Speed Feat COUe

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by iLoveDCUO, Dec 24, 2020.

  1. iLoveDCUO Well-Known Player

    Anyone post the feat without Multiple Elecs or Gadgets in group yet? Or everyone abusing same meta. Asking for a friend.
  2. Derpina Active Player

    Your post discussion isn't really about people abusing meta, I think the deeper root of the cause is the balancing of powers as a continuous, non-ending issue. But powers will always be situational to the content. You can melee-range every boss in CoU E, which makes gadgets and mental shine. You can't melee Zeus, which means they fall off. Elec is perfect for the ads, so why wouldn't people want a few of those. On one hand, I agree that dps (even tank, heal) diversity of speed feats in CoU E would be nice to see.

    BUT, on the other hand, can you really blame the devs for creating this meta? People who use the meta will be accused of 'abusers', people who don't, won't have as much output of damage as a group for the speed feat.

    Also have you been a part of EVERY single CoU E Speed feat that's been accomplished? I don't think so. Do you constantly refresh your YouTube feed to watch every speed feat video posted. Lmao nerd. I also think it's totally fine to switch powers for a feat and then go back to a power you enjoy. Many people went munitions last DLC for Omega Pardon feat. Not saying that you HAVE to, or that you HAVE to have elec or gadgets dps's to do the speed feat.

    But don't blame the player, blame the game.