Suggestion, Devs please read.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by VoZhD123, Jun 29, 2013.

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  1. VoZhD123 New Player

    Now before I post I would like to just say if your a Legendary player and have something not useful to say please do not post on this thread. Now I downloaded this game a while back and since then I've bounced from being legendary to going as far as purchasing every DLC. Which I payed full price for not this 50% off business. I spent about $70 on all the DLCs. Basically, like I purchased a brand new game at a retail store. Now as a premium player I feel the cash cap should be raised for each DLC you purchased. Even $2,000 would make since for each DLC. I am just saying this because it makes it less painful when dealing with repairs in the newer content.

    Again, if your legendary and your going to post something that would be considered rude I will ask the moderators to remove the post. If anyone else has views on what I am suggestions please do so. Thank you.
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  2. Killua19 New Player

    actually as a legendary i support it just because legendary is worth jack **** right now
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  3. Trees New Player

    Go legendary, this has been brought up way too many times. I'm not being rude and I apologize if you don't like my answer but you are just beating a dead horse now.
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  4. Meta Flare New Player

    We need dislikes to come back ASAP.
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  5. Physique Dedicated Player

    This discussion has happened many, many, many times now. It's stale. That said, I will make the same suggestion that I made several months before:

    For every DLC purchased, it should grant a +$2,000 addition to the existing cash cap. If all the DLC were purchased by a player, his or her cash cap would rise from the current $2,000 to $16,000 and allow those players to make all of the requisite purchases in the game without having to spend extra money to access their escrow. Since the DLC purchases are permanent, there is no chance that an account would lose that level of access so, in my mind, I see no reason why this couldn't be added to entitlement.

    It is my hope that the devs will take this seriously under consideration as it still would not directly affect those who make escrow purchases for buying and trading in the auction house (because the pricing and availability of some collections is still ridiculous).
  6. VoZhD123 New Player

    Yes, I agree it is a old subject but it is something that should be stated. If it took me once a week to post this on the forum tell it was addressed for the best of the players than myself as a consumer would be satisfied.
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  7. Killua19 New Player

    they will never do that because it would cost them money, time to make it and would require them to listen to community feedback ( i know i´m pretty negative about them these days but stuff is just going up and up in the last few weeks)
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  8. minuteofdecay Committed Player

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  9. The Johnny army New Player

    I won't go into this really old discussion, but I do want to say, if you ask for such a high increase (2000 per DLC), it won't make any sense being legendary. What you are asking for is a cap of $18000 (the original $2000 plus all current 8 DLCs), which means you will have zero restrictions at vendors. The implications are obvious, IMO, being premium with a $18000 cap is a medium to long term death sentence to the game. And yes, I know, legendary get so much more and all that, but the no money cap thing is what sells legendary subscriptions.
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  10. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Sub is SUPPOSED TO BE are SUPPOSED TO BE RESCRICTED...that is the point. They want people to sub...if you refuse to sub you miss out on a lot of benefits. This is really a very simple concept.
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  11. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    No they don't understand that that's why every other day they post INCREASE CASH CAP. They don't get that THEY picked premium status. If you want everything the game offers then Sub up.
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  12. Monty New Player

    Ya, personally I couldn't imagine playing this game without legendary, and my wife plays to, so that's two subs that I gladly pay. Look at it from the business point of view (aka the devs point of view). Going free to play was a choice they made to get people more interested in the game, but it really is nothing more than a marketing tactic. Like other people in this thread say, if premium get's a cash cap boost, i'm out. Pay up, if you are buying all dlc and doing any micro transactions in the marketplace, sub up. Subs keep the game going, not freemiums.
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  13. Feenicks New Player

    Subscribe. Problem solved.

    I should cut and paste that for the next 100 threads like this to come.
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  14. minuteofdecay Committed Player

    They want to pick and choose what they spend money, then they can choose to buy an escrow ticket.
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  15. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    This is by far the worst idea of all the "asking for freebies" threads... Giving 2k per dlc doesn't make any sense what so ever...

    Most legendaries sub for convenience..16k is very convenient.. I would unsub instantly if this was implemented... And I'm sure many subs will do so as well!! I've been subbed since launch and I would drop and go premium... And just So u understand... I won't be dropping cuz I'm angry.. I'm dropping cuz I will save money...

    Now this doesn't mean I don't believe prems shouldn't get an increase... U should but all increases should be at a cost since u have choosen the pay as u go membership... Maybe $5 for an increase of $500... To a cap of $5000.... Now this is still inconvenient and gives prems an option to have more cash!!
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  16. Tocimus Committed Player

    so what next? should premiums get free promethium keys as well?

    i really love a thread about how premiums should get this and that. the legendary perks are there so you feel more inclined to subscribe.
    the marketing team is not going to change this because you think you deserve it. eventually having a subscription will seem better then buying here and there, and you'll sub.

    having cash at hand is a huge perk. the fact this thread subject keeps appearing is proof.
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  17. sonryo21 New Player

    I am legendary and I agree with you. I have advocated for this for a long time now. I have been legendary since I started playing this game and I will say it was just a matter of convenience for me. But there are others who can not afford things like others so they choose a different path. The system that DCUO functions by is simple ridiculous. I am leaving this game so I'll say what I have been saying for awhile now. Find a new game the devs will not listen to you. To them you are just a sheep. Not to mention this game attracts a lot of comic book fans; of which are usually some of the most stubborn and illogical people. They have an air of elitism about them.They are predominately arrogant in their conversations and behavior. You can fact check this with their illogical points of view in their arguments. That is if you take on the role of an outsider looking in you will see that they behave that way over and over again. So in essence find another game leave DCUO and find the fun you desire elsewhere because your frustration will only be met with intolerance and disrespect. I hope you heed my advice.
  18. Killua19 New Player

    as a comic book fan i cant agree with that statement you made about them...but i agree with everything else.. it gets worse and worse and i just wait for a new mmorpg to jump onto on my ps3

    leave the sinking ship people
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  19. VoZhD123 New Player

    When I subscribed to Legendary was for the other benefits to being legendary. The ability to trade cash, unlimited promethium lockboxes and unlimited vaults, more inventory/bank/character slots. The unrestricted cash was also a factor, but what I'm asking isn't to access my full amount of cash, I'm asking for a little buffer to repair. I would agree to go the 500 to 1000 per DLC. Companies make more money from purchasing in game stuff then subscriptions. They make more money from players paying for individual DLCs and purchasing liars/deeds, styles etc. to increase the cash limit a little isn't much to offer. Even if it was 1k per DLC that would cap at 9k. That isn't enough to purchase everything. Have you seen the broker prices for anything? They usually are over 500k+. I'm not asking for everything legendary has to offer, just a increase in cash for repairs if you are willing to spend the money for the extra content a little appreciation goes a long way to make the consumers happier.
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  20. Monty New Player

    Good bye
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