[Suggestion] In times of COVID-19 self-isolation make Open Eisodes event

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ekart, Mar 14, 2020.

  1. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    How about open episode's, 3x's marks, and renown. That would help people to catch up to end game. Before the new dlc.

    I know, I know it's a BIG DREAM. Just think about it though, would be nice.
  2. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

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  3. Juiceman936 Well-Known Player

    I agree with op. He said open episodes. It’s not asking for money. So daybreak isn’t taking any food off the plate of families. Open episodes are free!!! Daybreak isn’t gaining anything from doing this. Journalists have bigger fish to fry than down talk a video game company right now.
  4. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Or instead of open episodes, offer a discount for one month of membership...
  5. Engendro Nefasto Well-Known Player

    If you wear the Biohazard or Antifreeze suits you will be fine. ;)
  6. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    As Mr. Mxy aptly put it "Hands offa me pots o'gold! Get a reeeeal job why doncha?"
  7. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    Speak for yourself. I made the executive decision to cancel all my plans in the community for the next 4 weeks, at the least. I'll re-evaluate the situation after Easter, but depending on the situation I may continue the self imposed quarantine.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Right back at you. Not all of us can afford to put our lives on pause just because there's a new bug going around.
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  9. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    Considering that where I live schools have mostly decided to cancel classes, bars and restaurants are starting to close for the duration, and the department stores are considering doing the same? I feel justified in deciding to self quarantine. I work from home anyway, so it's not like I need to head out for work.
  10. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ok that's your choice.
  11. ALB Dedicated Player

    They will 1st have to figure out how to make money off the open episodes. They don't do anything just for the sub we paying
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just in...."All probiotics are sold out on the Broker....Man in Kentucky now selling for 1 mil a stack of 5"

    Seriously though, I get the idea (well both ideas....the one where we just get free stuff too) and yeah, it would be nice to give something away like free eps. It would help kill the time for those who might be playing more DCUO than ususal (assuming a lot of F2P or Premium dabbliers will be getting in more often), and maybe DI gets some new subs at the end. A better offer would be a lessened 1 month membership for 8 bucks or something (non renewable), as many people are not working today or for the next few weeks/months and that might ease the decision to spend money on a game vs buying a few boxes of cereal to eat. And maybe some people who are going to be on more do sub up at that price. I've got at least 2 friends online that already said after their current month is up, they are dropping sub as both heads of household will be on diminished or eliminated pay while staying home...would a few bucks make a difference? Maybe....maybe not. Me, I'm subbed so this benefits me very little (I'd probably run some stuff extra on the premium accounts....but not a lot...wouldn't sub even at that price)

    I realize it's just a dopey game, but it is a distraction from the crapfest going on right now.
  13. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    Ask and you shall receive...
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  14. Megzilla Dedicated Player

    Edit: I can't read; already a link posted announcing open episodes. :)
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  15. Psyfur Well-Known Player

    Nice going! They listened!
  16. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    And here I'd just signed up for All Access a few days ago. Don't regret doing so, but still mildly almost annoying timing.
  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    yes but whats most important is you know how to draw!
  18. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    It's all good bro... open episodes doesn't give a player the extra inventory space, unlimited bank account, access to the lair system or utility belt. And you'll need some of those if you're serious about playing the game.
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  19. Faerie_Knight Well-Known Player

    Or more importantly... free opening of Promethean Lockboxes. Never fails, when I subscribe I rarely get them. When I drop back down to Premium, I get dozens of lockboxes that I can't unlock without spending money per session. Which naturally means they tend to expire 30 days after being acquired. Actually, those lockboxes piling up and expiring in a day or two is often the primary reason I sub for a month.

    EDIT: Actually, that's part of why I'd subbed this time too. I had played for 3 hours, and had 31 promethean lockboxes. Playing most of today, I got only 4 of them.
  20. Ekart Committed Player

    If you can, support the game mate, sub. I'm doing it and so are the others. Open episodes are for those who can't right now.
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