(spoilers) Are you ready for the Walking Dead Season Finale?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Chicago Bull, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Zim New Player

    I agree Tule that this episode was a good one. But for season finale it was a bit of a let down for me. This is the type if episode we should be getting more often during the season instead of useless character development episodes with characters who may or may not be on the show for more than a few episodes.

    This entire season has been a let down for me. Were there good episodes through out this season? Yeah sure there were, but for the most part it was just a drag.

    I still enjoy the show and will continue to watch, I just think they are going overboard with too much character development during the season just to keep the audience waiting and waiting for something to happen.

    My favorite 3 episodes this year were the mid year season finale, then the one right after, the mid season premier. And then the actual season finale. I can't remember any of the other episodes cause the rest were a snooze fest.

    Like I said, I enjoyed the episode. But was it season finale material? Not to me.
  2. Zim New Player

    I was glad to see bad a55 Rick Back. Let's hope he is here to stay.
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  3. Tule New Player

    See, this is what I meant. You thought the majority of the season was bad. I find that funny about a lot of WD "Fans". "Season 1 was awesome, except espiods 4-6". Yeah, half the season. "Season 2 was awesome except episode 2-4, 7-10". Ok, another half a season. So on and so forth.

    Every episode in season 4 was amazing to me. I don't see any drag at all. It also seems to have the least main deaths. The first part did a lot of bs with getting to know Woodbury people that would die. But after that? Who else died? Beth? Nope, and her episodes gave great development to Daryl. The little girls? Ok, they gave great devlopment to Tyreese and Carol, as well as provided a great and grim story. The character development isn't there to keep the audience "waiting" it is there to tell the story of Walking Dead. It is the Walking Dead. Its about how Rick keep having his humanity chipped away. How everyone does. How people have to deal with worse and worse circumstances. It isn't suppose to be a gorefest of people dying every week. I think a lot of people watch walking dead to see a zombie movie, but thats not really what it is.

    Again, that is what I meant when I said "If you don't like this episode stop watching" it wasn't meant as an insult or a "fanboy" response. It was a logical "This is the show" response. This season was the show. If you thought it dragged then step back and see if you actually like the show. Or if you just liked the first episode. Or the episodes where everything goes wrong. If thats the case you might as well just catch reruns of episodes you heard were gory.
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  4. CHUD Loyal Player

    You also have to keep in mind that Walking Dead, or any other show that's out there, is all about building up. There are going to be moments where it's kinda lame at one moment but at the same time it drifts into something larger. Remember, the main focus is on the story. The zombies are just icing on the cake. Even the comic book takes that same route on each story arc.

    On one moment, it was a bit of a let down because there were no scenes or anything for season 5, but at that same moment it's like a Christmas present. I wanna know what's inside but I don't want to open the gift as of yet.

    I am keeping in mind that there are a few others from Rick's group who are still out there.
    Carol and Tyreese haven't made it to Terminus as of yet and I don't think that the two of them are able to take on the entire community. Carol, much like Rick, will notice that the poncho being worn belongs to Daryl so she's going to figure out that something's off about the place. Beth was taken by the guy in the car. Who that person is,....don't know.

    There is one thing that I've been asking myself. The room that Rick and that group ran into. What's up with the writing on the wall and the names on the floor??? People of Terminus who died along the way?? Victims of the Terminus Termites??
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  5. Burnt New Player

    Sadly, that last episode was like the sleeping dead. Next season better have a hell of a lot more action in it.
  6. CHUD Loyal Player

    Don't tell me that Rick having....and I can't believe this wasn't used on "Talking Dead",......ahem..."Sloppy Joe's" didn't make you say "WHOA!!!!! That's just messed up!!!"
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  7. Tule New Player

    I think Rick screwed up when he freaked out. I mean, it was probably the best choice as he was able to (try) to take control of the situation before they were locked up, but Alex said "We can wait until later" or something to that affect to Gareth. That makes me think that they were possibly going to let them stick around a bit. Possibly because they already had 8 pieces of cattle. So if Tyreese and Carol show up and with a baby, they might accept them into the group. Seeing as how they now have 11 pieces of cattle (plus whoever they were cooking up at the time). Like you said, Carol will probably notice certain clothing items, but she is a lot more collected than Rick and could maybe work something out from the outside.

    Another reason Carol/Ty might join them is they actually seem like good people. In a sense. Those rooms seemed to be memorials to people who had died, probably killed by bandits or other groups they let in. So now the group has made a "no outsiders" policy. "We first" "Never trust" were written in the memorial room. The members seem rather young and they kept women. So they are probably a good community that just decided the world is too far gone to try and care about others. Kind of like how Rick's group is good but they werent exactly welcoming to Tyreese, Michonne, or that kid in season 2.

    I loved how Gareth called Daryl the archer. After he said that I was just thinking "Say Samurai, say Samurai" and he said it. Which made me a little sad he didn't refer to Rick or Carl as "the cowboy". What a BA JRPG set up that would be. Main character, archer, samurai, cowboy.
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  8. Meta Flare New Player

    I want to play that game now!
  9. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

  10. Burnt New Player

    Lol maybe a lil bit :D
    I think the best episode was when Carol took the "rabid dog" out to put it down. <----Code incase someone didn't see it yet.
  11. CHUD Loyal Player

    I didn't catch the "wait until later" from Alex. If indeed Carol and Ty show up with Judith in tow, I do agree that Carol is going to notice certain things and work from the outside to get Rick and the others out. As far as letting Rick's group actually join,...hmmmm....seems kinda odd that they looted Abraham Ford / Glenn's group of all their stuff.

    I do like your train of thought as to Terminus being a community that has a "no outsiders" policy. But,...one thing I did notice. As Rick and the others were being herded towards the Memorial Room, did anybody else notice the pile of bones and carcasses of what looked liked human remains in that one fenced in area??? So are they cannibals??? Could be. Don't know yet until the fall when it comes back on.
  12. CHUD Loyal Player


    That's just wrong. Funny,...but wrong.
  13. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I think they had more people in the other metal containers as they were running at one point they heard people calling for help and I don't think it was Rick's group.

    I think that memorial room is there way of making it okay for them to cannibalize others, and also as reminder and re-enforcement of why they do it. I think the Terminus people are suppose to be a reflection of Rick's prison group. A close knit-group of once good people fueled by desperation whose exhausted their areas resources but at the same time doesn't want to leave their safe place. Remember that dying hunter on the road, who promised that Terminus was safe? Seems like he used his last breath to send them food.:)