Sorcery artifacts

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DeitySupreme, Dec 11, 2019.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Just curious what people have been running with sorcery healing since the new artifacts came out. I am struggling to see which combination to use as there are 5 artifacts I want to use lol.

    Orb and page seem to fit sorcery very well. Orbs power usage is almost none existent with sorcs ult. And the page counters are stacked faster with sorcery than any other healer because of the ults cooldown reduction.

    This of course means you need your super which has an existing combination of soul cloak and Gemini.

    And lastly the transformation is just a lot of fun to see with all the healing over time that sorcery has. Which again relies on sorcery setting up a lot o HoTs with its ultimate. Not to mention that it can greatly buff both Gemini and page but making their heals crit more often.

    I’m thinking to maybe use:
    Orb, page, and either Gemini or soul cloak but leaning towards soul cloak.

    A loadout without the transformation is also worth checking out with orb page and transformation but not as much as using the transformation.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Orb, Page and Soul Cloak are probably the ideal combo.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yea that’s what I was thinking. Not home to check but if I remember correctly the 200 bonus gives soul cloak even more sc back? So it covers the sc that Gemini would have given it.
  4. L T Devoted Player

    I think it gives you the equivalent of the extended supercharge chest mod.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Gotcha. I am assuming the 2 don’t stack. Is that correct?
  6. Kaminuse Active Player

    I use Orb + Gemini + Soul Cloak all 160. You can replace Orb for Page, I got mine to 120 already but still prefer Orb.
  7. L T Devoted Player

    Sadly that's correct. Soul Cloak is still one of the best artifacts IMO though.
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  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I 100% agree. It’s an asset for might dps and has huge benefits for healers and trolls. And it’s even useful for some tank loadouts too. Arguably the best artifact.
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I use it for both dps and tank. I'm earth and always building and shooting off SC so my group can do the same.
  10. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I know it's a no no to even think about, but sorc with that transformation artifact as a battle healer could be pretty cool. I know there are plenty of tanks and trolls that run battle loadouts. Any healers try this?
  11. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I think Page is a must especially if you are using Watcher. I don't use Watcher but prefer page over Orb because it's basically free healing without added power cost. I can drain my blue bar fast enough without Orb.
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  12. Inspo Active Player

    Definitely agree. With soul cloak you restore 7% automatically and because it doesn’t stack with the chest mod you can use power efficiency. That and arbiter and I pretty much never need a troll. I haven’t gotten page to 200 yet but allowing the group heal to target 2 additional targets imo is huge, can’t wait to be able to try it out.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    In the process of leveling mine. Waiting to see what the Christmas special and New Years/anniversary special are first before I do anything thou. There are a few artifacts I have an eye on to level lol