Sudden Lags

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Cruize, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Cruize Active Player

    Okay basically I've been experiencing sudden lags since last night, I checked my internet (router/modem/etc) and even rebooted it just to be sure, but every time I log-in I suddenly lag, the longer I am online (and by that I mean even for just 30 minutes) the lag gets a lot more insane.

    I browse fine, download files fine, basically the lag is just present in the game.

    If anyone else is experiencing the same thing as me please reply here and hope for a mod to give us an answer.
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  2. Aiden Warren New Player

  3. Cruize Active Player

    @Aiden, i dun believe that the problem is on my laptop as well dude. but thanks for the advice. Atm I can still play normally but then it gets laggy at some point.
  4. Comixfan Committed Player

    I just had the weirdest thing happen. The game's been laggy all night since restart while in Watchtower/Base/Open World, but instances seem fine.

    I was in the Watchtower having just sent an email, zipped over to the Meta Wing to salvage some stuff and the R&D station & vendors weren't there! I went back to the email terminals, then back to the Meta Wing & they'd spawned. I salvaged a couple items, went to the vendor, repaired & sold some legs, then when I exited the vendor & the R&D station just disappeared then reappeared a minute later!

    Never had anything like that happen in game ever. Very odd!
  5. Cruize Active Player

    Mine started in the instances then everything even open world went haywire. >.<

    However I have been monitoring the lag condition on my end by logging in and roaming around cities/wt/etc.
    The lag just seem to randomly kick-in. When I relog sometimes I lag, sometimes I don't, then boom.
  6. Comixfan Committed Player

    Instances were fine for me yesterday until the end of a Smallville run, where I lagged out so bad that I didn't see the big announcement that the JLA had arrived until after everyone else had already beaten Doomsday!

    All I could do was stand near the device (which another teammate had already taken outside) not able to move until the lag subsided and I was able to move & subsequently leave the instance.
  7. Eranthis New Player

    I Agree there are alot of lags all of the sudden . Its Crazy i'll be running Dawn and i cant instant P O T because it takes to long to come back and i cant instant heal because of it either it makes me not want to play the game at all & its definite not my internet connection .
  8. Cruize Active Player

    Pretty random >.<
  9. Retina Desgastada New Player

    Same problem here. It worked fine last week! More than 40 hours of game, without a lag problem and then... now it became hard to fight as usual. There are enemies popping of nowhere and I don't know for sure if I'm hitting them. The lag strikes hard on Cities and Arenas, and less agressive on Instances. Nothing has changed on my internet connection or PC.