Today I was in an event version of the DM raid. Overall, it was running very smoothly, there was never any danger of everyone wiping and having to start over again. Yet, two players were too caught up in the action and were continuously screaming at others who were not doing the mechanics exactly right (card game, final boss fight) ... All I have to say is.... chill. First of all, IT'S JUST A GAME. Second of all, you're PUGGING an EVENT version of a raid. It goes without saying that the instance is going to be filled with all kinds of players; some noobs, some not, some lower CR players, some higher CR players, some who have run it before, some who haven't. So if a person is not sure what to do next, just tell them. There's no need to call them names in the chat box. You'd be surprised how far a little calm communication can go. If you wanna be the GI Joe Commander and have things go exactly your way, then create your own group or go run the "Normal" or "Elite" version of the raid with your league. Stay out of PUG instances. They'd be much better experiences without you anyway.
There's a lot people out there who don't have the time to watch videos from people on test, running content before it comes out. These people have to figure it out on their own. That's part of the challenge: solving the puzzles (not like DCUO has extremely hard puzzles in the first place)! My old league (pre-stats revamp) used to PREFER going through content, unaware of the challenges etc, because it made it fun to have to learn what do to. Some of these YouTube campers wanna just get in, and get the marks. They don't even really learn the content or experience the challenge the game could offer. They get really really irate when people can't just tank and spank their way through content. Sucks to have them in group, but it's the way it is.
I agree that some people need to relax especially in event raid runs but if you don't know what to do in the card game then at least don't touch the cards and mess it up for everyone else.
I never criticise in event content: You don’t go to someone else’s home and start telling them how to run it. So you shouldn’t queue into content designed for noobs and expect to find anything other than noobs.
Chill indeed, but for these runs where there are specific mechanics that can completely kill a raid,'s frustrating. 90% of people in this game can see 'group' or 'shout' chat in their default tab, so they should see if someone is saying "don't touch the cards", is that guy the boss of you? No. But if you do repeated touch the cards, and someone is saying 'don't touch the cards' and every time you touch them you fail....seems like even the dumbest noob or most obstinate 'don't tell me what to do!' person would figure maybe they should not touch the cards. However...that being said, after saying 'don't touch the cards' a few times going unheeded, yes..your best bet is to leave vs getting all crazed from it. That or if it's one guy, get killed...get respawned and get your kicking boots on. Reinheld
They are going to invest the same amount of time either way. They can watch a video, read a guide, or listen to a teammate explain it. Or they can "not have time" and then fail, and repeat it, and fail, and repeat it, and fail, and spend a bunch of time figuring it out on their own. When I run the random queue, which I do for almost everything, I don't expect my teammates to know what they're doing. I DO expect them to be able to listen to very basic instructions. If I say "Don't touch the cards. At all. You don't know how to do it and you're doing it wrong and failing the encounter for everybody else." That's not me being mean. That's me trying to be considerate for 7 other people who shouldn't have to wait 25 minutes while the same idiot either runs into the portal and starts grabbing the wrong cards, or grabs the cards the second they're sent up, but then drops them into the wrong place on the board. "Don't do anything at all." should be advice that is not too unreasonable or challenging. Ditto the final encounter. When it's one particular guy who is freeing all the Dark Knights at the same time, or picking up the 10th Metal but refusing to click on the circle, the only thing I need from them is to stop. Don't gear on anything they don't understand. I know the 10th Metal looks cool, but if you're not prepared to perform a very basic "click the gear" when you need to, then just leave it the heck alone. Consider that the default strategy for all raids. If you do not know what the gear/cog does, then do not click on it. I'm not going to yell and scream at people. I do not have the energy for that. I will explain things. If I've got that one person who won't stop ruining it for everyone else even after we explain it, I give them the credit and assume that they're smarter than they seem, and they're just pretending to be dumb as a way of griefing us. Then I kick them. If the group won't kick them, or if there are 2 or more that are doing it, I just thank them for their time, and then I leave.
from my own experiences is a pretty even mix of good and bad. i've said this many times before. you can be a star in one instance and have a great time and in another it can be a nightmare of people just swearing at each other over nothings. i would rather just leave an instance if people are being difficult, vulgar or unwilling to cooperate. its far from new news.
Never once, in my comment, did I day they were incapable of listening to a teammate. And no, they're not going to invest the same amount of time. See, some people have these things called jobs, where they go to work for 8+ hours a day. Throw in at least 6 hours of sleep, personal grooming/daily needs at least another hour, drive time to/from work, meals etc: person might only be left with about 4 hours to play. They don't wanna watch a 45 minute video before logging in. So, no, it doesn't take the same amount of time, in cases where the person is capable of learning from teammates during a run, in fact it saves time. This doesn't apply to everyone though, only some.
No. What you actually said was... You'll have to forgive me. I misunderstood "figure it out on their own" as meaning "figure it out on their own." I didn't realize "figure it out on their own" meant "have somebody else explain it, but do that explanation in the middle of the raid so that 7 other people have to wait on you, instead of getting literally the exact same explanation online where the only one waiting is you." I respect that that one player has a job and sleep and a limited amount of playtime. I also respect that the other seven players also have jobs and sleep and a limited amount of playtime.
And immediately after that, I said my oops used to prefer to run aware... It seems like you're getting your knickers in a twist over this: figure it out on their own is VERY BROAD statement. It could mean, the person needs to Q-up, everyone else leave, let them run the 8 man individually. It could mean they need to observe while playing, and follow the others actions to understand. Could also mean to listen to instance chat and hear what others are saying. There is not only "one right way" to learn the puzzles and game mechanics: that was the extent of my comment. I, for example, have not watched one video of any content. Yet when I returned from 3 years off, I paid attention during the raids, and quickly learned from them. Sun blade - destroy the ice enemies, not the giant. Phoenix Cannon - (as a tank, which I was) pull adds to the circles to get codes. Poison ivy - get away from the middle so you know when she's going to do her insta kill. Hawk man (forge) - again, away from middle. I could go on and on about my observations, and what I've learned from observing, but the FACT remains that you don't have to watch videos to learn how to play: is/was all I'm saying.
During my 7+ years playing this game I have experienced a TON of stuff in pugging....folks cussing at one another...babies crying...smoke alarms ticking because they need their batteries changed....folks needing to change diapers...folks playing their music (all kinds of music) in the background....folks eating chips....folks drinking.... I think one dude even fell asleep and was snoring...we had to kick him. All sorts of stuff. All good. As long as we complete the instance I'm good. I prefer quiet instances but at this point I'm prepared for just about anything, lol. People are people.
lol all good. I think the party waited around for you for like 20 min but once we heard the snore it was all over.
I blame the guy who told us not to touch the cards. he should've told us about the Resonators. & that one's quoted for the truth.
Zero success in an event version equals zero success in the regular version. It's just in the event versions, sometimes they just give it to players which really doesn't help people learn.
I was in 2 different groups this weekend that got hijacked by someone not making honest mistakes, but instead deciding to be a jerk during the card game portion of the final event raid. I try to play this game for fun and think it is so stupid to waste not only your time but 7 other players time on petty behavior like that.