Stats matter ruined old content!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by superboi, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    This isn't just for Khandaq. This is true for ANY raid because you have no such thing as a roleless buff. People queue in with both of their roles even though they have no intention of ever playing the support role... never mind if they actually are set up to do it as well... just to get through the queue faster. What they don't realize is that when they do this and are tagged as the Controller/Healer/Tank and then don't play the role, they could end up causing an entire team to wipe on something for which they should be extremely overpowered. They are the ones who cause the instances to run longer. They are the ones who waste the time of up to 7 other people.

    There is not going to be an easy solution to this... but something needs to be done to discourage people from queuing in with roles they either cannot or will not play. Role lock someone upon entry? Disallow you to queue in with that role if you do not have an armory set up to play it? Have the system automatically kick the person tagged as that role if someone in the instance does not change into the role within the first few minutes or at any time afterward that does not involve a boss fight where people have been KOed and are now sitting outside? It's not an easy thing to do and no matter what you do, someone will be disappointed with it and there will be much "wailing and gnashing of teeth."
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    oh yea two of the 4 phases of black Adam were brutal at CR it took a long time to get enough gear to be able to get throught that raid at launch
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  3. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Lol, if I’m wrong, I’m wrong and I’d like to be told. ;)

    That’s my experience with it.
  4. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    More time spent in content = more subscription time
  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    This is the kind of stuff the Devs NEED to hear....not "everything sucks now/is too tough/is impossible". The details provided here gives them an idea of what to look for to fix.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    This doesn't sound like an issue caused by the revamp itself. A role or two were missing.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Noooooo....Tarif would be arguing in a much more aggressive maner and insisting that the Devs need to roll everything back (plus he'd have less typos...LOL). ;)
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  8. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Yup, even with cr differential I had to go troll for that part to stop everyone getting slaughtered.
  9. Dene Devoted Player

    oh god.. i hope not
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  10. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I'm not so sure. I haven't run it with a group at tier, so I can't say for certain, but I think the shades are able to stun and damage groups for longer durations than we can stun and damage them. Back when dominance affected control effect durations, that was not the case. Even with 200+ players in the group, that fight is rough without a good tank.

    It used to be up to the controllers in the group to keep the shades off people in Halls of Hades during the Forge Spirit phase. It seems to have shifted to needing a tank who has good juggling abilities on his/her loadout. It's similar to the change in tactics needed in Assault & Battery for the final fight. As a tank, I now make sure to pull all four Manhunters to me in Assault & Battery and juggle them while keeping Sinestro and Hank occupied. In Halls of Hades, I pull the Shades away from the Forge Spirit and near the group and juggle them while the damage players take them out.

    I have no idea if either the Assault & Battery final fight or the Forge Spirit phase of Halls of Hades can be done at tier with those tactics since I've always had someone 2-3 tiers above the content in my groups.
  11. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Just for grits-n-shins, let’s turn this topic on its head.

    Old content ruined stats matter! :D
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  12. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Oh Please , revamp didn't ruin old content , mark relevancy did that , as soon as people stopped getting marks they stopped running old raids etc also add the CR boost options and it's no wonder nobody plays old content anymore.
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  13. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I remember everyone being quiet then all at once yelling block...when that lightning hit one shot...
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  14. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I think you mean, "No player wants to play the roles necessary to accomplish the mission or do the mechanics because we got so used to being able to overburn everything to the point that it only took 5 seconds to finish out the fight."
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  15. |The 3rror Committed Player

    so basically all the trash players crying because they cant 1shot stuff content? they dont care about the mechanics? i mean you could run with people that you know that are good y’all basically saying you have no skill and want to be carried i think the point of the mechanics for players work together not do the whole raid by yourself where the fun in that?
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  16. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    You actually want me to "work" for my reward? What do you think this game is FF or neverwinter or WoW?

    I can't do that it will come out wrong maybe 1 of the people who is struggling can respond instead.

    I have nothing to this.
  17. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    There are some mechanics in the older content that no longer work as they should due to changes made during the revamp. I'd like to see those tuned to work with how our stats work now as opposed to how they worked before the revamp. Remember how dominance used to affect stun durations? There are mechanics that are heavily reliant on that being the case, but those mechanics are now broken and favor the enemies as opposed to a balanced group at tier.
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  18. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    I'll go along with that. That's part of rebalancing things and should be an ongoing process. Reporting specific instances to the devs will help them with that process so they can go back and look at how they work.

    I just have a problem when people flat-out refuse to do the mechanics (or whine about having to do them) because AM plus CR Differential was a crutch for them to be able to just blow through content. Mechanics were always meant to be done... no matter how OP you think you are.
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  19. Tarif Committed Player

    Please. Im vocal enough to not have to create new or fake accounts. I was never a fan of Cr differential, Advanced mechanics, or weapons mastery. Ever. But our stats are not reflecting properly even compared to how things were before those things in game were implemented.

    My issues are that I want to feel like Im actually playing a super hero game again. I want to feel the progression of my character, its accomplishments. I dont want to be nerfed, I dont want to feel like Im playing in stat clamped content after building up my SPs in years of gameplay only to see them matter very little now, in comparison to those that havnt put the time, effort or money to do the same, and in relation to content. Isnt right to me. I speak with my wallet now. Ive become ce n sored on these forums and banned more than anyone else I know, so theres that too I guess. I have other games to invest my money and time into.

    Devs want to listen to feedback from old and new players alike, or they dont. Just like I have the choice on where I spend money at. Thats my bottom line. I play, but no where near what I was. Sure arent getting additional money from me right now, or have me active until new content comes around.
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  20. Tarif Committed Player