Stats Revamp: Controller Role

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Dipin Gujral, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    This is a Storm all ready in the works if they don't address this the right way this will not end well when you can't find controllers in the game anymore lol.
  2. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    That's because players and devs have a very different view on what a troll is supposed to do. The devs want trolls to just be an assist on power while having non trolls manage their own power for the most part. Meanwhile in game, people expect trolls to be full on batteries. As long as that disconnect remains, trolls will never be in a state of satisfactory
  3. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Not trying to say that I like changes to the troll role, but pretty WM, the troll role was a skilled role. Rarely would you see a solo troll. That didn't start until sometime after T5. Heck, I remember the days of needing 3 trolls.

    Not saying this is the case, but off roles also shouldn't be as easy as they are currently. Being a troll on live is super easy. I wouldn't mind some difficulty added back in. :)
  4. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    Only reason I am staying a Controller class for Revamp is in case Arena PVP is worth it (as I almost exclusively play as a Controller in group PVP) but I won't be playing a Controller after Revamp in PVE after the recent changes.

    It is kind of funny when I think about it. Me and BumblingB have, what I would like to think of as, a "friendly disagreement" on the Controller role. We have for years. I enjoyed being a battery and B wants to control NPCs. With the recent changes the Developers made to the role on Test they have now pushed me away from having any desire to play it since I can't be a adequate battery for others and B doesn't want to play it because they made the role where it can't adequately control NPCs. Who would have thought they would manage to upset both mind sets of the controller role players? lol.
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    If I was drinking something, it would have spat everywhere
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  7. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

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  8. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    The reason I choose to be a troll is because there was a lot to do and good one might be the diffrence in getting through hard content or not, let the controller be a big part or just get rid of it altogether. The only way to make it known that we're very concerned and not happy about it is to keep this thread alive.
  9. krytine Loyal Player

    We are going back closer to the power reven of the game from a few yes ago. But with how dps's played before you had crappy ones that would dump power in under 2 second and no one troll could keep them powered and thats how it was now they have slowed your power dumps and a dps will have to learn power management. It wont be a term just for support roles now so its not a total hit on the troll power. And look at it this way now you will have the time to stun debuff buff or damage some