SOE Game Card System Error

Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by HP2U, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. HP2U New Player

    Hello community ! I'm here because I got an awfull problem with the game cards.

    Simply put, I bought a SOE game card (1500SC or 30 day), then I went to SOE website and went through the process of inputing the code, logging in etc...
    And when i try to Activate the game I want, it gives me a message that goes something like this : " The system has encountered an error, please contact support." . And I did contact SOE via ticket but still no response, so an in-game friend told me that I should repost my problem in the forums aswell.
    Please try to be quick about this and contact me, I can't bare to be premium user ( no offense to those who are ) .

    Kind Regards,
    HP2U :)
  2. HP2U New Player

    I dunno why I did try it again, but I did. This time i clicked for a game other then DCUO and it processed correctly... Now i have a Game Plan for a game i dont even know (Wizardry) .
    I know it's a stupid question, but is it possible to revert all the process? I'd preffer the Legendary status in DCUO.

    Thanks in advance,
  3. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    H2pu, create a ticket number and pm me it. I can have this corrected for you.
  4. HP2U New Player

    First, many thanks for replying me.

    Second, I have already created a ticket in SOE, is that the one you need? Or do I create a new ticket in DCUO support?

    EDIT .: Either way here's the reference number to the SOE ticket. [130223-001090]
  5. TSR-AlexS Customer Service

    Please check your personal inbox when you get a chance.
  6. HP2U New Player

    This thread may be erased. Basicaly I was the wrong guy who bought a US card. Oh well 10 bucks for the SOE :)
