Stryker's Island: Prison of the Damned (Hood Hunters)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GoldenarmsX, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. GoldenarmsX Active Player

    Situation, I'm certain some have heard this story before.

    Stryker's Island. Thanks to the skills flattening update, this place is already pretty dang difficult as it is for Tier 3 and 4 folks to handle. However, this place is a bit of a hotspot, due to the fact that Captain Cold's Hood (and shades, but no one cares about that) drop here. For some unfathomable reason, this item is coveted by folks, which, normally means on any given day, you would be hard-pressed to NOT find a group ready to delve into the depths of this superpowered prison facility got mad.

    Unfortunately, this also presents a problem. Everyone wants the Hood, but at the same time, no one wants to go to Strykers because, it's kinda hard or something. So, the compromise some of these Hood Hunters have taken is this -- run Strykers as fast as possible until reaching the Rogues, then bounce after the loot drops. I don't know if this is a widespread problem -- I haven't actually looked around on this. However, I know one of my league mates had encountered this issue with someone in his group that skimmed adds and boogied after the Rogues battle, and boy did he take him to task over that.

    It didn't matter that my league mate could have probably soloed Stryker's -- just the fact that this yahoo was only after one thing and bailed on the whole group when he didn't get it was what set him off. A massive no-no, ditching the group and letting them wade through the muck and mud while the Hood Hunter tiptoed through the tulips looking for gold at the end of his work-free rainbow. And... for what? A fuzzy hood style you'd probably wear for one day then forget about for the rest of your gaming experience because it doesn't fit anything you have?


    Anyway, I encountered my own Hood Hunter earlier tonight. Would post it here, but it's a long post -- about 820 words (I moonlight as a writer). Anyone wants to read that, I could post it later. But the gist of the story is the same as my league mate -- idiot Hood Hunter skipping adds fast as possible to reach the Rogues, only to bounce right after that battle and leave his whole group in the lurch.

    I already added him to my ignore list so hopefully I never get grouped with him again, but still, a problem remains that this behavior continues to happen. I know I wasn't the first one done wrong by this, and I got a pretty good feeling I won't be the last one, either. So, in the interest of preventing future instances of this kind of behavior in the Stryker's alert, I propose making Captain Cold's Hood a Grodd drop instead of during the Rogues fight. Yeah, yeah, doesn't make sense, thematically speaking, but given its big game appeal, something that highly prized needs be pushed back to the end of the Alert, either as the final boss drop or as part of the weekly reward chest (though I think people would lose their minds if it only dropped in the chests, so Grodd it is). At the very least, people would be compelled to actually complete the alert.

    Of course, this would promote even more add-skipping, which is why I also propose making it so that players cannot advance far without eliminating all the rioters in a given area. Groan as much as you want, but that's how strongly I feel about this situation. I would rather we have to button down on wiping out adds in the interest of preventing some selfish folks from simply dumping them all on players that may not be prepared or even capable of dealing with the crushing weight of Stryker's without concerted team effort (and sometimes, not even with). I know the sting of being forsook in a sea of adds that should have been taken care of, but wasn't, I would not want that to happen to anyone, so, therefore, I propose that as well.

    I know it's largely me venting here, but at the same time, I strike to action on this matter because it doesn't make sense for some durk to jump into an Alert without any intention of completing it or being a team player, especially when your group mates are swinging between 65 and 75. Prison life is hard enough as it is; don't make it harder that it needs to be. Get in and do your part, or don't bother messing with everyone else who's trying to run the alert in earnest just for the slim, slim chance of getting a ridiculous piece of fluff that you probably won't even use.

    That's my piece on this subject; what says you all?
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    The missions does have a portal.

    So the obvious solution would be to wait a bit.
    Then when you are geared enough..... use the portal to play the mission solo.

    That way you can avoid having people leave halfway through the mission.

    As for the Yahoos wearing the Hood for one day.... it is worth about $4000000 on the Broker.
    So people are farming it to sell it too.

    P.S. Thanks.... did not feel like playing T7 missions..... so it was fun to play Stryker once more. It had been a while. ;)
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  3. kawe Loyal Player

    If they wanna bail, let them bail... can't stop them from doing that. :/

    What enrageds me perosnally are the pooptards that have the nerve and try to disband the isntance. Seriously?

    I had to tell them to NOT do that as I went in to get the marks back then. I wanted it finished, that's why I came in, but one overgeared guy started the vote directly after the Rouges fight. The other 2 did stand around too and I was afraid they just gonna disband and I can run it again. Luckily they didn't <_<

    Everyone that is overgeared and hunting the hood should use their dang base teleporter to get to the Strykers entrance. It even goes faster than Qing up.

    But well, this happened to me a long time ago. I don't run Strykers anymore, and if I wanted to I'd walk in.
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  4. GoldenarmsX Active Player

    Of course, by then, I probably wouldn't have any reason to run Strykers, aside from trying to farm Hoods. Captain Cold is pain enough, stupid unbreakable ice ball freeze.

    Oh, I know about the brokerage; I just didn't think it needed to be said aside from how much people want it. Of course, turning CC Hood into an untradeable would probably decrease the player base for running it something fierce.

    You're welcome. :)

    True, hence my petition for making it a Gtrodd drop. "You want this? Gonna make you sweat for it."

    BTW, just why is it such a hot item? I don't see many Cold concepts, or else, I'd imagine his shades would be on the block, too. Unless it's untradeable.

    Oh, wow, for real? That's a major ***** move with some extra "screw you" sauce. "I ain't get no Hood; you won't get nothing, either!"
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  5. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Is that the hood that grants a wish everytime it is paired with the "kick me" sign?
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  6. kawe Loyal Player


    A: "Say my Name!"

    B: "...honeybooboo342 *whimper*"

    A: "Yer ******* right. Oh, and I keep that hood."

    B: *cry*

    Well, all I can say is why I like the hood. First of all it fits ice powers perfectly, second: it just looks good. We have so many rather... wacky tacky kinda head styles... nice, almost normal looking, styles are always liked.
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  7. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I run it solo a couple times a week. No Hood yet.
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    Wait... Players are queuing for it and leave after second boss fight?

    Huh, it can be soloed easy now. Sure, maybe not T4 level with the changes to the game, but T5+ for sure. There is no more hard stuns, so it's a lot easier now too.
  9. Veritech Loyal Player

    Hood + kick me + sprite body = instant pvp beast
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