Test Discussion Spring Seasonal 2015

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Mepps, Apr 3, 2015.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Please post any feedback and bugs about the Spring Seasonal here!
  2. Speed Cat New Player

    The Vernal Wall Planter seemed to be red for placement .
  3. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report:
    Stat-clamping is not working in the Sewer Rendezvous instance. My group retained its normal stats on every attempt.

    Some people might consider that a good feature.
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  4. Teldon New Player

    That is a great feature!
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  5. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    No one that I know appreciates the stat clamping. Especially when the clamp is at such a low CR.
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  6. blklightning New Player

    It's because they have no interest in actually PLAYING the content, rather than going for the reward.
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  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    that's not it for some, playing the content shouldn't mean having our work and effort being rendered useless, what's the point of leveling and getting better gear, if every time I return to low content my level will be the same, it pretty much throws the whole leveling system in the curve.
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  8. blklightning New Player

    Because seasonal content is meant to be "enjoyed" by all. Newer toons/players are robbed of the playing experience when we come through and melt the instance. I'm one to talk though. I don't like seasonal content, for the most part. So, I never really play it.

    Why I look forward to stat clamping is for the hope of the option to be able to relive the glorious fun of some of the old raids w/o having to gear down to do it.
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  9. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I guess you never played this event, try to get people to follow instruction is the hardest thing in the world. Stat clamping just making that much harder. Swamp thing has a mid of his own and goes where he wants and getting people to listen to instruction already makes it long.
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  10. blklightning New Player

    Oh, I've played that one a plenty.

    This is the same thing as saying that it's too hard for people to follow instructions during raids, so the raids have to all be easy or we should be allowed to be OP, no?

    My mindset is this:
    There is certain content that I just abhor playing. Solo content, duos, and sometimes alerts. For solo content, I'd rather just be OP and plow through. I don't complain about the content, because I'm not the target audience. So, my input is useless. For raids, I loooove playing the challenge, and being OP bores me.

    If I have a problem with how content is designed, or... worse yet, how the community ruins its playability, I just find other things to do instead of demanding the devs cater to my laziness or distaste of things.

    It looks like seasonal stat clamping is here to stay. Treat it just like any other content. Take your risk with pugs, or put your own group together. I cannot force the devs to write the entire game around what I consider to be fun. So, I enjoy what I do, and leave the rest for those who enjoy that kinda thing.
  11. Bobburt Committed Player

    I'll probably skip the Event instance entirely. This is the worst event when it comes to solo-queuing.

    I hope the amount of Seed Pods we get from the open world bit is the devs' way of saying, "We understand. So here's a secondary, less irritating method of going about those Pods."

    Ha :rolleyes:
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  12. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    I app

    I appreciate that new feats and items are being added to all of the seasonally and I enjoy running them. However these events should be fun and quick. They offer no content gear or stats and IMO a random group should be able to complete the instance with out over burden.
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  13. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    I like the new vault appearance for the seasonal event. I ran it today but didn't get anything special in it. Are there supposed to be spring-event items in the vault?
  14. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    I like the idea of stat clamping for seasonal but Spring event is just too much of a pain for it.
  15. Loche Developer

    Not this time around.
  16. Loche Developer

    It is going to be clamped. That is still incoming. We have done some tweaks to make ST not so random. Should help.
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  17. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

  18. Magnificent Loyal Player


    Can't you guys put some sort of trigger in to allow us to solo queue into a non-clamped version once we reach a certain CR level (or CR + SP)? I enjoy the quick runs for seasonal marks and feats before doing stuff for regular marks and feats. It's a nice break from the normal grind, so (for me) making it more of a grind defeats part of my reason for doing the content in the first place (thus I won't do it as often).
  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    The seasonal events are no low content anymore. They might be old content but not low since the stat clamping happened. However, putting hard work into gearing up in the most current content still rewards you in:

    All solos (exept for Iconic ones since you actually need to understand and use combat mechanics), all duos, all alerts, all raids, PvP. Your better gear will make you shine brighter in the end content raids, it will make them easier, it makes lower raids (or daily/weekly content) faster and easier and it probably will forgive you more mistakes the more gear you have.

    Look at the seasonal event like a new threat to the season in gotham and metropolis. It is ONE instance that you're not outgearing. I don't even mind if they'd pushed the instances to a clamped 114 one. It would still not matter. There is one instance that requires you to put in some MORE work for feats, for styles, for base items. You have to work your way through the current content for the same things, why wouldn't you want to do the same here?

    And the thing with PUGs? Well I'm sure you already heared it enough but then don't just queue in, search for people in the LFG. There are certainly many of like-minded players around who want to do the instance without random F2Ps who are still leveling who join the party. I never had a problem with any of those instances. Why would I? I finished Xmas instances where the other three not carrying a single orange lantern to the edges while activating and throwing away the "bad present" all of my own. Didn't matter. I got my marks, got my feats, didn't take long.

    Bosses use counter mechanics and are vulnerable to them. A decent player shouldn't be harmed badly by any of the bosses moves.

    PS: It's sooooooo unfair that I do only 1 damage per hit to the event mobs in Gotham and Metropolis. I do 50k+ hits in the endgame. This is literally the worst case of clamping ever. Can't even sleep at night because of that. /sarcasm.

    We all enjoy free stuff, and granted feats, that's true. But it doesn't mean they should be everywhere. Besides, why is running content that isn't actually a breeze and a matter of 60 seconds a grind to you? If you really feel running raids is a grind then maybe such games aren't to you? We're ment to put effort into our feats and into our items. When you need certain base items you need to run instances for them or make money to buy them off the broker. If you need better gear you need to run content for marks or drops. If you need Mods you need to farm Exos or make money to buy them. If you need feats you need to run instances in a special way which takes often longer or requires other strategies, or - and thats the REAL grind - you need to do things X times (crafting, salvaging, PvP, collecting). Why should it be different in a seasonal instance where you can get feats, marks, styles, trinkets, base items? It just doesn't make sense.
  20. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I played EQ from Beta through Gates of Discord, I know grinding.

    Grinding is usually for something worthwhile for the effort expended, the seasonal content rewards are not really worth the effort stat clamping demands. Toss in a Mark of Victory for completing it and now you've got something.

    See what I did there? Instead of just coming here and griping about it or blindly knighting up for it, I offered an alternative.
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