Sugestion for a new power set

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Tyrphis, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. Tyrphis New Player

    not sure where to put this thread so I'll just drop it here.
    I would like to see a sonic power set like black canary.
    Thoughts anyone or perhaps other ideas.
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  2. Phil Osyfee New Player

    Sports Master as a controller. He should have a sick sports rally to give power dumps and should spill tubs of Gatorade as PoT
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  3. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Personally I want a Jared/Coldcut theme. I want to eat food and destroy *******. True G stuff.

    (Disclaimer: None of the comments in this post are intended to be taken seriously.)
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  4. Pults Loyal Player

    "Magic". Who wouldn't want that?
    Something inspired by Joker/Abra Kadabra/Trickster
    That could work for a controller.

    As for a tank, I'd go with kryptonian.
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  5. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I want

    a game that doesn't cater to those who want it to be easy so they can SOLO content.
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  6. ShadowKonigWolf New Player

    Suggestion for Certain Powersets hope might help some players with it but here goes...
    1) say you have hardlight powerset hope we can maybe have a multicolor change of the lantern rings for specfic Lantern Corps for fans that love lantern corps instead of just have the green or yellow since we already have the rage powerset. If not wanting to do another powerset for lanterns maybe have a color setting for hardlight that way ppl can enjoy the different lantern corp characters since we already have the lantern suits and the battery and lantern accessories, maybe for rage maybe have a color change for black lantern corp if possible just trying to have players enjoy playing lantern corps since not many players play lanterns as much.
    2) for players that like certain anime like dbs since we have emotes and some auras for dbs charaters that players have made maybe have a powerset kinda like a saiyan would have but change the name to like energy wave or power wave.
    3) also for ppl that are fans of lanterns since we have played as characters in pvp legends that wield the 2 lantern rings maybe have it as a new powerset called intertwined light and if you think that might be over powered i dont think it would be if you can use it in pvp then you should be able to use it for your custom character maybe nerf it to be as strong as rage or balanced like celestial for hero you can have green and blue and for villian you could do red and green. ik this might have a backlash but in the game i think the lanterns have been underrated or not much used but it would be awesome to see more lanterns than just the basic green red and yellow make it as cool as hardlight and rage was when they came out you can have alot of lantern scenes from like space between mogo and ranx or something have like a full out battle in space with the lantern corps. its just a suggestion tho hope you'll do a add on to dcuo to make it more enjoyable for other players that are just learning or getting into the lantern corps type stuff
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  7. vRad Level 30

    Do not want. I already mute sound when going after the black canary bounty on my villain or someone in my group is using the iconic powers- they're worse than nails on a chalkboard to me.

    Rather than new power sets, I'd like them to expand current ones where any power can dps or do the support role of their choosing at creation. Example, Nature Tank (vines act as pull and hold in place), Ice Heals (cryogenic freeze prevents cellular damage), Sorc Troll (does magic really need a qualifier?)- and people could use reset tokens (purchased or earned thru other means) to change their support role. I love playing support roles on different powers, but role choices are very limited. They could use a lot of the existing programming for those skills (pulls, priority heals, debuffs, etc) but apply diff animations. I can only speak to programming outside of video games, but this seems the most budget friendly way to create "new powers."

    If having to propose something completely new, I think Inque from Batman Beyond would be interesting. Not quite ebon, clayface, or plastic man but a little bit of each.
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  8. Tolly Committed Player

    Personally, I can think of 3 ideas at the moment,

    1 the one that everyone is waiting for, a heal lantern

    2 A power that would be with pentacles would probably be a reference to Constantine although he has several powers, if not another character using pentacles, I don't think there is one.

    3 Another one I'm thinking about at the moment, but probably too tricky to imagine as it would be very weird and limited for AOE, but it would be something that could be around a sniper.

    Although a new ability idea for existing powers would also be a good idea.
  9. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Amazo tank powerset.
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  10. Lucidex Active Player

    Iconic powers exists
  11. ShadowNova6852 New Player

    One power no one thought of and i would love to see is Giganta power being used as a tank or dps but just have a certain size that hero or villian can go to. And use to play on Ps 3 but have changed to xbox.
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  12. Agent Flores Committed Player

    Hey check out my post about the Lantern power set and let me know what you think. You got some good ideas here.
  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Plastic Man for the win. His power set would include...

    Bouncing Ball
    Leg Trip
    Anaconda Wrap
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  14. Grip Committed Player

    I'm nearly certain Richie Rich from the 90s came out under WB. There's gotta be a powerset in there somewhere, right? If not a full one, a couple for the iconic tree? lol I'm not hopeful; it's just a thought...
  15. GermanM Committed Player

    A thread of 2016... wow
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  16. FoolsFire Devoted Player

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  17. Mister Ultimate New Player

    Can't really think of anything else except plastic/rubber powers.
    So can someone else think of another powerset because I'm drawing a blank page here.
  18. WinchesterxNL New Player

    - I'm agreeing with the person mentioning colour changes for the Lanterns. Which would be quite nice to have to be honest.

    - A powerset based on the Darkness powers from Ebon would be cool, think it would be a nice Controller role.

    - Saw someone mention having more freedom with our powersets in what we could do with them. And I agree it would be nice to be able to change my Fire type from Tank to Heal on occasion. Might also give more oppurtunity for Raids / Duos / Alerts to have some more variety than everyone just being standard DPS.

    - Perhaps a small addition to the weapons. (Say.. One Handed and Brawler work best for Earth powers, or something)

    - An "Evil" version of Sorcery would be interesting. Where it could be different for Villains, much like the Lantern powers do.