Style Unlock Needs Expansion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mr. Awesome, May 9, 2019.

  1. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    It befuddles me that not every style in the game is available to be style unlocked. Or at least specifically why are capsule styles or capsule collection styles not on the style unlock list. I just grinded for the Tattered Cape of Corruption using REAL money and Tons of in-game money. This is a cape style from the Gotham's Dark Beating Heart collection.

    How is this style not available for style unlocked considering I had to use account based currency(stabilizers) to get it. I don't mind spending replay badges to get it but it's crazy that currently if I wanted this style on multiplecharacters, id have to regrind it or re-spend money on stabilizers/in-game cash

    edit: just got info that it could be available on the quark vendor if I already replay badged the feat for the cape. Can anyone confirm?
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    First, you are answering your own question. TC styles are still desirable (most are cooler than 'game content' styles) so people spend money to get them.....adding them to unlock costs DBG money. Unlockable styles cost replays, which means more replay sales sure, but for 10 bucks of replays I can unlock 3 or 4 style sets guaranteed. 10 bucks worth of stabilizers will likely not get you anything you need, so you need to buy more and play RNG roulette. They would likely generate more money leaving those styles behind TCs.

    Also,what was that 3 TCs ago? Roughly a year? They still have not added DWF styles (unless it was recently), which is much older than that now. I'd think it should be a rolling 1 or 2 years. Maybe with this new 'source' marks change where it's 3 DLCs have episodic currency and older are in the 'source or nothing' bucket, bring the style unlock up to the same point so anything older than 3 DLCs is unlockable.

  3. Mr. Awesome Well-Known Player

    Sorry I don't understand your point. There is no way the Devs actually expect players to regrind for COLLECTION based TC styles. I can see your reasoning for regular TC styles lowkey. But the Collection styles are a whole different monster. Do people really have the Tattered Cape of Collection on multiple characters? That's insane
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The style unlocking has been happening in phases, the earlier TC and BB styles are available for unlocking.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I know a few that do...yes, it's insane. I wouldn't do it, but there are those that have more money than sense. I get these items for the feats alone...Most of which I don't even wear (although my DPS does sport the cape). Honestly there are items that are unlocked that i'd never buy on an alt (15 bucks of replays for the black smoke or Nimbus?....nah)....i'm not as concerned about dress up as others I guess.

    My want is for the ability to buy that single style piece off an alt to complete a set and close the feat. Still missing 1 Nuclear Elite style on my main that I know I have on at least 1 alt....would be nice to buy it vs having to re-run DWFE/RIPE and hope for it to drop.

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  6. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    And just to add on a 4th phase is still planned but currently has no ETA, but hopefully it’ll include some more TCs, if it does it’ll be 7-9, since the first two phases only released 3 at a time (Gotham tc, notorious tc, paradox tc= 7-9 tc)

    HOWEVER, I’m just guessing if they’ll include 7-9 in next phase whenever it’ll be, past phases below. It still wouldn’t include the tattered cloak of corruption in a while since it’s tc #12 (cursed Gotham tc)

    (Phase 1:Game Update 82 features the first phase of Style Unlocking. Vendor styles through Episode 26, styles from Booster Bundles 1-3, and styles from Time Capsules 1-3 will be eligible to unlock, with more to come in the future.

    Phase 2:Style Unlocking – Phase 2!
    With this Game Update, we’re rolling out our next wave of Styles available for Style Unlocking! You’ll now find several more past items from Booster Bundles 4-6, Collection Rewards, Character Creation, PvP and Faction Vendor Gear, Survival Mode Rewards, and Time Capsules 4-6 now eligible for Style Unlocking!

    Phase 3:Style Unlocking – Phase 3!
    With this Game Update, we’re rolling out yet another wave of Styles available for Style Unlocking! You’ll now find several more past items from Vault Styles, Promethium Lockbox “New 52” Styles, as well as dropped Armor and Weapon styles from DCUO’s launch up through Episode 26! )
  7. Brit Loyal Player

    Cloak of Corruption will eventually migrate over to Style Unlockable, though you're honestly probably looking at a 3 year window of waiting.

    The real garbage deal is grinding out something like the Void Material, that you know you're going to want on multiple characters, and also you know that Materials are not included on the Style Unlock rollout so that is not in line at this time to ever be an option.

    "Gee. Thank you for your $200. Here is your ONE diamond material. Choose which character you want it on carefully, because that is the only one who will ever have access to it. Bwa-ha-ha!"
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  8. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Not sure what the community manager does bc sure doesn’t relay feedback...general opinion will flow in on direction so strong that you’d have to b blind to not see... yet, our cries are overlooked... oh yea, skating on thin ice
  9. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I still wish to see a material unlock system. The way the new material UI is now, I think they could have unlockable materials in there below what you own, and when unlocked with replays, it could be sent by email, not tradeable/not sellable, worse case account bound

    I want the liquid on a few of my alts :/
  10. HL4LYFE Well-Known Player

    i dont even think time capsules should be a thing, i hope the bill passes to ban them
  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It won't.
  12. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I just got the dusk eyes from Booster on one character, sure would like to just unlock it on others.
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  13. Kuno Loyal Player

    Another abandoned system. I will never finish Gorgon Slayer style lol
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Style unlocking wasn't abandoned.
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  15. Kuno Loyal Player

    Been many months since last style unlock update... we all know how things works around here lol
  16. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    You technically can, if you buy the opening 1 Assassin’s tc artificers capsule feat, it’ll mail you the eyes of dusk, think it was 1 replay
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