Star Sapphire Clarification

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Power Girl, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Power Girl Well-Known Player

    Recently I have been seeing people say that it's impossible for a male to become or be apart of the Star Sapphire Corps or even wield the Violet light itself and all of it's lovely glory. It is in fact possible for a man to join the ranks of the Sapphires (even though they have found none worthy enough :oops:). DCUO pulled Rage for both factions even though there are only like 2 heroes who have ever wield the Red light (correct me if I am wrong), so I'm pretty sure this won't be a problem at all ;). Also, I am aware of DCUO's lore and us not being actual lanterns but still it was kind of annoying seeing everyone say "FEMALE ONLY NOPE NOPE NOPEPEPEPEENOOO GIRLY NOPE NOGUYS NoPE". Anyways, I believe that Star Sapphires should oppose Hope in "hopefully" upcoming Lantern Healer set for the reason of it being not only for both genders and not a too complex PI (I'm looking at you Indigo), but also...
    (Also please add Carol and Fatality into Legends thank you very much.)
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  2. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    I'm all for it.
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  3. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    I've always wanted to be a Star Sapphire! I have a toon ready for that too so you have my support!
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  4. AzurenDCUO New Player

    Considering the current weapon options and the confirmed lantern bodysuits, all we can say for sure is Hope will be the next healer powerset.

    As for no Star Sapphires, I'm in the same boat as most with a firm "no". Yes, there were a few male members. There was also an Orange Lantern aside from Larfleeze. That doesn't make the power fair game. With a few plot-device-related exceptions, they're women only.

    As for adding Compassion, I feel it's more likely than Violet, but still less likely than just Hope. The issue here is the limited capacity for new animations. The PS3 is running out of space to store those flashy animations, so using twice the animation so space for a single power again (alá Light) doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
  5. John Brawler Committed Player

    well, first kyle rayner and guy gardner both temporarily used star sapphire rings, gardner technically becoming a male star sapphire, and i think there was one more male who used it, but i don't know for sure who it was to know if i'm mistaken or not. as for red, as of new 52 there is a squad of heroic red lanterns lead by guy and including supergirl, so as far as i've seen there's been atleast 6 heroic red lanterns, and possibly more since atrocitus changed the red rings to allow his lanterns free will so that they weren't wild animals anymore.
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  6. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Exobytes don't care about the differences between XX and XY chromosomes. :)
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  7. Larfleeze New Player

    Indigo Tribe better suits healing than either of those two.

    And it can be dual faction, to boot.
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  8. AzurenDCUO New Player

    Blue is the most defined as a healing role. Indigo jumps in as a sort of Red Mage.
  9. Power Girl Well-Known Player

    The only way I would ever be pro-Indigo is if we got the Staffs no matter what or a new stance to go along with them or at least the style for the weapon.
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Until the devs announce something, nothing is for sure. Considering the Lantern suit that was shown and the blue energy weapon pack, Hope as a new Healer may seem more likely than others, but it's not a sure thing.

    As for the remaining corps, I think in the end it comes down to how strict DC ends up being with the license. The devs have already ruled out Black and White, and with the other colors available there's potential stumbling blocks in terms of canon (how Blue powers work, Star Sapphires being mostly women, etc) that could rear their heads. If DC objects and there isn't a story/mechanic workaround that the devs can come up with to overcome those objections, we're all kind of stuck.
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  11. Green Lantern New Player

    The wife would die for a star sapphire powerset.
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  12. Power Girl Well-Known Player

    So basically:

    Rage: Already in game.
    Avarice: Issues with lore (Greed wants all and would not give life,energy,etc).
    Fear: Already in game.
    Will: Already in game.
    Hope: "Hopefully" upcoming. Issues with counterpart (Villains).
    Indigo: Issues with mirroring Hope and a complex PI (using the powers of other lanterns if I am not mistaken).
    Love: Issues with mirroring Hope. (Note: I do not see the gender of the bearer being a problem).
    Life: Already confirmed as not appearing as a powerset.
    Death: Already confirmed as not appearing as a powerset.
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  13. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Well considering War of the Light Part 2 is next, Halls of Power Part 1 does not include a powerset and the cycle for powersets has been Controller -> Tank -> Healer I doubt a healing powerset would be in Part 2 with presumably the Hope iconic armor. In the lineup Part 2 would probably be Controller and Part 3 would line up for a Tank powerset.

    This is of course if there release plans stay the same and they don't change the cycle which may be possible. Even then with reports of PS3 memory still a problem and that 2 animation sets for 1 powerset is essentially 2 powersets I don't see a split practical mean that it is more like Compassion would be the healing powerset, which if it is designed as a red or blue mage could be interesting (I would lean more towards a blue mage since there are aspects of copying abilities which is blue magic).

    If Hope could be worked for both factions it would probably towards a green mage. We don't really have true blue or green mage focused powersets yet. There are green mage mechanics embedded in all of the healing powersets but none of them primarily use shields or buffs to prevent active healing from being needed or a wide variety of buffs for the group. It would be a different way to heal which has always been the goal for a new powerset. (Could expand on this more if anyone is interested, or look up the Green Magick from the Final Fantasy universe mainly the Final Fantasy Tactics series.)

    Just some of my thoughts on light based healing. :)
  14. Power Girl Well-Known Player

    But Indigo is bleeeeh. Idk. Hope and Love seem way more appealing anyways. Plus, I need a power that reuses flirty and kiss emotes in it's powerset. :rolleyes:
  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    since we know HOpe will be next Lantern power for the hero side i dont aggre with Star Sapphire to be counter part for villain side.

    LOve has nothing to do on villain side period, even if comics tell something different.

    i would rather see any other lantern color on villain side than Star Sapphire color !

    besides the game doesnt need another lantern based power in the game ERGO no thx to Star Sapphire !!!
  16. Power Girl Well-Known Player

    How some of the Sapphires use it, it could just as easily be labeled as Obsession.
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  17. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Someone is con-lanterns it seems. :p

    Since when has Hope been said to be the next powerset?
  18. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Well unless Amazo is converted to a powerset Indigo has the best shot at introducing blue mage mechanics into the game which has yet to be explored. The same with green mage mechanics. Hope and Love have some lore problems to work out but Compassion could go either way easily. It would also be a good way to introduce the indigo light into the story since it is probably the least popular in terms of iconics and to end the war there will probably need to be a neutral party.

    Compassion is probably the most unique aspect of the spectrum and is also the least fleshed out probably giving SOE more room to be creative with it. With Hope you will have concerns of them being aggressors meaning the Damage side of the powerset might be less... traditional than some players might like. Both Hope and Love have problems with their respective corps and their lore. Compassion is neutral in these aspects so could be worked with easier for a powerset.

    Sometimes not having popular lore is more beneficial. :)
  19. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

  20. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's one way of looking at it. Like I said, though, I think it ultimately comes down to DC. It's their license, so they get a say (probably final say) on how we get to play with their toys, so to speak. They're the ones we'd really have to convince, I think, especially if there's any clashes with canon.