Star Citizen vs. DC Universe Online: A Universe of Exploration or Guided Adventure?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savior Prime, Aug 18, 2023.

  1. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    Ok, no it's not a pipedream as they are actually developing what they are saying they will be doing. And beleive it or not, it may be in alpha, but because anyone can play it as it is, it has technically launched and people are spending real money on ships and stuff, so commercially it is a success. And since the game has been in development for 10 years and people are so interested and playing and spending real money before it's even in beta... come on.. your first argument is nonsense.

    How can a game with 11 activities and only 6 of those you can do only once a day and 4 you can only do once a week makes a game grandiose? If DCUO wants to make more money, make it where I can do any mission I want with no limits to what is needed to progress. Then maybe people would stick around and play the game longer during the day, and more during the week/month/year. Paying real money to get rewards for missions more than once a day or week is a detractor from playing after you do it the free way. I paid for replays repeatedly, so I can run the same raids 154873 a week.. I got bored. It felt more like work doing the same thing over and over again. Thats the definition of grind. Having several and unlimited avenues to get the rewards you want will keep the players interests and make the game feel less like grinding work, and more like fun gameplay.

    SC will be massive when they add all the star systems they want and all the little things. They are working on it... I for one would rather a game be develped like SC than a fast moneypit like DCUO. Take the time to get it right, make it open playable during the alpha/beta stages to get the most feedback from the people who actually would play the game, and not releasing a patch until it's as ready as it can be. If a patch makes a bug, they can be found and squashed quick.
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sorry but do you actually understand that there is terminology when it comes to MMOs. Grinds are not just doing the exact same thing thousands of times. “The Grind” is essentially doing things repeatedly in order to obtain something or somethings as a whole. Like SP. You grinded to 700sp doesn’t mean you did the exact same instance over and over to get to 700. It’s just doing the multitude of the game ti get to 700. Or doing “grinding to EG” doesn’t mean just doing one thing.

    From what I’ve read star citizen is just as grindy as any other MMO.

    And having more to do is not always a positive either. As it stands, it make actually hurt its launch.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Ummm what? You can’t be serious with this statement… You actually believe d that if they removed loot locks they would MAKE money? Sorry but that is beyond laughable. What’s to stop players from doing raids only and ignoring everything else until they have the marks to buy the gear. You realize that different MMOs have different models for a reason… If they removed loot locks than they would add the best gear to instances instead of a vendor and add them as RNG drops like all those other MMOs. Or they would GREATLY increase the prices to compensate for the time it takes to get max gear…

    Name a single successful MMo that has absolutely no restrictions to loot..

    And no mater how much you try to boast about star citizen, at some point you have to realize that there’s a reason why it’s been in alpha for 10 years. And a reason why so many people have requested refunds for failed promises which you claim they are keeping..
  4. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I followed Star Citizen for awhile, the concept intrigued me. However, it development, and fundraising are sketchy as H, E, double hockey sticks. I hope what was promised does eventually launch, and if they do put forward a proper game, not an Alpha, or a Beta, but a full fledged game, I'll take a look at it. But these development games, I have no patience for them.

    DCUO is what it is. Elder Scrolls Online is what it is. Problem Star Citizen keeps putting out something and telling me, a better version is coming soon, this is just a taste. I don't play that.
  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    No mama sky is getting a nice update soon some info was leaked and should be announced in a few days ;) thought you’d wanna know. I been playing it and gotta say it’s pretty fun
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  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I played at launch and have gone back intermittently, it's fun, but it doesn't hold me for more than a couple of months, then I'll go back after awhile and it's fun again. I have to give credit to it's developers, after one of the rockiest launches ever, they put their heads down and made a really good game. I do believe that someone went back to the enormous list of broken promises at launch, and they have now delivered on everything that was promised. There aren't many games you can say that about.
  7. Savior Prime Dedicated Player