Style bug -- hands can't be changed

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Pattern, May 14, 2013.

  1. Pattern New Player

    I'm a new player but I've encountered a bug that's making me a little crazy. I equip a new set of gloves I get as a drop, then the new style is stuck and can't be changed no matter what I do.

    I *think* the style is Fourth World. It's a techy hand-cannon looking glove. It's happened to three characters so far. All three are Hand Blast weapon, though the powerset is different on each (Fire, Ice, and Quantum). Two of the characters are villains, one is a hero.

    I'm incredibly frustrated with this, and I'm thinking of deleting all three. If there's a workaround, I'd love to hear about it.
  2. Karmapolice Well-Known Player

    It sounds like you are actually seeing your weapon style, and it's covering your hands so changing your hands won't change the appearance. Go under weapon on your style tab and change that. If you want your hand style to show and not your handblaster weapon style, select bare hands. Then you'll be able to see and change your hand style.
  3. Pattern New Player

    Yup, that was it! Thanks for the help, and sorry for being such a newb!