Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ok tell me what when on there? Where people insulting him? People said his findings where misleading. How is that bad or unprofessional? If you think that’s insulting than you shouldn’t be in public forums.

    And so what if English wasn’t his first language? Him not being a bait I’ve speaker doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to articulate himself. I could understand him just fine. People didn’t have issues with the way he was speaking. You assumed that. His points where very clear. He thought it was to easy. He found cheese which he used to make the content easy. He brought that up after he was questioned and players agreed that he did the right thing by bringing that up. There was no issue with any language barriers. His claims that it was easy were the issue. His dismissing everyone who didn’t agree with him was an issue.

    And multiple people did give very informative feedback. You don’t dictate how testing is done. You aren’t in charge either. If you don’t like discussing feedback than don’t go to the testing threads.
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  2. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Bruh. Get off his sack. Please don't tell anyone how to test or present feedback either. You probably one of those try hard who cheese a raid first week then claim its too easy when you done spent 100 bucks on replays.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club


    ...but that's none of our business.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Serious question. If Elite feats were removed going forward, or replaced with title only, would you be for that?(assuming SP would be available elsewhere at the average DLC rate). The challenge and beating the run is the reward right...or maybe a rare drop only in Elite (we have several of those already)? Putting SP on feats and feats in Elite...then segregating out those who cannot get those SP is where it becomes gatekeeping. Now maybe you personally aren't looking someone up on each run, but many are. Up till this point the 'you can come back later when you are higher' was the policy, but now that's changed to 'you can come back later and will be weaker or exactly the same' might mean some feats and SP are out of reach permanently.

    And no offense to them, but if you are doing a run with someone who's an awesome gadgets DPS, couple of EOG spamming heals and DPS, DW/Flurry prec clipper or people using artifact switching...yeah, those are kind of cheese too. It's just 'acceptable' cheese which again is kind of gate-keepy-ish.
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  5. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    And as expected, the stat clamp is trash, literally sat with 4 dps (myself included) in Gorilla island and tried to beat normal adds and died twice.
  6. Dark Warrior Active Player

    I loaded up into Ace Chemicals, died because I wasn't paying attention since I was so used to one shotting everything and had a lot more fun than I thought I was gonna have.
  7. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Your problem is that you stacked 4 DPS.
    You died because there was not a healer or tank. Try that and see how it goes.
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  8. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    I wouldnt have a problem with removing SP from elite. But my reasoning behind that is that I have a feeling SP is going to get a tweak in the future.
    And the tach swapping. It was asked for the devs to respond and its been quiet. Me Personally, I could care either way but the devs need to say something before people start buying everything and maxing these artifacts out to find out that tach swapping is being removed from game. If its ok then they need to say. If it is not ok. The devs need to say no before everyone buys more artifacts and the things to upgrade the artifacts with real cash.

    As far as cheese goes. The devs should come out and say what is and is not acceptable. Thats fair for everyone. That should also help keep op this op that cries to a minimum
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think its 100% ok. But it is cheesy. It's doing something that was not intended by design to give you a substantial edge in beating the content. Never said cheating or game breaking...just cheese, but however if it becomes the norm where the runs are built to combat it, that's where I'll have an issue with it personally.

    I'd also be ok with SP being removed from Elite (except maybe the gear set 50), granted I'm missing some, but that's not the reason why. If the 'Elite' players are in it for the challenge...then let the challenge or some shiny items be the reward....kind of like SM has. SP should be available to anyone within reason. Not given away, but not locked behind Elite content either especially going forward...maybe not so much retro...although this change was retro.

    And I wouldn't expect a dev to approve or condemn it. It's kind of like people spamming the raids day one to get 100% geared up, yes, you can do it, but it shouldn't be needed. If they approve of it, it's kind of validating we should do it. If they condemn it they might paint themselves in a corner where they'd have to figure a way to stop it. (like a 10 sec cooldown on opening inventory or whatever) kind of like when they tried to do it with DW/Flurry by making the last tick the most damage...still better than many of the weapons though, so that didn't work.
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  10. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The role optional system exists for a reason. If players are not intended to be able to rely on it, and succeed using it, it should be removed.

    Maybe stop telling people how to play.
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  11. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    As a Guild Wars 2 player, stats clamping isn't something new. On GW2, regions of the map have "maximum level relevance" which the game will downlevel you and your stats to the max stats of that region, thus, making the content relevant even if you are over level and still be rewarded for that.

    I'm sorry, you can't expect being able to face roll stuff on low level instances and being rewarded for low effort. It literally a "git gud" situation.

    Many games are adopting this approach, Guild Wars 2 brought that idea for all of us, we should use that idea to make MMORPGs fun and balanced again for everybody.
  12. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You're right (roleless buffs) should be removed. Roleless buffs are nothing more than a crutch that people use because they do not want to play as a team.
    Sorry but a football team doesn't do well with all quarterbacks on the field. Well unless they are playing peewee league anyway.

    Like I told my son when he was growing up. If you want to play a sport /game. You better find a position that you can play. If its not working, find another spot that helps the team because when the TEAM wins YOU win. Its just that simple. Its called sacrificing for a common goal. Everyone does not get to be Micheal Jordan or Joe Montana. Thats something everyone needs to understand not just children.
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  13. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Overwhelmingly negative reaction in groups, shout, lfg and trade chat.
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  14. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Agreed and well said.
  15. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Experiences vary.
  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  17. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    How does this help new players if everyone is building high cr player groups in lfg. Wont that make old content even more of a ghost town?
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  18. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    The regular q's have been going relatively fast. From what I seen in LFG are groups forming elite runs which are buffed to end game level.
  19. TurbulenceDCUO Well-Known Player

    Players are building groups for reg runs. No one in their right mind is going to random que for Dox or any other raid with the clamp.
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  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    But that content was designed for roles. Remember back when controllers gave power and healers and tanks didn't do damage? Do you think that the devs forgot that all those old instance were designed for a different era, to be played without role options? Oops. Could you even run the instance without each role being filled back then?