Today while I was running Gates of Tartarus in the middle of clearing the first wave of mobs I noticed that I wasn't doing enough damage on one of my clips... I looked a little closer and noticed that my Spark Barrage power wasn't doing any damage, wasn't creating any projectiles, wasn't knocking over anyone [I dueled a member of my raid after the mobs were clear] and the only thing that WAS registering was the character's animation. He was leaning forward with his hands out as if he was casting the power, but none of the 5 projectiles came out of his hands. I ended up fixing it by relogging, but I felt like I should post here to see if anyone else has had the same problem. And if so! Does any know what caused it or if there's a better way to fix it? All replies are welcome and thanks in advance.
This usually happens to me when I die while using a power. Not sure if that happened to you that day but it's really common on those powers you use frequently, whether it be a heal, pot/insta power or a move used to clip with
I haves seen similar happen with psychic tendrils. No idea what the cause is yet though and very low reproduction.
This is a bug thats been around for a while. It can happen with any power and relogging is the only fix. I have tried to reproduce it on command to help the devs fix it but had no success.
Same here, I've been tinkering around in solos and such trying to figure out what the problem was... Can't seem to reproduce it.