Still don't know about Hal Jordans Hold triangle move & Id really like to know

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Tsavorentless, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    When you Hold triangle with every legend toon they BBreak and Hal does not. With every Legend Character being able to BBreak when you press & Hold TRIANGLE I would think that it's supposed to specially when it can be interrupted.

    If it is messed up then it's exactly the way the KRYPTONIANS were when they came out & they got fixed right away.

    Can anyone else put in any input because I would like to know if it's really bugged or not????

    This is only about the question I am asking .... This is not about balance and you think it's fine that his BBreaker

    may be broken because you think he's op when he's not. Only thing that may need tuning is the jet on the cool dwn

    & I would gladly take the BBreaker being fixed if that meant the Jet had to be tweaked.

    It would be really weird that he can't if it's really supposed to be like that.

    If you didn't know Hal is brawling and his only Bbreaker is the tap triangle hand clap right now and hes
    sorta set up like the kryptonians how the hold triangle ,they have a beam come out and bbreak and Hal has a ram that doesn't do it.