Some potential changes for the ps4

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GrimMalbogia, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. GrimMalbogia New Player

    Now we all know the base architecture upgrades coming from the ps4. Now lets consider some ideas that haven't really been mentioned: The controller. I was wondering what additional functions we might get with the touch pad?For example: sliding your finger up or down could change the tool bar allowing us PS folks to be able to use tool bars, or maybe even tapping the touch pad switches to a secondary weapon.

    What would be your guy's thoughts, concerns, complaints?
  2. Sgt Forge New Player

    My understanding is that the game will remain on PS3, so the limitations imposed by the PS3 will still exist and will hamstring the devs on potential improvements for PC and PS4...please correct me if I wrong.
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  3. Darth Loyal Player

    That's what they said in the E3 video. This is also the reason why PC players get held back by the PS3's limitations already (i.e. things like not having crit bubbles because it makes the PS3 lag).
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  4. ShadowStyleB New Player

    You're right and wrong at the same time. The limitations of the PS3 does hinder in part making changes to the game engine but not making changes to the game being played on the game engine that currently exist.
  5. Azrael New Player

    Hate to burst all you guys bubble- They have only confirmed that the graphics will change once ps4. Besides a dcuo app they have not said anything that will be added when ps4 is released.
  6. ShadowStyleB New Player

    They are already working on a new UI when the PS4 is released that will be for all versions of the game.
  7. Sgt Forge New Player

    True, but making changes for things like the touch pad on the PS4 would be out. Sure, they could relocate something there, but they would be forced to find a way to make it work on the PS3 controller as well.

    With my PS4, I expect graphics, loading time improvements, reduction in disconnects, rendering speed able to keep up with my movement mode. FIxing things, rather than adding more to broken things is what I hope they do!
  8. ShadowStyleB New Player

    Well not every game will take advantage of every feature the PS4 will have. I don't expect every game to have something for the touchpad on the controller.

    I do expect less loading issues and lag. With the system coming with RAM something the PS3 doesn't have that will help with some of the common problems. Not all but some.
  9. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    A Test server is something that would be more feasible on ps4 as everyone will have 500 gigs and Sony is going to have less red tape with getting patches approved meaning updates could be pushed faster.
  10. Sgt Forge New Player

    Which gets back to my original response to the OP(where he specifically mentioned using the touchpad for a secondary weapon)...the PS3 will continue to limit what the devs can use ( as for as PS4 features).
  11. GrimMalbogia New Player

    lol now i'm starting to feel like the pc guys feel when something gets gimped because the ps3 could not handle it. Its a shame too, the game has so much more potential beyond what the ps3 is able to provide. *toast* here is to faster loading times and not getting stuck in buildings and falling through the floor into the nth dimension.
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