more generators thats a waste of youre time imo. As i said before i really see no problem should i come across a ship with 1 or 2 generators, i will clear them and move on to the next ship. 10 min. tops always. Think about other open world seasonals, for example take Mr. Mxyzptlk will you stay by 1 pot of gold and wait till its respawn or will you move on and go further into Metro/Gotham.
  15. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    The point is: consideration for others
    With the pots of gold, same thing: if get the 33rd on the first coin, will blast the crap out of the pot to make it despawn and reload fresh, then again, will go to the back corners to avoid 'helpful' players who believe it takes two (or more) players to collect coins (or Christmas presents, or Halloween candy) so can understand how some people would confused about that concept
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