Stop With The Carry System!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    the only problem with that is people will leave and call me noob before leaving so.
  2. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Yeah, sorry, I missed that part.
  3. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    i play both roles i am only healer if i need too be.
  4. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    When you are at entry level CR is much easier to be invited into a team as a support role. The CR 120+ is a requisite mostly enforced to DpS because players want to burn the adds as fast as possible. Keeping them alive with healing is much easier and many will be more forgiving about your lower CR.
  5. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    that's what i was figuring i am no longer upset i think i should work a little more on my skill points to increase my restoration
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  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    you are right i am not gonna quit i was just upset ealier, as far as groups not looking for cr120's i see only a few of those i seriously have not been in a raid in the last 3 days i have only seen 120's in the last few days. but its okay i will let them and keep doing what they're doing i think i am gonna go increase my skill points so i can increase my restoration.
  7. seek76 Committed Player

    If you want increased resto run the t7 duos and hope for some 102 drops. It will increase it more than sp will. Not saying not to work on your sp, but you should also be running the duos for better gear.
    • Like x 1
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    SM has kind of taken over USPC's hero side. I couldn't get a single NGN group going for most of Friday. So I went to EUPC and worked on an alt there.

    Don't stress too much. If you see any from my league shouting for a pug, send a tell. We don't turn down people. (We had a 113 Thursday. Made it through fine.)
  9. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    That makes no sense. According to your own statement people with lower CR are making groups asking for high CR to be carried through those raids. If they can get 120+ people to join them for HoP1 raids then there is no reason why you alone should not be able to get people.
  10. majosea Dedicated Player

    it seems like the only to fix the carry system would be to stat clamp to the npc scale , for ex 120 would be doing law they would be clamp to 112 , that way they can not burn . and have to learn the raid working in and out ,
  11. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Went ahead and fixed that for anyone whom needs clarification. I agree with this, but with one expection Walkins. If you walkin to a content like t3 fos 3 and solo it by yourself at tier 6 you shouldn't be stat clamped.

    TL DR: Stat clamping will only apply to walkins if you're trying to solo fos 3 with a group of 2+players. But It won't apply with You soloing it alone.