SOE Live 2013

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by SirMuttonChops, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. SirMuttonChops New Player

    So who's going to this year's SOE Live?

    I already logged in and spoke to Tharkis, who I know is gonna try his best to go. I'm going to try my hardest (but it seems the job won't let me make it before Friday night).

    I'm really hoping they announce a Legends tournament again! It was great to meet a lot of the players. It's just unfortunate that the PS3 guys are so disadvantaged with their camera movement that they all ended up behind all the PC players. I'd really like to see a much larger turn out this year, though. And, more specifically, I'd like to see a much more welcoming and friendly DCUO community there, instead of the almost-isolationist group that was the 40ish DCUO players that were there.

  2. Enickma Dedicated Player

  3. Minx New Player

    Perhaps I'll pop in this year...
  4. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Hey Nick!

    And yea, Minx. I know Kristyana tried contacting you while we were there. Not everyone I know is willing to pay for SOE tickets, but most people want to go to Vegas just because it's Vegas, so you might see a bunch of us outside of SOE too xD
  5. Minx New Player


    I have a handful of EQ II friends that make it every year, and their fan base seems to dominate over the DCUO community, so if I can get out of work...maybe. Gonna try hard to convince Rooney and Red to pair up and make it out for the tourney so you'll have some competition this year...*winks*. And stop bashing the PS3 players already...LOL.
  6. SirMuttonChops New Player

    LOL "competition" xDDDD Yeah, because that's what they'll be d=

    Also, I got along well with the PS3 players there d=
  7. Physique Dedicated Player

    Yeah, us PS3 players are an unruly, rowdy lot! I would say you were guessing there were 40 of us there. Maybe if you included the dev team, then yeah, you'd be close. It was more like 2 dozen of us total with a few people who played other games that also happened to try out DCUO in attendance. :) Last year I went just because I wanted to try to meet other people who actually played who I didn't just speak to in-game. Meeting with the devs was a bonus (mainly because I'd hung with them before at CES, GDC, and E3) but it was also very cool to speak at great length with them as well.

    I couldn't endorse this any more than I had before. If you can make it, by all means, get here...
  8. Minx New Player

    Awww don't hate. They're certainly classified under "competition"... Props to your fellow PVP'rs Chops.
    And you're such the social butterfly, i have no doubt you get along with everyone.
  9. Deathmark New Player

    It's a bit hard to get there when you live in the complete opposite part of north america. I heard about these things called planes but they cost lots of money.
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  10. Sektor New Player

    I'll go again if they have another legends tournament. Although my brother tried his best, hopefully this time I have a partner that actually plays the game. Huntress FTW! I'd also wear a T-Shirt with an image of a duck that says DCUO under it at the convention just to see if Jens says anything. :D
  11. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    I'll be there for certain. Much as I'd like to convince Redhot to head out, dont think he will since he's not eligible for the tourney since he's not a US citizen.

    I hope we get a lot more DCUO players at the convention this year though, the turnout from DCUO last year was tiny =(
  12. SirMuttonChops New Player

    They're competition, Minx, but the only Pwnostar I'm scared of is Tharkis, here. And Jeeb...something. lol

    PHYSIQUE! If my sister moves in with me some time next month, I'm going to start playing PS3 side, just to get in some time with that community.

    And, yeah, Sektor. Was a lot of fun, whether you won or lost.

    Tharkis, we definitely need more players out there.
    • Like x 1
  13. BaddestJade New Player

    Spider has convinced me to fly over...if there is a tournament on and all, to keep the competition honest :p

    Otherwise I cba sitting on a plane for 24 hours just to get there.

    *yes fake id etc has been arranged - for the right price :)
  14. Liongale Dedicated Player

    My friend and I wanted to go, but with his big project and my buying a new house, I dunno if the budget would allow me to go this year. Next year for sure! But I'll see what I can do~
  15. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Already have the money saved and Superpatriot is making plans as well. The DCUO SourceCast crew will be making an appearance to this shindig :)
  16. SirMuttonChops New Player

    LOL Social butterfly. I did meet quite a few people. Physique and Sektor, here, are examples of that. But 'everyone?' I hate far too many people d= hahaha

    Awesome! Cannot wait! I hope it's a great turn out!
  17. Physique Dedicated Player

    Sweet! It'll be interesting for you to see first-hand some of the more technical limitations of controller-only gameplay. I still loved that you guys used an actual controller-driven camera mechanic as a competitive advantage during the tourney. That was really innovative and clever. :) But still, you guys were beasts, too!
  18. Spidersting Committed Player

    24 hours ouch, my 5 hour flight doesn't seem so bad now lol.
  19. SirMuttonChops New Player

    You need to be a US citizen to get prize money.

    Also, Physique, thanks, man. It was really something we considered as our largest advantage. I think the matches would've been much closer had that not been the case. I've seen some beastly players, like Brice Allen or Sylo, play with gamepads and adapt to a keyboard/mouse-run community, but it takes time and patience and we knew going into the matches that you guys didn't have that experience. Plenty of players were beastly at the tournament. We just happened to have that advantage. That's why the top 3 teams were so close. Without that advantage, most teams would've had a fighting chance.
  20. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    hmm flights are pretty expensive but now that I know this... :cool: