Stat clamping, first experience

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by nawanda, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What im saying is youre wrong, because the game needs it have a healthy player-base and purely catering to the high end only isn't doing them any favors to grow their player-base. I dont wanna hear players gripe about needing more players to come play this game, but they treat them like burdens for even wanting to play, and scoff at them for wanting to experience the content.

    Also the reason why i show the screenshots, is the counter the bs claims you guys make with no evidence to speak of. I can say "EVERYONE LOVES the stat clamp!" would it be true? No. But what im giving you is what the players themselves think who dont use the forum like we do.

    Imagine saying im not proving anything with screenshots...While you have nothing but expect me to take your word for it....
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player


    Your contradiction is showing.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I apologize, i didnt serve (i wanted to be a Fighter Pilot) but pretty much i ended up in the hospital, and once they stamped (bronchial asthma) that was pretty much a dreamkiller hearing about how strict the Air Force is with stuff like that. (But i still want to fly! So civilizen pilot it is, Ill leave my dreams of flying something like a Viper, in the excitement i get watching C.W Lemoine (Mover) videos on the subject of aviation)

    Sorry about bouncing around though, when i saw that earlier post i was like "excuse me?" >.> Then i ended up trying to pin down their definition, and thats when it turned into something that i wasn't remotely trying to approach
  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    all I did was ask them to put marks back in endgame. I couldn't give a toss about the rest.
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  5. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Same pretty much. I did say that I think they need to reinstate loot locks to kill spams. This doesn't work plain and simple. Plenty won't agree as usual but I don't care. But did say keep the clamp tho either make it optional or bump up the cr lock a bit. At least in elite because plenty of players don't run elites till later because they do gear up. Plus cr barely matters in elites. Other option, make all elites scaled up to end game instead. New players aren't ready for them anyway so keep them out till they're competent
  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I think they absolutely should bump up the clamp a little, for sure. no one's asking for a free ride, but something a little unforgiving would hardly smash the game. I mean, I'm alright, I just won't run the stuff, but I feel so sad for players like 9001BPM & others who are having a terrible time adjusting. we can only hope they'll listen. & as far as loot locks go, I would laugh my dick off if they brought them back!
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  7. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    No Contradictions To Be Found.
    Perhaps watch your own posts... your very, very, very many posts.

    Picture of me waiting for you to actually make a valid point or not reply to every post and thread on here.


  8. Proxystar #Perception


    Don't steal my pictures :p
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  9. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    But they are so good and just sitting there.

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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    For me so far? Still a bit confused...

    Trying to use the "Omnibus" to get content done...still haven't figured out "just which instances" to do in order to clear the Omnibus Journal entries...asked Leaguemates and they confirmed that I'm doing the right things...but my Journal Entries aren't clearing once I complete something via Omnibus....

    Have done variety of instances, from Injustice for All, Titans, and Desecrated Cathedral alerts...all clamped.

    Did Science Spire 2 or 3 times.

    Did 5 or 6 raids, FOS2 twice.

    Had someone "*&^%$#@*&^@" me when I suggested to one of them to switch to dps, lol. That was Desecrated Cathedral. The Rage and Atomic tanks found it necessary to "Tank Tank" each boss I guess.....Hey I'm just a Controller what do I know?

    Amazingly, we BEAT DC. My "Tank Tank" teammates knew something I didn't.

    Overall I'm trying to be optimistic about things. I seriously hope my journal isn't glitching somehow. But I tell you what I "LOVE" House of Legends....I feel like I'm on Mongo from Flash Gordon 1980 as far as the MUSIC...for some reason that theme comes to mind.


    I know Prince Barin and Vultan are hiding somewhere in House of Legends.
  11. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    To red skulls specifically i will say 2 things.
    1) players need to learn the mechanics and pay attention to them. Its not that we are not made aware, its that most ppl ig ore it expecting the healer to heal through or the tank to somehow eat it all. Thats a player prob not a design prob.
    2) theres some cases where the skull warning needs to be present longer yes, the biggest issue i see with them in general though is the warning itself is insufficient ONLY because theres times theres multiple bosses, times where we target crystals or adds or are simply hitting a cog etc. during all these times u cant see a skull because u only can see it if the enemy doing the skull is targeted. That IS poor design.
    The text doesnt help because u generally need to react to the situation NOT read text so thats pretty useless.

    My solution?
    A transparent (with contrast for the color blind plz) skull needs to flash on the screen somewhere out of the way for a set period of time before the atk.
    It needs to do this independantly of the health bar because as i said, if u are targeting something else, u cant see the boss is skull’n
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  12. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Edit: so frustrating I hate myself for this, but I asked myself what I was trying to achieve and couldn’t find a good answer, so I guess I’ll have to delete it. But for anyone who caught what I said before this edit. I meant every word. It’s just not constructive.
  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Being blindsided by one mechanic while dealing with another or stray adds is the number one reason I find any particular piece of content too difficult or frustrating. I actually have had a pretty fun time in the early rounds of the 4-man survivals because there’s no budging, you HAVE to do the mechanic but there’s not a bunch going off at the same time because usually there’s no adds or room mechanics.
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  14. FiredUp FarCar New Player

    Maybe you should give these games a go?
  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Youre telling me screenshots dont mean anything while you spurt unverified bs. Then you contradict yourself, and then flat out ignore it xD
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  17. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Your just replying to reply. You never say anything of substance, you make no points, you just jump on anyone not loving the game the way you demand. What are you even trying to say. Do you know why your here? My gosh you posted for over 14 hours straight last I checked... 14 hours. I'm not judging you, I actually hope you are OK. I would recommend a time out, breath some fresh air, look at some other hobbies, find happiness in life. Seriously, endless days of near non-stop posts going after complete strangers for daring to not like what you like or not loving what you love is... sad.

    You will never convince me or anyone else that something taken from them wasn't taken (facts are facts, its a thing). I have no interest in convincing you and have never tried to but you seem fixated on those of us who don't agree with you because you can't seem to just stop and move on. You chase us around the threads. Ask yourself why? Do you need a friend? What is your real deal? Are you really this worked up there are people that don't like the stat clamp? What about all the other people you went after for not likeing things over the years? Do you think you own the forum? Must no one post without a virulent reply from you? Check my posts their tight and around the same time. I have a life, I highly recommend having one. I truly hope you are well and wish you well. Sriously think about what your doing.

    Or choose poorly and just do another virulent reply which sadly is what most expect.

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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Since you want to ask and clock my logins. Im a caretaker to a family member who suffers from Dementia. (She was a nurse herself)
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Do me a favor, put me on ignore and i will do the same for you. You want a echo chamber and i have no interest in conforming to that.

    But congrats, youre the first person since 2013, ive ever had to place on ignore on this forum.
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  20. gemii Dedicated Player

    I think it’s a great update all around

    -When I play elite old or new I want to be challenged
    -When I play normal old content I still expect some sort of challenge but nothing overwhelming

    (Stat clamp gives us both things)


    Have also had some cool experiences helping players actually learn mechanics vs them having there hand held because there CR is high and they could just ignore whatever.


    House of legends was a great idea the facility has everything in one place and the training room even has multiple sparing targets which was smart thinking and something the watchtower/hall of doom should of had


    Allies are cool… who doesn’t like bonus ways to help in fights? Allies are nothing anyone should be complaining about unless there comes a point where allies turn into artifacts and play some kind of major role or start having failure breakthroughs with seals you have to buy lol


    Daily rewards for just logging in for free to play players and subscribers? Sweet


    Premium players can run all content, have access to mainframe, and no money clamp? Amazing something I’d never thought I’d see happen

    No real complaints from me personally.. If I did have a nitpick it would probably be not letting us trade cash without legendary
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