Sony's being sued...

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by NerdofGames, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. NerdofGames New Player

    So Sony has found themselves in the middle of a massive class action lawsuit equaling to the amount of $7.9b. This is going to have a major impact on PS players of this game. This lawsuit, if won by the class action opposition, could very well bankrupt Sony USA & Sony UK. Have any devs been following this story?

    Check it out here:
  2. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    I don't listen to those articles. People just make articles and copying from other's articles.They really don't know what they're saying. Mostly they just saying anything to get their articles to be read and clicks.
    It's a Lawsuit, that won't affect PlayStation and the players. It's not a big personal business sue sutdown for anything Sony did that's entirely against business contracts with counties for their PlayStation console business.
    It isn't that kind of sue. That's a lawsuit that Sonly has something personal going on in their consumer business in the UK.
    As for PS For sales through their market. that doesn't count with contracts with the Country and game developers of sales on their games through PlayStation.
    As it may sound, that doesn't affect the contracts Sony has with game developers and their games and their sales.
    Sony won't give actual details. They keeping any law suits private and only give little info to the public. People writing these articles are just talking to look good.
    It has been many times don't had law suits and it never affected them in that way. They given their details on law suits and what it doesn't affect and what it doesn't have anything to do with.
    Yet they still make these articles after sony has explained time and time about their lawsuits.
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  3. NerdofGames New Player

    Do you think that $7.9b is a sustainable loss? That's BILLION not million. That amount of loss can certainly cripple just about any corporation, if you're a little business savvy, you'd be able to understand that. Downplaying it as, "it only pertains to Playstation contracts" is ignorance talking, to say the least. Any international company is connected by all it's subsidiaries. Imagine a corporation as the human body. If a single part of the body ceases to operate as originally meant, then it eefects the entire body in some shape or fashion. This lawsuit can be likened unto a major organ and when a major organ stops functioning, well, major repercussions happen and maybe not right away but eventually.

    People are often very short-sighted when it comes to legal proceedings such as this. They often, almost always, base their opinions off pure emotions gathering assumptions in the process while attempting to pawn them off as facts without any prior working knowledge in these areas. In lamens terms, don't think you understand something just because you feel it won't have an effect on you personally or it cannot happen at all. The unexpected should always be expected.
  4. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Don't know Sony makes about 80Billion a year.
  5. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I can honestly see this impacting all players. Just look at how they designed the PS5. Two versions, one with a disc drive, and one without for digital only. This generation is an attempt at crossing over to digital only, and therefore exacerbates this entire issue. I bought a PS5 with a drive, and I try to only buy discs....mainly because I want some resellability and value. But I can see how this whole approach is a way to have a monopoly on the PSN store.
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  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    88 Billion revenue in 2022, and 32 billion in profit. While 8 billion would sting, the doors will open the next day.
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  7. NerdofGames New Player

    I honestly wasn't aware of their exact numbers. Of course, that's Sony as a whole. The PlayStation department makes less than that in a single year, I'm sure. That's the department that I have my focus on. On the other hand, Sony could pull resources from other departments to assist if need be. I hope it will teach them a lesson and they revamp their methods but people with lots of money tend to not care and continue to make careless mistakes even if it harms others. Sad actually.